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세일즈포스(Salesforce) Object Manager


세일즈포스(Salesforce) Object Manager는 객체 등록, 수정, 삭제하는 화면입니다.


객체를 생성하면 시스템 필드, 페이지 레이아웃, 스탠다드 버튼 등이 자동으로 생성됩니다.

※ API Name은 고유 이름이며 내/외부 참조 수단으로 사용됩니다.

※ 사용자 정의 객체을 등록 할 경우 API 명 끝에 __c가 자동으로 붙어서 생성됩니다.


세일즈포스(Salesforce)  필드 Data Type


Salesforce Data TypeRange and DescriptionTransformation Data Type

AnyType Polymorphic data type that returns string, picklist, reference, boolean, currency, integer, double, percent, ID, date, datetime, URL, or email data String
Base64 Base64 encoded binary data String
Boolean Boolean (true/false) values Integer
Byte A set of bits String
Combobox Enumerated values String
Currency Currency values Decimal
DataCategoryGroupReference Types of category groups and unique category names String
Date Date values Date/Time
DateTime Date and time values Date/Time
Double Double values Decimal
Email Email addresses String
Encrypted String Encrypted text fields contain any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols that are stored in encrypted form String
ID Primary key field for a Salesforce object String
Int Fields of this type contain numbers with no fraction portion Integer
Master record ID of the merged record String
Multipicklist Multiple-selection picklists, which provide a set of enumerated values from which you can select multiple values String
Percent Percentage values Decimal
Phone Phone numbers String
Picklist Single-selection picklists, which provide a set of enumerated values that you can select one value from String
Reference Cross-references to another Salesforce object String
String Character strings String
Textarea String that appears as a multiple-line text field String
Time Time values Date/Time
URL URL values String



