Salesforce를 활용하기 위해 반드시 피할 수 없는 키워드로 '객체'가 존재합니다.
이 기사에서는 Salesforce의 "객체"에 대한 기본 지식에서 표준 개체와 사용자 지정 개체의 차이, 사용자 지정 개체를 만드는 방법 및 표준 항목까지 설명합니다.
「객체(object)」는 일본어로 직역하면, 물체・물체・대상・목적・목표라고 하는 의미를 가지는 단어입니다. 컴퓨터 영역에서 개체는 "데이터 집합(정보 모음)"으로 정의됩니다.
Salesforce에서도 마찬가지로 개체는 데이터 집합으로 지정됩니다. 예를 들어, 비즈니스 파트너를 나타내는 데이터는 어떤 요소로 구성됩니까? 「거래처명」 「전화 번호」 「주소」등의 요소를 들 수 있을까 생각합니다.
이와 같이 미리 거래처의 정보를 「상자」로 정의한 것을 Salesforce에서는 「객체」라고 부릅니다.
Salesforce의 개체에는 '거래처' 외에 '리드', '상담', '계약' 등 기업이 영업활동을 진행하는 데 있어서 최소한 필요한 다양한 정보의 저장처가 '상자'로 준비 되었습니다.
표준 항목 및 맞춤 항목
오브젝트와 혼동하기 쉬운 것에 「항목」이 있습니다. 앞서 언급한 비즈니스 파트너의 객체라면, 'Exchange Name', 'Phone Number', 'Address' 등의 요소가 항목으로 포함됩니다.
항목에는 처음부터 Salesforce에 '표준 항목'과 사용자가 직접 정의할 수 있는 '사용자 지정 항목'이 있습니다.
표준 및 사용자 정의 객체
Salesforce에는 다음과 같은 다른 유형의 객체가 있습니다.
- 표준 객체
- 커스텀 객체
- 외부 객체
- 플랫폼 이벤트
- 빅오브젝트
그중에서도 일반적인 것이 「표준 오브젝트」 「커스텀 오브젝트」의 2개입니다. 어떤 차이가 있는지 구체적으로 살펴 보겠습니다.
표준 객체
표준 항목과 마찬가지로 표준 개체는 처음부터 Salesforce에 제공된 개체입니다.
표준 오브젝트에는, 거래처의 기업 정보를 보존하는 「거래처」객체나, 잠재 고객의 정보나 기회 정보를 관리하는 「리드」객체등이 존재합니다.
대표적인 표준 객체
실제 영업 활동에서 자주 사용되는 대표적인 표준 개체를 선택했습니다.
객체 이름 | 영어 표기 | 설명 |
비즈니스 파트너 | 계정 | 비즈니스 파트너의 기업 정보, 경쟁사, 파트너 등 비즈니스와 관련된 조직 및 개인과 관련된 정보를 저장합니다. |
비즈니스 파트너 책임자 | 연락하다 | 비즈니스 파트너 담당자 및 고객의 개인 정보를 저장합니다. |
리드 | 리드 | 잠재 고객 정보, 예상 기회 정보를 저장합니다. |
논의하다 | 기회 | 판매 또는 보류 중인 거래인 기회 정보를 저장합니다. |
계약 | 계약 | 비즈니스 파트너와 관련된 계약 정보, 비즈니스 합의 정보를 저장합니다. |
주문 | 주문하다 | 계약 또는 비즈니스 파트너와 관련된 주문 정보를 저장합니다. |
사례 | 사례 | 고객의 문제 또는 문제인 사례를 나타냅니다. |
모든 것 | 일 | 영업 활동 등의 ToDo 정보를 저장합니다. |
참조: Salesforce Developers | SOAP API 개발자 가이드 | 표준 객체
여기에 픽업한 표준 오브젝트는 매우 일부입니다.
Salesforce에는 개발 목적으로 API를 통해 액세스하는 표준 객체도 많이 있습니다. 이러한 시스템 이용을 포함한 모든 표준 오브젝트 리스트는, 상기 리스트의 참조처인 SOAP API 개발자 가이드로부터 확인할 수 있습니다.
커스텀 객체
사용자 정의 오브젝트는 표준 오브젝트와 달리 사용자가 자유롭게 정의할 수 있는 오브젝트입니다.
Salesforce를 활용하는 가운데, 자사의 업종·비즈니스 용도에 맞춘 독자적인 데이터 정보를 정의하고 싶다는 경우가 나올까 생각합니다.
이러한 경우에, 커스텀 오브젝트로서, 표준 오브젝트와는 별도로 임의의 오브젝트를 만들 수 있습니다.
사용자 지정 개체를 만드는 방법
사용자 지정 객체를 만드는 방법에 대한 단계를 살펴 보겠습니다.
본 기사에서는, 「비품」의 정보에 관한 커스텀 오브젝트를 작성하는 예를 기초로 설명합니다.
먼저 설정의 개체 관리자 탭을 클릭하고 화면 오른쪽 상단의 만들기 메뉴에서 사용자 지정 개체를 클릭합니다.
전환한 새 커스텀 오브젝트 작성 화면에서 [표시 라벨]에 [비품]을 입력합니다.
개체 이름 필드에 Equipment를 입력합니다.
[레코드명]의 입력항목은 자동적으로 「비품명」이라고 입력됩니다.
나머지 값은 기본값으로 두고 저장을 클릭합니다.
커스텀 오브젝트의 작성은 매우 간단하고, 이상의 조작으로 완료합니다.
오브젝트가 작성되어 있으면, 오브젝트 매니저에서 이하와 같이 「비품」의 커스텀 오브젝트가 존재하는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.
Standard Objects
Some fields may not be listed for some objects. To see the system fields for each object, see System Fields.
To verify the complete list of fields for an object, you can use a describe call from the API, or inspect with an appropriate tool, for example, inspecting the WSDL or using a schema viewer.
- AcceptedEventRelation
Represents event participants (invitees or attendees) with the status Accepted for a given event. - Account
Represents an individual account, which is an organization or person involved with your business (such as customers, competitors, and partners). - AccountBrand
Represents the brand details of a Partner Account. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - AccountContactRelation
Represents a relationship between a contact and one or more accounts. - AccountCleanInfo
Stores the metadata Clean uses to determine an account record’s clean status. AccountCleanInfo helps you automate the cleaning or related processing of account records. - AccountContactRole
Represents the role that a Contact plays on an Account. - AccountInsight
Represents an individual insight (a key business development) related to an account record. - AccountOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing an account with a User other than the owner. - AccountPartner
This object represents a partner relationship between two Account records. An AccountPartner record is created automatically when a Partner record is created for a partner relationship between two accounts. - AccountRelationship
Represents a relationship of a given type between two accounts. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - AccountRelationshipShareRule
Represents the rule that determines which object records are shared, how they are shared, the account relationship type that shares the records, and the level of access granted to the records. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - AccountShare
Represents a sharing entry on an Account. - AccountTag
Associates a word or short phrase with an Account. - AccountTeamMember
Represents a User who is a member of an Account team. - AccountTerritoryAssignmentRule
An account assignment rule that assigns accounts to territories based on account fields. Only available if territory management has been enabled for your organization. - AccountTerritoryAssignmentRuleItem
A row of selection criteria for an AccountTerritoryAssignmentRule object. Only available if territory management has been enabled for your organization. - AccountTerritorySharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing an Account within a Territory. - AccountUserTerritory2View
Represents the view of the Users in Assigned Territories related list in Lightning Experience. Available in API version 42.0 and later. - ActionCadence
Represents the definition of a sales cadence. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - ActionCadenceRule
Represents the logic that a branch step uses to make decisions in your sales cadence. Use ActionCadenceRule to learn about a branch step, including its logic and what the next step is. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - ActionCadenceRuleCondition
Represents the logic for a branch step. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - ActionCadenceStep
Represents a step in a sales cadence. Use ActionCadenceStep to learn which steps belong to a sales cadence, and how the steps are connected to each other. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - ActionCadenceStepTracker
Represents a step in an active sales cadence for a specific sales cadence target. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - ActionCadenceStepVariant
Represents an email template or call script variant associated with an action cadence step. Email and call steps can have up to 3 variants associated so sales teams can compare the engagement results. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - ActionCadenceTracker
Represents an active sales cadence target. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - ActionCdncStpMonthlyMetric
Represents the monthly engagement metrics for an action cadence step. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ActionLinkGroupTemplate
Action link templates let you reuse action link definitions and package and distribute action links. An action link is a button on a feed element. Clicking on an action link can take a user to another Web page, initiate a file download, or invoke an API call to an external server or Salesforce. Use action links to integrate Salesforce and third-party services into the feed. Every action link belongs to an action link group and action links within the group are mutually exclusive. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - ActionLinkTemplate
Action link templates let you reuse action link definitions and package and distribute action links. An action link is a button on a feed element. Clicking an action link can take a user to another Web page, initiate a file download, or invoke an API call to an external server or Salesforce. Use action links to integrate Salesforce and third-party services into the feed. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - ActionPlan
Represents the instance of an action plan, a set of tasks created from an action plan template. This object is used by more than one cloud in Industries. - ActionPlanItem
Represents the instance of an action plan item. This object is used by more than one cloud in Industries. - ActionPlanTemplate
Represents the instance of an action plan template. This object is used by more than one cloud in Industries. - ActionPlanTemplateItem
Represents the instance of an item on an action plan template version. This object is used by more than one cloud in Industries. - ActionPlanTemplateItemValue
Represents the value associated with an action plan template item. This object is used by more than one cloud in Industries. - ActionPlanTemplateVersion
Represents the version of an action plan template. This object is used by more than one cloud in Industries. - ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric
Represents the number of active, assigned, and purchased feature licenses in the org. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ActivePermSetLicenseMetric
Represents the number of active, assigned, and purchased permission set licenses in the org. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ActiveProfileMetric
Represents the profile associated with the active, assigned, and purchased user licenses. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ActiveScratchOrg
Represents an active scratch org. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ActivityHistory
This read-only object is displayed in a related list of closed activities—past events and closed tasks—related to an object. It includes activities for all contacts related to the object. ActivityHistory fields for phone calls are only available if your organization uses Salesforce CRM Call Center. - ActivityMetric
Represents activities that were added to Salesforce automatically by Einstein Activity Capture and manually by users. - ActivityUsrConnectionStatus
Represents the status of the email connections for Einstein Activity Capture users. You can also see whether users accepted the required terms of service to capture emails. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - AdditionalNumber
Represents an optional additional number for a call center. This additional number is visible in the call center's phone directory. - Address
Represents a mailing, billing, or home address. - AgentWork
Represents a work assignment that’s been routed to an agent. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - AgentWorkSkill
Represents a skill used to route a work assignment to an agent. AgentWorkSkill is used for reporting and represents the result of a routing decision. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - AIApplication
Represents an AI application such as Einstein Prediction Builder. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - AIApplicationConfig
Additional prediction information related to an AI application. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - AIInsightAction
Represents an Einstein prediction insight action. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - AIInsightFeedback
Represents an Einstein prediction insight feedback. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - AIInsightReason
Represents an Einstein prediction insight reason. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - AIInsightValue
Represents an Einstein prediction insight value. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - AIRecordInsight
Represents an Einstein prediction insight. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - AllowedEmailDomain
Represents an allowed email domain for users in your organization. You can define an allowlist to restrict the email domains allowed in a user’s Email field. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - AlternativePaymentMethod
Represents a payment method that doesn't have a defined Commerce Orders entity such as CardPaymentMethod or DigitalWallet. Common examples of alternative payment methods for Commerce Orders include CashOnDeliver, Klarna, and Direct Debit. AlternativePaymentMethod functions the same as any other type of payment method for processing transactions in the payment gateway. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - AnalyticsLicensedAsset
Represents a licensed Analytics asset. In this context, Analytics is Tableau CRM or Sonic. Available in API version 52.0 and later. - Announcement
Represents a Chatter group announcement. This object is available in API version 30.0 and later. - ApexClass
Represents an Apex class. - ApexComponent
Represents a definition for a custom component that can be used in a Visualforce page alongside standard components such as <apex:relatedList> and <apex:dataTable>. - ApexLog
Represents a debug log containing information about a transaction, including information about Apex, Visualforce, and workflow and validation rules. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later. - ApexPage
Represents a single Visualforce page. - ApexPageInfo
Represents metadata about a single Visualforce page. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - ApexTestQueueItem
Represents a single Apex class in the Apex job queue. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later. - ApexTestResult
Represents the result of an Apex test method execution. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later. - ApexTestResultLimits
Captures the Apex test limits used for a particular test method execution. An instance of this object is associated with each ApexTestResult record. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - ApexTestRunResult
Contains summary information about all the test methods that were run in a particular Apex job. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - ApexTestSuite
Represents a suite of Apex classes to include in a test run. A TestSuiteMembership object associates each class with the suite. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - ApexTrigger
Represents an Apex trigger. - ApexTypeImplementor (Beta)
Represents Apex classes that directly or indirectly implement an interface. Using a SOQL query this object gets information about public or global classes and only global classes for installed managed packages. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - AppAnalyticsQueryRequest
Represents a request for AppExchange App Analytics data. - AppDefinition
Represents the metadata of an app and its navigation items. Metadata is returned only for apps that the current user can access. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - AppExtension
Represents a connection between the Field Service mobile app and another app, typically for passing record data to the Salesforce mobile app or other apps. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - AppMenuItem
Represents the organization’s default settings for items in the app menu or App Launcher. - AppointmentAssignmentPolicy
Stores information about resource assignment rules. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - AppointmentScheduleAggr
Records the utilization of a service resource, by date, for the Load Balancing appointment assignment policy. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - AppointmentScheduleLog
Stores service appointments of each service Resource. This object is used to calculate the utilization of a service resource for the AppointmentScheduleAggr object. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - AppointmentSchedulingPolicy
Represents a set of rules for scheduling appointments using Salesforce Scheduler. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - AppointmentTopicTimeSlot
Junction object that is a lookup to a work type or a work type group for a time slot. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - Approval
Represents an approval request for a Contract. - AppTabMember
Represents the list of tabs for each of the available apps. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - Article Type__DataCategorySelection
A data category selection represents a data category that classifies an article. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later. - Asset
Represents an item of commercial value, such as a product sold by your company or a competitor, that a customer has purchased and installed. - AssetAction
Represents a change made to a lifecycle-managed asset. The fields can’t be edited. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - AssetActionSource
Represents an optional way to record what transactions caused changes to lifecycle-managed assets. Use it to trace financial and other information about asset actions. This object supports Salesforce order products and work order line items, and transaction IDs from other systems. The fields can’t be edited. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - AssetDowntimePeriod
Represents a period during which an asset is not able to perform as expected. Downtime periods include planned activities, such as maintenance, and unplanned events, such as mechanical breakdown. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - AssetOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing an Asset with users other than the owner. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - AssetRelationship
Represents a non-hierarchical relationship between assets due to replacement, upgrade, or other circumstances. - AssetShare
Represents a sharing entry on an Asset. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - AssetStatePeriod
Represents a time span when an asset has the same quantity, amount, and monthly recurring revenue (MRR). An asset has as many asset state periods as there are changes to it (asset actions) during its lifecycle. The dashboard and related pages show the current asset state period. The fields can’t be edited. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - AssetTag
Associates a word or short phrase with an Asset. - AssetTokenEvent
The documentation has moved to AssetTokenEvent in the Platform Events Developer Guide. - AssetWarranty
Defines the warranty terms applicable to an asset along with any exclusions and extensions. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - AssignedResource
Represents a service resource who is assigned to a service appointment in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. Assigned resources appear in the Assigned Resources related list on service appointments. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - AssignmentRule
Represents an assignment rule associated with a Case or Lead. - AssociatedLocation
Represents a link between an account and a location in Field Service. You can associate multiple accounts with one location. For example, a shopping center location may have multiple customer accounts. - AsyncApexJob
Represents an individual Apex sharing recalculation job, a batch Apex job, a method with the future annotation, or a job that implements Queueable. Use this object to query Apex batch jobs in your organization. - AsyncOperationLog
Represents an async operations log containing progress and status information about external synchronizations to the Omnichannel Inventory service. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - AttachedContentDocument
This read-only object contains all ContentDocument objects associated with an object. - AttachedContentNote
This read-only object contains all ContentNote objects associated with an object. This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - Attachment
Represents a file that a User has uploaded and attached to a parent object. - Audience
Represents an audience that is defined by criteria and can be assigned and used for targeting in an Experience Cloud site. This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - AuraDefinition
Represents an Aura component definition, such as component markup, a client-side controller, or an event. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - AuraDefinitionBundle
Represents a Lightning Aura component definition bundle, such as a component or application bundle. A bundle contains a Lightning Aura component definition and all its related resources. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - AuraDefinitionBundleInfo
For internal use only. - AuraDefinitionInfo
For internal use only. - AuthConfig
Represents authentication options for an org with a My Domain configured, an Experience Cloud site, or a custom domain. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - AuthConfigProviders
Represents an authentication provider that’s configured in an organization. This object is a child of the AuthConfig object. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - AuthorizationForm
Represents the specific version and effective dates of a form that is associated with consent, such as a privacy policy or terms and conditions. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - AuthorizationFormConsent
Represents the date and way in which a user consented to an authorization form. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - AuthorizationFormDataUse
Represents the data use consented to in an authorization form. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - AuthorizationFormText
Represents an authorization form’s text and language settings. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - AuthProvider
Represents an authentication provider (auth provider). An auth provider lets users log in to your Salesforce org from an external service provider, such as Facebook, Google, or GitHub. - AuthSession
The AuthSession object represents an individual user session in your organization. This object is available in versions 29.0 and later. - BackgroundOperation
Represents a background operation in an asynchronous job queue. This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - BackgroundOperationResult
Stores error messages generated when running Async SOQL queries or importing data into big objects using Bulk API. This is a big object, available in API version 37.0 and later. - BatchApexErrorEvent
The documentation has moved to BatchApexErrorEvent in the Platform Events Developer Guide. - Bookmark
Represents a link between opportunities that share common information. - BrandTemplate
Letterhead for HTML EmailTemplate. - BriefcaseAssignment
Represents the assignment of a briefcase definition to selected users and user groups. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - BriefcaseDefinition
Represents a briefcase definition. A briefcase makes selected records available for users to view when they’re offline in the Salesforce Field Service mobile app for iOS and Android. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - BriefcaseRule
Represents a rule that specifies records for a briefcase definition. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - BriefcaseRuleFilter
Represents a filter criteria for a briefcase rule. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - Budget
Tracks an estimate of future revenue or expenses during a specific time period. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - BudgetAllocation
Represents a subsection of a Budget that shows where allocated resources are being applied. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - BusinessBrand
Represents a unique brand for a business that belongs to a parent entity. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - BusinessHours
Specifies the business hours of your support organization. Escalation rules are run only during these hours. - BusinessProcess
Represents a business process. - BusinessProcessDefinition
Setup object that stores information about stages in a customer lifecycle map. The stages are associated with surveys and questions created using Salesforce Surveys. This object is reserved for internal use, and is available in API version 49.0 and later. - BusinessProcessFeedback
Setup object that stores information about the survey and the question associated with each stage in a customer lifecycle map. Customer lifecycle maps are used to track the scores provided by customers across their lifecycle using Salesforce Surveys. This object is reserved for internal use, and is available in API version 49.0 and later. - BusinessProcessGroup
Setup object that stores information about customer lifecycle maps. Customer lifecycle maps are used to track the scores provided by customers across their lifecycle using Salesforce Surveys. This object is reserved for internal use, and is available in API version 49.0 and later. - BuyerAccount
Represents an account that is enabled as a buyer for Lightning B2B Commerce. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - BuyerGroupPricebook
Represents a buyer group price book used in Lightning B2B Commerce. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - CalcProcStepRelationship
Defines a parent-child relationship between two Expression Set Steps in an Expression Set Version. The label for this object is Expression Set Step Relationship. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CalculationMatrix
Matches input values to a table row and returns the row's output values. The label for this object is Decision Matrix. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CalculationMatrixColumn
Defines a column in a Decision Matrix. The label for this object is Decision Matrix Column. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CalculationMatrixRow
Defines a row in a Decision Matrix. The label for this object is Decision Matrix Row. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CalculationMatrixVersion
Defines a version of a Decision Matrix. The label for this object is Decision Matrix Version. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CalculationProcedure
Performs a series of calculations using matrix lookups and user-defined variables and constants. The label for this object is Expression Set. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CalculationProcedureStep
Defines a step in an Expression Set. The label for this object is Expression Set Step. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CalculationProcedureVariable
Defines a variable in an Expression Set. The label for this object is Expression Set Variable. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CalculationProcedureVersion
Defines a version of an Expression Set. The label for this object is Expression Set Version. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - Calendar
Represents a calendar. This can be a default user calendar, public calendar, resource calendar, or holiday calendar. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - CalendarView
These calendars can be created and assigned to users other than the creator. Available calendars include object, shared, public, resource, and user list calendars. Object calendars represent a calendar based on a Salesforce object, either standard or custom. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - CallCenter
Represents a call center, which is a logical representation of a single computer-telephony integration (CTI) system instance in an organization. - CallCenterRoutingMap
Stores a mapping between a user or queue in a Salesforce org to a user or queue in an external system’s call center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CallCoachConfigModifyEvent
Represents a Conversation Insights configuration change. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CallCoachingMediaProvider
Represents the media provider for call recordings. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CallDisposition
Represents a call result value that sales reps select when logging a call. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - CallDispositionCategory
Represents the call outcome of a phone call that is used in reports and branching criteria for sales cadences. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - CallTemplate
Represents a call script for users to read when making calls. - Campaign
Represents and tracks a marketing campaign, such as a direct mail promotion, webinar, or trade show. - CampaignInfluence
Represents the association between a campaign and an opportunity in Customizable Campaign Influence. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - CampaignInfluenceModel
This read-only object represents a campaign influence model in Customizable Campaign Influence. Use campaign influence models to group CampaignInfluence records created by a specific set of triggers and workflows that you define. The Primary Campaign Source influence model is the default model. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - CampaignMember
Represents the association between a campaign and either a lead or a contact. - CampaignMemberStatus
One or more member status values defined for a campaign. - CampaignOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a campaign with User records other than the owner or anyone above the owner in the role hierarchy. - CampaignShare
Represents a sharing entry on a Campaign. - CampaignTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Campaign. - CardPaymentMethod
References a credit card or debit card payment method. This entity implements the PaymentMethod entity interface. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - CartCheckoutSession
Represents a checkout session used in Lightning B2B Commerce checkout. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - CartDeliveryGroup
Represents shipping information for the delivery of items in an order against a store built with B2B Commerce on Lightning Experience. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CartDeliveryGroupMethod
Represents the selected delivery method for a cart delivery group used in Lightning B2B Commerce checkout. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CartItem
Represents an item in a WebCart that’s active in a store built with B2B Commerce on Lightning Experience. Cart item can be of type Product or Charge. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CartItemPriceAdjustment
Price adjustment for a cart item. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - CartTax
Represents taxes for a line item in a WebCart that’s active in a store built with B2B Commerce on Lightning Experience. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CartValidationOutput
Associate errors to cart entities, such as cart line items, delivery groups, and the like, in a store built with B2B Commerce on Lightning Experience. An example error is “Out of stock.” Available in API version 49.0 and later. - Case
Represents a case, which is a customer issue or problem. - CaseArticle
Represents the association between a Case and a KnowledgeArticle. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later. - CaseComment
Represents a comment that provides additional information about the associated Case. - CaseContactRole
Represents the role that a given Contact plays on a Case. - CaseHistory
Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the associated Case. - CaseMilestone
Represents a milestone (required step in a customer support process) on a Case. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - CaseOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a case with users other than the owner. - CaseRelatedIssue
This object acts as a junction between a customer issue (Case) and the Incident or Problem that represents an associated service failure. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - CaseShare
Represents a sharing entry on a Case. - CaseSolution
Represents the association between a Case and a Solution. - CaseStatus
Represents the status of a Case, such as New, On Hold, or In Process. - CaseSubjectParticle
Represents the Social Business Rules custom format for the Case Subject field on cases created from inbound social posts. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - CaseTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Case - CaseTeamMember
Represents a case team member, who works with a team of other users to help resolve a case. - CaseTeamRole
Represents a case team role. Every case team member has a role on a case, such as “Customer Contact” or “Case Manager.” - CaseTeamTemplate
Represents a predefined case team, which is a group of users that helps resolve a case. - CaseTeamTemplateMember
Represents a member on a predefined case team, which is a group of users that helps resolve cases. - CaseTeamTemplateRecord
The CaseTeamTemplateRecord object is a linking object between the Case and CaseTeamTemplate objects. To assign a predefined case team to a case (customer inquiry), create a CaseTeamTemplateRecord record and point the ParentId to the case and the TeamTemplateId to the predefined case team. - CategoryData
Represents a logical grouping of Solution records. - CategoryNode
Represents a tree of Solution categories. - CategoryNodeLocalization
When the Translation Workbench is enabled for your organization, the CategoryNodeLocalization object provides the translation of the label of a solution category. - ChangeRequest
Represents a decision to implement a formal request for a change (RFC). This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - ChangeRequestRelatedIssue
This object acts as a junction between a Change Request and an Incident or a Problem that represents a service failure. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - ChannelObjectLinkingRule
Represents a rule for linking a channel interaction with an object (such as Lead or Contact). This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - ChannelProgram
Represents a channel program that vendors use to market and sell their products through channel partners. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ChannelProgramLevel
Represents a level, based on member experience, in a channel program. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ChannelProgramMember
Represents a partner who is a member of a channel program. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ChatterActivity
ChatterActivity represents the number of posts and comments made by a user and the number of comments and likes on posts and comments received by the same user. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later. - ChatterAnswersActivity
Represents the reputation of a User in Chatter Answers zones.This object is available in API version 25.0 and later. - ChatterAnswersReputationLevel
Represents a reputation level within a Chatter Answers zone. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - ChatterConversation
Represents a private conversation in Chatter, consisting of messages that conversation members have sent or received. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later. - ChatterConversationMember
Represents a member of a private conversation in Chatter. A member has either sent messages to or received messages from other conversation participants. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later. - ChatterExtension
Represents a Rich Publisher App that’s integrated with the Chatter publisher. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ChatterExtensionConfig
Configuration for the Chatter extension for Experience Cloud sites. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ChatterMessage
Represents a message sent as part of a private conversation in Chatter. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later. - ClaimRecovery
Represents a recovery of funds on an insurance claim through subrogation and salvage activities. Recovered amounts can come from a salvage company or through legal litigation or arbitration. Master-detail child object of Claim. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - ClientBrowser
Represents a cookie added to the browser upon login, and also includes information about the browser application where the cookie was inserted. This object is available in version 28.0 and later. - CollaborationGroup
Represents a Chatter group. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later. - CollaborationGroupMember
Represents a member of a Chatter group. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later. - CollaborationGroupMemberRequest
Represents a request to join a private Chatter group. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later. - CollaborationGroupRecord
Represents the records associated with Chatter groups. - CollaborationInvitation
Represents an invitation to join Chatter, either directly or through a group. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later. - CollabDocumentMetric
Represents the engagement metrics for a Quip thread (document or spreadsheet) that’s linked to a Salesforce record. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - CollabDocumentMetricRecord
Represents an association between a CollabDocumentMetric and a Salesforce record.It tracks which Salesforce record, such as an Account or Contact, is linked to a Quip thread for which metrics were gathered using CollabDocumentMetric. CollabDocumentMetricRecord is available in API version 50.0 and later. - CollabTemplateMetric
Represents the engagement metrics for a Quip template.This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - CollabTemplateMetricRecord
Represents an association between a CollabTemplateMetric and a Salesforce record.It tracks which Salesforce record, such as an Account or Contact, is linked to a Quip template for which metrics were gathered using CollabTemplateMetric. CollabTemplateMetricRecord is available in API version 50.0 and later. - CollabUserEngagementMetric
Represents the user engagement metrics for a Quip thread in a Quip template or document. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - CollabUserEngmtRecordLink
Represents an association between a CollabUserEngagementMetric and a Salesforce record. It tracks which Salesforce record, such as an Account or Contact, is associated with the user engagement metric. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ColorDefinition
Represents the color-related metadata for a custom tab. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - CombinedAttachment
This read-only object contains all notes, attachments, Google Docs, documents uploaded to libraries in Salesforce CRM Content, and files added to Chatter that are associated with a record. - CommerceEntitlementBuyerGroup
Represents the entitlement policy for a buyer group. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CommerceEntitlementPolicy
Represents an entitlement policy, which determines what products and prices a user can see. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CommerceEntitlementPolicyShare
Represents the entitlement rule for sharing products and prices with users other than the owner. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CommerceEntitlementProduct
Represents the entitlement policy for a product. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CommissionSchedule
Represents a commission calculation and rate definition. Calculates commission values for a commissionable event. - CommissionScheduleAssignment
Represents the commission calculation applicable to a specific product or producer for one or multiple commissionable events. - CommSubscription
Represents a customer’s subscription preferences for a specific communication. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - CommSubscriptionChannelType
Represents the engagement channel through which you can reach a customer for a communication subscription. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - CommSubscriptionConsent
Represents a customer’s consent to a communication subscription. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - CommSubscriptionTiming
Represents a customer's timing preferences for receiving a communication subscription. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - Community (Zone)
Represents a zone that contains Idea or Question objects. - ConnectedApplication
Represents a connected app and its details; all fields are read-only. - Consumption Rate
Consumption rates describe the billing rate for a range of usage within a consumption schedule. All consumption schedules require at least one consumption rate in order to rate usage on a usage product. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - Consumption Schedule
A consumption schedule organizes a set of consumption rates by which usage-based products are quoted and billed. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - Contact
Represents a contact, which is a person associated with an account. - ContactCleanInfo
Stores the metadata Clean uses to determine a contact record’s clean status. Helps you automate the cleaning or related processing of contact records. ContactCleanInfo includes a number of bit vector fields. - ContactDailyMetric
Represents the daily engagement metrics for a contact. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ContactMonthlyMetric
Represents the monthly engagement metrics for a contact. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ContactPointAddress
Represents a contact’s billing or shipping address, which is associated with an individual or person account. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - ContactPointConsent
Represents a customer's consent to be contacted via a specific contact point, such as an email address or phone number. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - ContactPointEmail
Represents a contact’s email, which is associated with an individual or person account. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - ContactPointPhone
Represents a contact’s phone number, which is associated with an individual or person account. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - ContactPointTypeConsent
Represents consent for a contact point type, such as email or phone. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - ContactOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a contact with a User other than the owner. - ContactRequest
Represents a customer’s request for support to get back to them about an issue. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - ContactRequestShare
Represents a list of access levels to a ContactRequest with an explanation of the access level. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - ContactShare
Represents a list of access levels to a Contact along with an explanation of the access level. For example, if you have access to a record because you own it, the ContactAccessLevel is All and RowCause is Owner. - ContactSuggestionInsight
Represents a suggestion for a new contact record. Available in API versions 45.0 and later. - ContactTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Contact. - ContentAsset
Represents a Salesforce file that has been converted to an asset file in a custom app in Lightning Experience. Use asset files for org setup and configuration. Asset files can be packaged and referenced by other components. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ContentBody
Represents the body of a file in Salesforce CRM Content or Salesforce Files. This object is available in API version 40.0 and later. - ContentDistribution
Represents information about sharing a document externally. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ContentDistributionView
Represents information about views of a shared document. This read-only object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ContentDocument
Represents a document that has been uploaded to a library in Salesforce CRM Content or Salesforce Files. This object is available in versions 17.0 and later for Salesforce CRM Content. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later for Salesforce Files. - ContentDocumentHistory
Represents the history of a document. This object is available in versions 17.0 and later. - ContentDocumentLink
Represents the link between a Salesforce CRM Content document, Salesforce file, or ContentNote and where it's shared. A file can be shared with other users, groups, records, and Salesforce CRM Content libraries. This object is available in versions 21.0 and later for Salesforce CRM Content documents and Salesforce Files. - ContentDocumentListViewMapping
Represents an association between a ListView and a Quip ContentDocument. Applies to Quip file types only. Maintains the mapping between a list view and Quip document when the list view is exported to a newly created Quip document. This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - ContentDocumentSubscription
Represents a subscription for a user following or commenting on a file in a library. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - ContentFolder
Represents a folder in a content library for adding files. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - ContentFolderItem
Represents a file (ContentDocument) or folder (ContentFolder) that resides in a ContentFolder in a ContentWorkspace. This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - ContentFolderLink
Defines the association between a library and its root folder. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - ContentFolderMember
Defines the association between a file and a folder. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - ContentHubItem
Represents a file or folder in a Files Connect external data source, such as Microsoft SharePoint or OneDrive for Business. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - ContentHubRepository
Represents a Files Connect external data source such as Microsoft SharePoint or OneDrive for Business. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - ContentNote
Represents a note created with the enhanced note taking tool, released in Winter ‘16. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ContentNotification
Represents a notification for a file. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - ContentTagSubscription
Represents a subscription for a user following a tag on a file. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - ContentUserSubscription
Represents a subscription for a user following another user. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - ContentVersion
Represents a specific version of a document in Salesforce CRM Content or Salesforce Files. This object is available in versions 17.0 and later for Salesforce CRM Content documents. This object is available in versions 20.0 and later for Salesforce Files. - ContentVersionComment
Represents a comment on a version of a file. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - ContentVersionHistory
Represents the history of a specific version of a document. This object is available in version 17.0 and later. - ContentVersionRating
Represents a rating on a version of a file. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - ContentWorkspace
Represents a content library. This object is available in versions 17.0 and later. - ContentWorkspaceDoc
Represents a link between a document and a public library in Salesforce CRM Content. This object is available in versions 17.0 and later. - ContentWorkspaceMember
Represents a member of a content library. This object is available in API version 40.0 and later. - ContentWorkspacePermission
Represents a library permission. This object is available in API version 40.0 and later. - ContentWorkspaceSubscription
Represents a subscription for a user following a library. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - Contract
Represents a contract (a business agreement) associated with an Account. - ContractContactRole
Represents the role that a given Contact plays on a Contract. - ContractLineItem
Represents a product covered by a service contract (customer support agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - ContractStatus
Represents the status of a Contract, such as Draft, InApproval, Activated, Terminated, or Expired. - ContractTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Contract. - Conversation
Represents a conversation between an end user and an agent. Available in API version 49.0 and later. - ConversationContextEntry
Represents the context of a message or an event in the chat history between an agent and a messaging user. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - ConversationEntry
Represents a message or an event in the chat history between an agent and a messaging user. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - ConversationParticipant
Represents an active participant in a conversation. A new ConversationParticipant record is created each time a participant joins a conversation. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - CorsWhitelistEntry
Represents an entry in the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) allowlist. Origins included in the allowlist can request REST resources from that Salesforce org. - Coupon
A coupon associated with a promotion. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - CreditMemo
Represents a document that is used to adjust or rectify errors made in an invoice. The invoice has already been processed and sent to a customer. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - CreditMemoLine
Represents a partial or full application of a credit memo’s balance against an invoice or invoice line. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - Crisis
Represents a major crisis event that affects an Employee in an InternalOrganizationUnit. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. In API version 49.0 and later, this object supports reports, criteria-based sharing rules, and history tracking, plus you can exclude individual fields from custom page layouts. - CronJobDetail
Contains details about the associated scheduled job, such as the job’s name and type. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - CronTrigger
Contains schedule information for a scheduled job. CronTrigger is similar to a cron job on UNIX systems. This object is available in API version 17.0 and later. - CspTrustedSite
Represents a CSP Trusted Site. The Lightning Component framework uses Content Security Policy (CSP) to impose restrictions on content. The main objective is to help prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) and other code injection attacks. To use third-party APIs that make requests to an external (non-Salesforce) server or to use a WebSocket connection, add a CSP Trusted Site. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - CurrencyType
Represents the currencies used by an organization for which the multicurrency feature is enabled. - CustomBrand
Represents a custom branding and color scheme. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. - CustomBrandAsset
Represents a branding element in a custom branding scheme. For example, a color, logo image, header image, or footer text. A CustomBrandAsset can apply to an Experience Cloud site or to an org using the Salesforce mobile app. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. - CustomHelpMenuItem
Represents the items within a section of the Lightning Experience help menu that the admin added to display custom, org-specific help resources. This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - CustomHelpMenuSection
Represents a section of the Lightning Experience help menu that the admin added to display custom, org-specific help resources. This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - CustomHttpHeader
Represents a custom HTTP header that provides context information from Salesforce such as region, org details, or the role of the person viewing the external object. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - CustomNotificationType
Stores information about custom notification types. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - CustomPermission
Represents a permission created to control access to a custom process or app, such as sending email. This object is available in API version 31.0 and later. - CustomPermissionDependency
Represents the dependency between two custom permissions when one custom permission requires that you enable another custom permission. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - Customer
Represents the customer role of an individual with respect to a particular company or organization. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - DandBCompany
Represents a Dun & Bradstreet® company record, which is associated with an account added from This object is available in API version 25.0 and later. - Dashboard
Represents a dashboard, which shows data from custom reports as visual components. Access is read-only. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later. - DashboardComponent
Represents a dashboard component, which can be a chart, metric, table, or gauge on a dashboard. Access is read-only. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later. - DashboardTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Dashboard. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later. - DataAssessmentFieldMetric
Represents summary statistics for matched, blank, and differing fields in account records of an org compared to records in This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - DataAssessmentMetric
Represents a summary of statistics for fields matched and unmatched in your account records with account records. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - DataAssessmentValueMetric
Summarizes the number of fields matched for your account records with account records.This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - DatacloudCompany
Represents the fields for company records. This object is available in API version 30.0 or later. - DatacloudContact
The fields and properties for contact records. This object is available in API version 30.0 or later. - DatacloudDandBCompany
Represents a set of read-only fields that are used to return D&B company data from API calls. This object is available in API version 30.0 or later. - DatacloudOwnedEntity
Represents fields in the DatacloudOwnedEntity object. The DatacloudOwnedEntity object tracks user-purchased records. This object is available in API version 30.0 or later. - DatacloudPurchaseUsage
Represents an object used to identify and track record purchases. This object is available in API version 30.0 or later. - DataIntegrationRecordPurchasePermission
Indicates Lightning Data purchase credits that a Salesforce admin has granted to users. - DatasetExport
Represents a dataset exported from Tableau CRM. When a dataset is exported, the data is converted into a .csv file and the schema is stored in a separate JSON file. These files are stored in two objects: DatasetExport and DatasetExportPart. DatasetExport acts as the header and includes the JSON schema. - DatasetExportPart
Represents a dataset exported from Tableau CRM. When a dataset is exported, the data is converted into a .csv file and the schema is stored in a separate JSON file. These files are stored in two objects: DatasetExport and DatasetExportPart. DatasetExportPart contains parts of the .csv file. - DataUseLegalBasis
Represents the legal basis for contacting a customer, such as billing or contract. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - DataUsePurpose
Represents the reason for contacting a prospect or customer, such as for billing, marketing, or surveys. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - DatedConversionRate
Represents the dated exchange rates used by an organization for which the multicurrency and the effective dated currency features are enabled. - DeclinedEventRelation
Represents event participants (invitees or attendees) with the status Declined for a given event. This object is available in API versions 29.0 and later. - DelegatedAccount
Represents the external managed account. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - DeleteEvent
Represents a record that has been soft deleted. Search on this object was available in API version 48.0, then removed in API version 50.0. - DigitalSignature
Represents a signature captured on a service report in field service. - DigitalWallet
The digital wallet entity represents a customer’s digital wallet service. Commerce Payments can use a digital wallet as a payment source when processing payments through a payment gateway. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - DirectMessage
Represents a direct message conversation between multiple users in Chatter. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - Division
A logical segment of your organization's data. For example, if your company is organized into different business units, you could create a division for each business unit, such as “North America,” “Healthcare,” or “Consulting.” Available only if the organization has the Division permission enabled. - DivisionLocalization
When the Translation Workbench is enabled for your organization, the DivisionLocalization object provides the translation of the label for a division. - Document
Represents a file that a user has uploaded. Unlike Attachment records, documents are not attached to a parent object. - DocumentAttachmentMap
Maps the relationship between an EmailTemplate and its attachment, which is stored as a Document. - DocumentTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Document. - Domain
Read-only object that represents a custom Web address assigned to a site in your organization. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - DomainSite
Read-only junction object that joins together the Site and Domain objects. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - DsarPolicy
Represents a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) policy created in the Privacy Center managed package. DSAR policies anonymize or transfer personal data from your org at your customer’s request. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - DsarPolicyLog
Represents the history of Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) policy execution requests. This log records the status and results of executed DSAR policies for a customer. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - DuplicateJob
Represents an instance of a job that identifies duplicates among existing records in the system. - DuplicateJobDefinition
Setup object defining a job that identifies duplicate record items globally. - DuplicateJobMatchingRule
Represents a MatchingRule to be used with a DuplicateJob sharing the corresponding DuplicateJobMatchingRuleDefinition. - DuplicateJobMatchingRuleDefinition
Setup object specifying a MatchingRule to use with DuplicateJob instances that share a DuplicateJobDefinition. - DuplicateRecordItem
Represents an individual record that’s part of a duplicate record set. Use this object to create custom report types. - DuplicateRecordSet
Represents a group of records that have been identified as duplicates. Each duplicate record set contains one or more duplicate record items. Use this object to create custom report types and view the results of duplicate jobs. - DuplicateRule
Represents a duplicate rule for detecting duplicate records. - ElectronicMediaGroup
Represents the type of media that you can associate with a product or category.This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - ElectronicMediaUse
Represents the usage of media. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - EmailContent
Represents a marketing email asset for use with Pardot. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - EmailDomainFilter
Represents a filter that determines whether an email relay is restricted to a specific list of domains. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - EmailDomainKey
Represents a domain key for an organization’s domain, used to authenticate outbound email that Salesforce sends on the organization’s behalf. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. - EmailMessage
Represents an email in Salesforce. - EmailMessageRelation
Represents the relationship between an email and contacts, leads, and users. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - EmailRelay
Represents the configuration for sending an email relay. An email relay routes email sent from Salesforce through your company’s email servers. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - EmailServicesAddress
An email service address. - EmailServicesFunction
An email service. - EmailStatus
Represents the status of email sent. - EmailTemplate
Represents a template for an email, mass email, list email, or HVS email. - EmbeddedServiceDetail
Represents a metadata catalog object that exposes fields from the underlying Embedded Service setup objects defined in each EmbeddedServiceConfig deployment for guest users. Guest users don’t have direct access to the Embedded Service setup objects. Available in API version 39.0 and later. - EmbeddedServiceLabel
Represents a customized label in Embedded Chat or embedded Appointment Management.This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - Employee
Represents an employee within a company or organization. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. In API version 49.0 and later, this object supports reports, criteria-based sharing rules, and history tracking, plus you can exclude individual fields from custom page layouts. - EmployeeCrisisAssessment
Represents a crisis assessment of an Employee. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. In API version 49.0 and later, this object supports reports, criteria-based sharing rules, and history tracking, plus you can exclude individual fields from custom page layouts. - EmpUserProvisioningProcess
Represents an employee-user provisioning process. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - EmpUserProvisionProcessErr
Represents an employee-user provisioning process error. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - EngagementChannelType
Represents a channel through which a customer can be reached for communication. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - EnhancedLetterhead
Represents an enhanced letterhead that can be associated with a Lightning email template that doesn’t use the Salesforce Merge Language (SML). This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - Entitlement
Represents the customer support an account or contact is eligible to receive. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. Entitlements may be based on an asset, product, or service contract. - EntitlementContact
Represents a Contact eligible to receive customer support via an Entitlement. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - EntitlementTemplate
Represents predefined terms of customer support for a product (Product2). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - EntityHistory
Represents historical information about an object’s changed field values. This object is only available to users with the “View All Data” permission. This object is unavailable beginning with API version 8.0. Use the object-specific Historyobjects instead. - EntityMilestone
Represents a required step in a customer support process on a work order. The Salesforce user interface uses the term “object milestone. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - EntitySubscription
Represents a subscription for a user following a record or another user. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - EnvironmentHubMember
Represents a member organization in the Environment Hub. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - Event
Represents an event in the calendar. In the user interface, event and task records are collectively referred to as activities. - EventLogFile
Represents event log files for event monitoring. The event monitoring product gathers information about your Salesforce org’s operational events, which you can use to analyze usage trends and user behavior. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. The Interval and Sequence fields are available only in API version 37.0 and later. - EventRelation
Represents a person (a user, lead, or contact) or a resource (such as a conference room) invited to an event. This object lets you add or remove invitees from an event and use the API to manage invitees’ responses to invitations. If Shared Activities is enabled, EventRelation can also represent other objects that are related to an event. EventRelation does not support triggers, workflow, or data validation rules. - EventBusSubscriber
Represents a trigger, process, or flow that’s subscribed to a platform event or a change data capture event. Doesn’t include CometD subscribers. - EventTag
Associates a word or short phrase with an Event. - EventWhoRelation
Represents the relationship between an event and a lead or contacts. This derived object is a filtered version of the EventRelation object; that is, IsParent is true and IsWhat is false. It doesn’t represent relationships to invitees or to accounts, opportunities, or other objects. This object is available in API versions 29.0 and later. - Expense
Represents an expense linked to a work order. Service resource technicians can log expenses, such as tools or travel costs. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - ExpenseReport
Represents a report that summarizes expenses. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ExpenseReportEntry
Represents an entry in an expense report. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ExpressionFilter
Represents a logical expression that’s used to control the execution of macro instructions. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - ExpressionFilterCriteria
Represents a condition in an expression that’s used to control the execution of macro instructions. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - ExternalAccountHierarchy
Represents the external account hierarchy, which works like a role-based hierarchy. Use ExternalAccountHierarchy to allow partner and customer users to share data with other external accounts in their hierarchy.This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - ExternalAccountHierarchyHistory
Represents the history of changes to values in the fields of an external account hierarchy. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ExternalDataSource
Represents an external data source, which defines connection details for integration with data and content that are stored outside the Salesforce org. This object is available in API version 27.0 and later. - ExternalDataUserAuth
Stores authentication settings for a Salesforce user to access an external system. The external system must be defined in an external data source or a named credential that’s configured to use per-user authentication. This object is available in API version 27.0 and later. - ExternalSocialAccount
Represents a managed social media account on a social network such as Facebook or Twitter. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - FeedAttachment
Represents an attachment to a feed item, such as a file attachment or a link. Use FeedAttachment to add various attachments to one feed item. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - FeedComment
Represents a comment added to a feed by a user. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - FeedItem
FeedItem represents an entry in the feed, such as changes in a record feed, including text posts, link posts, and content posts. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later. This object replaces FeedPost. - FeedLike
Indicates that a user has liked a feed item. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later. - FeedPollChoice
Shows the choices for a poll posted in the feed. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - FeedPollVote
Shows how users voted on a poll posted in the feed. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - FeedPost
FeedPost represents the following types of changes in a record feed, such as AccountFeed: text posts, link posts, and content posts. This object is available in API version 18.0 through 21.0. FeedPost is no longer available in later versions. Starting with API version 21.0, use FeedItem to represent text posts, link posts, and content posts in feeds. - FeedRevision
Holds the revision history of a specific feed item or comment, including a list of attributes that changed for each revision. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - feedSignal
Attach feed signals, like UpDownVote, UserVerified, and Verified, to a feed post or comment. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - FeedTrackedChange
Represents an individual field change or set of field changes. A FeedTrackedChange is a child object of a record feed, such as AccountFeed. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - FieldHistoryArchive
Represents field history values for all objects that retain field history. FieldHistoryArchive is a big object, available only to users with the “Retain Field History” permission. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - FieldChangeSnapshot
Use this virtual object to learn which opportunities' close dates changed during the specified time period. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - FieldPermissions
Represents the enabled field permissions for the parent PermissionSet. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - FieldSecurityClassification
Represents a field’s data sensitivity value selected from the SecurityClassification picklist. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - FieldServiceMobileSettings
Represents a configuration of settings that control the Field Service iOS and Android mobile app experience. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - FieldServiceOrgSettings
Represents the org settings for Field Service, such as Appointment Assistant settings. If Field Service is enabled, the org contains one read-only record of this object. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - FiscalYearSettings
Settings to define a custom or standard fiscal year for your organization. This object has a parent-child relationship with the Period object. - FlexQueueItem
Represents an asynchronous Apex job in the Apex flex queue. Provides information about the job type and flex queue position of the AsyncApexJob. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - FlowDefinitionView
Represents the description of a flow definition. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - FlowInterview
Represents a flow interview. A flow interview is a running instance of a flow. - FlowInterviewOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a FlowInterview with users other than the owner. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - FlowInterviewShare
Represents a sharing entry on a FlowInterview. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - FlowRecordRelation
Represents a relationship between a record and a flow interview. When a flow interview is paused, Salesforce uses the $Flow.CurrentRecord global variable in the flow to associate the interview with a record. Available in API version 42.0 and later. - FlowStageRelation
Represents a relationship between a paused flow interview and its stages. When a flow interview is paused, Salesforce creates a FlowStageRelation record for each stage that’s set to the $Flow.CurrentStage or $Flow.ActiveStages global variable. Available in API version 43.0 and later. - FlowVariableView
Represents a variable within the flow version. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - FlowVersionView
Represents the version of a flow definition. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - Folder
Represents a repository for a Dashboard, Document, EmailTemplate, Macro, QuickText, or Report. Only one type of item can be contained in a folder. - FolderedContentDocument
Represents the relationship between a parent and child ContentFolderItem in a ContentWorkspace. - ForecastingAdjustment
This object represents an individual forecast manager’s adjustment for a subordinate’s or child territory’s forecast via a ForecastingItem. Available in API versions 26 and greater. This object is separate from the ForecastingOwnerAdjustment object, which represents forecast users’ adjustments of their own forecasts, including territory forecasts they own. - ForecastingDisplayedFamily
Represents the table in Forecasts Settings where an admin selects the product families that users can forecast on in Lightning Experience. This object is available in API version 40.0 and later. - ForecastingFact
This is a read-only object linking a ForecastingItem with its opportunities, such as opportunities that share the same owner or forecast category and have a closing date within the period of the forecasting item. Available in API versions 26 and greater. - ForecastingFilter
Represents the custom filter for including or excluding recordtype data from opportunity forecasts.This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - ForecastingFilterCondition
Represents the custom filter condition logic for including or excluding recordtype data from opportunity forecasts. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - ForecastingItem
This is a read-only object used for individual forecast amounts. Users see amounts based on their perspectives and forecast roles. The amounts users see include one of the following when forecasting in revenue: AmountWithoutAdjustments, AmountWithoutManagerAdjustment, ForecastAmount, OwnerOnlyAmount. The amounts users see include one of the following when forecasting in quantity: QuantityWithoutAdjustments, QuantityWithoutManagerAdjustment, ForecastQuantity, OwnerOnlyQuantity. Available in API versions 26 and greater. - ForecastingOwnerAdjustment
This object represents an individual forecast user’s adjustment of their own forecast, including territory forecasts they own, via a ForecastingItem. Available in API versions 33 and greater. This object is separate from the ForecastingAdjustment object, which represents managers’ adjustments of subordinates’ and child territories’ forecasts. - ForecastingQuota
This object represents an individual user’s or territory’s quota for a specified time period. The “Manage Quotas” user permission is required for creating, updating, or deleting quotas. (Users can only edit their subordinates’ or child territories’ quotas, not their own.) The “View All Forecasts” permission is required to View any user's forecast, regardless of the forecast hierarchy. Available in API versions 25 and greater. Forecast managers can view the forecasts of subordinates and territories below them in the forecast hierarchy. - ForecastingShare
Represents forecasts shared between a forecast manager and a user. Available in API version 44.0 and later. - ForecastingSourceDefinition
Represents the object, measure, date type, and hierarchy that a forecast uses to project sales. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ForecastingType
This object is used to identify the forecast type associated with ForecastingAdjustment, ForecastingOwnerAdjustment, ForecastingQuota, ForecastingFact, and ForecastingItem objects. Available in API versions 30.0 and greater. - ForecastingTypeSource
Maps a forecasting source definition to a forecast type. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ForecastingUserPreference
Represents the forecasting selections that a user has made, such as display options, date range, forecasting type, and currency. - FormulaFunction
Represents a function used when building a formula, including examples and uses. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - FormulaFunctionAllowedType
Represents the functions that are supported in the given formula context. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - FormulaFunctionCategory
Represents the category to which a formula belongs when building a formula. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - FulfillmentOrder
Represents a group of products and delivery charges on a single order that share the same fulfillment location, delivery method, and recipient. The FulfillmentOrderLineItems belonging to a FulfillmentOrder are associated with OrderItemSummary objects belonging to a single OrderSummary. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustment
Represents a price adjustment on a FulfillmentOrderLineItem. Corresponds to an OrderItemAdjustmentLineSummary associated with the corresponding OrderItemSummary. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - FulfillmentOrderItemTax
Represents the tax on a FulfillmentOrderLineItem or FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustment. Corresponds to an OrderItemTaxLineItemSummary. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - FulfillmentOrderLineItem
Represents a product or delivery charge belonging to a FulfillmentOrder. Corresponds to an OrderItemSummary. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - FunctionConnection
Represents a connection between an org and Salesforce Functions. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - FunctionInvocationRequest
Represents invocation information for a Salesforce Function. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - FunctionReference
Represents a deployed Salesforce Function associated with an org. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - GtwyProvPaymentMethodType
The gateway provider payment method type allows integrators and payment providers to choose an active payment to receive an order's payment data rather than allowing the Salesforce Order Management platform to select a default payment method. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - Goal
The Goal object represents the components of a goal such as its name, description, and status. - GoalLink
Represents the relationship between two goals. This is a many-to-many relationship, meaning that each goal can link to many other goals. - GoogleDoc
Represents a link to a Google Document. This object is available in API version 14.0 and later. - Group
A set of User records. - GroupMember
Represents a User or Group that is a member of a public group. - GuestBuyerProfile
Represents a store's guest buyer profile, which allows unauthenticated buyers to browse the store. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - HashtagDefinition
HashtagDefinition represents hashtag (#) topics in public Chatter posts and comments. Public posts and comments include those on profiles and in public groups, but not those on records or in private groups. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - HealthCareDiagnosis
Represents information related to industry-standard healthcare diagnosis codes. - HealthCareProcedure
Represents information related to industry-standard healthcare procedure codes. - Holiday
Represents a period of time during which your customer support team is unavailable. Business hours and escalation rules associated with business hours are suspended during any holidays with which they are affiliated. - IconDefinition
Represents the icon-related metadata for a custom tab. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - Idea
Represents an idea on which users are allowed to comment and vote, for example, a suggestion for an enhancement to an existing product or process. This object is available in API version 12 and later. - IdeaComment
Represents a comment that a user has submitted in response to an idea. - IdeaReputation
Represents a collection of statistics and scores derived from a user’s activity within an Ideas zone or internal organization. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. - IdeaReputationLevel
Represents a reputation level within an Ideas zone or internal organization and is used by the system to calculate reputation. You can create up to 25 levels per zone or internal organization. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. - IdeaTheme
Represents an invitation to zone members to submit ideas that are focused on a specific topic. This object is available in API version 26 and later. - IdpEventLog
Represents the Identity Provider Event Log. This log records both problems and successes with inbound SAML or OpenID Connect authentication requests from another app provider. It also records outbound SAML responses when Salesforce is acting as an identity provider. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - IframeWhiteListUrl
Represents a list of trusted external domains that you allow to frame your Embedded Service, Surveys, and Visualforce pages. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - Image
Represents the details of an image. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - Incident
An Incident is any unplanned business interruption that has wide-sweeping impacts and requires an urgent fix. This object contains the details of the incident, documenting the history of the incident from registration to closure. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - Individual
Represents a customer’s data privacy and protection preferences. Data privacy records based on the Individual object store your customers’ preferences. Data privacy records are associated with related leads, contacts, person accounts, and users. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - IndividualHistory
Represents the history of changes to values in the fields of a data privacy record, based on the Individual object. This object is available in versions 42.0 and later. - IndividualShare
Represents a list of access levels to a data privacy record along with an explanation of the access level. For example, if you have access to a record because you own it, the IndividualAccessLevel is All and RowCause is Owner. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - InternalOrganizationUnit
Represents an organization that an Employee belongs to. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. In API version 49.0 and later, this object supports reports, criteria-based sharing rules, and history tracking, plus you can exclude individual fields from custom page layouts. - Invoice
Represents a financial document describing the total amount a buyer must pay for goods or services provided. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - InvoiceLine
Represents the amount that a buyer must pay for a product, service, or fee. Invoice lines are created based on the amount of an order line. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - JobProfile
Represents a job profile used for shift scheduling. This object is available in API versions 47.0 and later. - JobProfileQueueGroup
JobProfileQueueGroup defines the mapping between Queue and JobProfile, and configurations for Omni-Channel Planning. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - Knowledge__Feed
Represents the feed for a knowledge article. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - Knowledge__ka
Provides access to the concrete object that represents a Knowledge article, the parent object for article versions. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - Knowledge__kav
Provides access to the concrete object that represents a Knowledge article version. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - Knowledge__DataCategorySelection
Represents a data category that classifies an article. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - KnowledgeableUser
Represents a user identified as knowledgeable about a specific topic, and ranks them relative to other knowledgeable users. This object is available in API version 31.0 and later. - KnowledgeArticle
Provides read-only access to an article and the ability to delete the master article. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later. - KnowledgeArticleVersion
Provides a global view of standard article fields across all types of articles depending on their version. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - KnowledgeArticleVersionHistory
Enables read-only access to the full history of an article. This object is available in API version 25.0 and later. - KnowledgeArticleViewStat
Provides statistics on the number of views for the specified article across all article types. This object is read-only and available in API version 20.0 and later. - KnowledgeArticleVoteStat
Provides the weighted rating for the specified article on a scale of 1 to 5 across all article types. This object is read-only and available in API version 20.0 and later. - LandingPage
Represents a Pardot landing page. A landing page is a web page that a visitor reaches after clicking a link or advertisement. Landing pages can be created in Pardot Classic and synced to Salesforce or created on the Landing Page object in Pardot Lightning App. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - Lead
Represents a prospect or lead. - LeadCleanInfo
Stores the metadata Clean uses to determine a lead record’s clean status. Helps you automate the cleaning or related processing of lead records. - LeadDailyMetric
Represents the daily engagement metrics for a lead. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - LeadMonthlyMetric
Represents the monthly engagement metrics for a lead. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - LeadOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a lead with users other than the owner. - LeadShare
Represents a sharing entry on a Lead. - LeadStatus
Represents the status of a Lead, such as Open, Qualified, or Converted. - LeadTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Lead. - LearningContent
Represents a Trailhead or myTrailhead module assigned to a user. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - LegalEntity
Represents the way an organization is structured. An organization can be a single legal entity or it can comprise more than one legal entity. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - LightningExperienceTheme
Represents information for a theme in Lightning Experience. This object is available in API Version 42.0 and later. - LightningOnboardingConfig
Represents the feedback provided when users switch from Lightning Experience to Salesforce Classic. Admins can customize the question, how frequently the form appears, and where the feedback is stored in Chatter from the Adoption Assistance page in Lightning Experience Setup. Available in API version 47.0 and later. - LightningToggleMetrics
Represents users who switched from Lightning Experience back to Salesforce Classic. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics
Represents number of users on Lightning Experience and Salesforce Mobile. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics
Represents Lightning Experience usage grouped by user’s browser. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - LightningUsageByPageMetrics
Represents standard pages users viewed most frequently in Lightning Experience. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics
Represents custom pages users viewed most frequently in Lightning Experience. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - LightningExitByPageMetrics
.Represents standard pages users switched from Lightning Experience to Salesforce most frequently. This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - LinkedArticle
Represents a knowledge article that is attached to a work order, work order line item, or work type. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - LinkedArticleFeed
Represents the comment feed on a linked article. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - LinkedArticleHistory
Represents the history of changes made to tracked fields on a linked article. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - ListEmail
Represents a list email sent from Salesforce, or sent from Pardot and synced to Salesforce. When the list email is sent, the recipients are generated by combining recipients in ListEmailIndividualRecipients and ListEmailRecipientSource. Duplicate and other invalid recipients are removed. The result is the recipients who are sent any given list email. Has a one-to-many relationship with ListEmailRecipientSource and ListEmailIndividualRecipient. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ListEmailIndividualRecipient
For a list email in Salesforce, represents a recipient. Each record represents a link from a list email to exactly one recipient for that list email. Recipients can be contacts, leads, or campaign members. Has a one-to-many relationship with ListEmail. This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - ListEmailRecipientSource
For a list email in Salesforce, represents the dynamically defined sources of recipient email addresses. Each record represents a link to a single list view or campaign that is examined when the list email is sent. Has a one-to-many relationship with ListEmail. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ListView
Represents a list view. A list view specifies a set of records for an object, based on specific criteria. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ListViewChart
Represents a graphical chart that’s displayed on Salesforce for Android, iOS, and mobile web list views. The chart aggregates data that is filtered based on the list view that’s currently displayed. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later and is accessible by portal users. - ListViewChartInstance
Retrieves metadata for all standard and custom charts for a given entity in context of a given list view. This object is available in API versions 34.0 and later. - LiveAgentSession
This object is automatically created for each Chat session and stores information about the session. This object is available in API versions 28.0 and later. - LiveAgentSessionHistory
This object is automatically created for each Chat session and stores information about changes made to the session. This object is available in API versions 28.0 and later. - LiveAgentSessionShare
This object is automatically created for each Chat session and stores information about the session. This object is available in API versions 28.0 and later. - LiveChatBlockingRule
Represents a rule for blocking chat visitors’ IP addresses from starting new chats with agents. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - LiveChatObjectAccessConfig
Represents the action you can perform on a specified object by the Chat API. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - LiveChatObjectAccessDefinition
Represents the parent record for one or more LiveChatObjectAccessConfig objects. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - LiveChatButton
Represents a button that allows visitors to request chats with Chat users. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - LiveChatButtonDeployment
Associates an automated chat invitation with a specific deployment. This object is available in API versions 28.0 and later. - LiveChatButtonSkill
Represents all the skills available to a LiveChatButton except the one currently assigned. To retrieve the skill currently assigned, query LiveChatButton. This object is available in API version 25.0 and later. - LiveChatDeployment
Represents the general settings for deploying Live Agent on a website. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - LiveChatSensitiveDataRule
Represents a rule for masking or deleting data of a specified pattern. Written as a regular expression (regex). This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - LiveChatTranscript
This object is automatically created for each Live Agent chat session and stores information about the session. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - LiveChatTranscriptEvent
Captures specific events that occur over the lifetime of a chat. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - LiveChatTranscriptShare
Represents a sharing entry on a LiveChatTranscript object. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - LiveChatTranscriptSkill
Represents a join between LiveChatTranscript and Skill. This object is available in API version 25.0 and later. - LiveChatUserConfig
Represents a setting that controls the console settings for Chat users. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - LiveChatUserConfigProfile
Represents a join between LiveChatUserConfig and Profile. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - LiveChatUserConfigUser
Represents a join between Live Chat User Config and User. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - LiveChatVisitor
Represents a website visitor who has started or tried to start a chat session. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - Location
Represents a warehouse, service vehicle, work site, or other element of the region where your team performs field service work. In API version 49.0 and later, you can associate activities with specific locations. Activities, such as the tasks and events related to a location, appear in the activities timeline when you view the location detail page. Also in API version 49.0 and later, users can view Employees as a related list on Location records. In API version 51.0 and later, this object is available for Omnichannel Inventory and represents physical locations where inventory is available for fulfilling orders. - LocationGroup
Represents a group of Omnichannel Inventory locations, providing an aggregate view of inventory availability across those locations. Omnichannel Inventory can create an inventory reservation for an order at the location group level, then assign the reservation to one or more locations in the group as needed. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - LocationGroupAssignment
Represents the assignment of a location to a location group. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - LocationTrustMeasure
Represents the COVID safety protocols that your business follows. For example, enforcement of masks, social distancing, cleanliness, and capacity limits. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - LocWaitlistMsgTemplate
Represents a junction object connecting LocationWaitlist to MessagingTemplate. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - LocationWaitlist
Represents a queue created for a specific location. Multiple queues can be created for a single location. For example, you can have a queue for each sales agent or a standard queue and a queue for vulnerable groups. The specific party of people in a queue is represented by LocationWaitlistedParty. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - LocationWaitlistedParty
Represents a specific party of people waiting in a queue. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - LoginEvent
The documentation has moved to LoginEvent in the Platform Events Developer Guide. - LoginGeo
Represents the geographic location of the user’s IP address for a login event. Due to the nature of geolocation technology, the accuracy of geolocation fields (for example, country, city, postal code) may vary. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - LoginHistory
Represents the login history for all successful and failed login attempts for organizations and enabled portals. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later. - LoginIp
Represents a validated IP address. This object is available in version 28.0 and later. - LogoutEventStream
The documentation has moved to LogoutEventStream in the Platform Events Developer Guide. - LookedUpFromActivity
This read-only object is displayed as a related list on an activity record (an event or a task); the list contains records that have custom lookup relationships from the activity to another object. This object is not queryable. - Macro
Represents a macro, which is a set of instructions that tells the system to perform one or more tasks. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - MacroInstruction
Represents an instruction in a macro. An instruction can specify the object that the macro interacts with, the context or publisher that the macro works within, the operation or action that the macro performs, and the target of the macro’s actions. - MacroUsage
Represents macro usage on a record, including which macro was used, who used it, and how they used it. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - MailmergeTemplate
Represents a mail merge template (a Microsoft Word document) used for performing mail merges for your organization. - MaintenanceAsset
Represents an asset covered by a maintenance plan in field service. Assets can be associated with multiple maintenance plans. - MaintenancePlan
Represents a preventive maintenance schedule for one or more assets in field service. - MaintenanceWorkRule
Represents the recurrence pattern for a maintenance record. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - ManagedContentInfo
Allows the creation of relationship to Product using ProductMedia. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - MarketingForm
Represents a Pardot marketing form that has been synched to Salesforce. Use forms on your website and landing pages to collect information about visitors and turn anonymous visitors into identified prospects. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - MarketingLink
Represents a Pardot marketing link record, either a custom redirect or a file, that has been synced to Salesforce. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - MatchingRule
Represents a matching rule that is used to identify duplicate records. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - MatchingRuleItem
Represents criteria used by a matching rule to identify duplicate records. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - MessagingChannel
Represents a communication channel that an end user can use to send a message to an agent. A communication channel can be an SMS number, a Facebook page, or another supported messaging channel. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - MessagingChannelSkill
Junction object that represents an association between MessagingChannel and Skill. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - MessagingConfiguration
Represents the details for a Messaging configuration. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - MessagingDeliveryError
Represents a log of triggered outbound failures to verify when a triggered outbound has failed. This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - MessagingEndUser
Represents a single address—such as a phone number or Facebook page—communicating with a single Messaging channel. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - MessagingLink
Represents the link between a Messaging Channel and where it's shared. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - MessagingSession
Represents a session on a Messaging channel. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - MessagingTemplate
Represents a Messaging template used to send pre-formatted messages. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - MetadataPackage
Represents a package that has been developed in the org you’re logged in to. Applies to unlocked, unmanaged, first-generation, and second-generation managed packages. - MetadataPackageVersion
Represents a package version (managed or unmanaged) that has been uploaded from the org you’re logged in to. - Metric
The Metric object represents the components of a goal metric such as its name, metric type, and current value. - MetricDataLink
The link between the metric and the data source, such as a report. - MetricsDataFile
Represents a data file containing usage metrics on all installations of a managed package in a Salesforce instance. This object is available in API version 30.0 and later. - MilestoneType
Represents a milestone (required step in a customer support process). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - MLField
Represents a single field in a data definition. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - MlIntentUtteranceSuggestion
Represents a customer input, used for training purposes in the feedback loop process of a conversation. Admins can add these inputs to the intent training model. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - MLPredictionDefinition
Represents a prediction definition that specifies details about the prediction. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - MLRecommendationDefinition
For internal use only. - MobileSecurityPolicy
Enables mobile security policies on the Salesforce mobile app with Enhanced Mobile Security. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - MobileSecurityUserMetric
Represents the metrics for users who have Enhanced Mobile Security policies enforced. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - MobileSettingsAssignment
Represents the assignment of a particular field service mobile settings configuration to a user profile. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - MobSecurityCertPinConfig
Configuration of mobile security certificate pinning on the Salesforce mobile app with Enhanced Mobile Security. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - MobSecurityCertPinEvent
The event of mobile security certificate pinning on the Salesforce mobile app with Enhanced Mobile Security. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - MsgChannelLanguageKeyword
Represents the consent configuration for a Messaging channel. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - MyDomainDiscoverableLogin
Represents configuration settings when the My Domain login page type is Discovery. Login Discovery provides an identity-first login experience, where the login page contains the identifier field only. Based on the identifier entered, a handler determines how to authenticate the user. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - MutingPermissionSet
Represents a set of disabled permissions and is used in conjunction with PermissionSetGroup. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - Name
Non-queryable object that provides information about foreign key traversals when the foreign key has more than one parent. - NamedCredential
Represents a named credential, which specifies the URL of a callout endpoint and its required authentication parameters in one definition. A named credential can be specified as an endpoint to simplify the setup of authenticated callouts. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - NamespaceRegistry
Represents a namespace that you can link to scratch orgs that were created from your org’s Dev Hub. You use the namespace when developing, packaging, and releasing an app. You can’t create this object with the API. Use the Link Namespace action in the Dev Hub graphical interface to insert a NamespaceRegistry record. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - NavigationLinkSet
Represents the navigation menu in an Experience Cloud site. A navigation menu consists of items that users can click to go to other parts of the site. This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - NavigationMenuItem
Represents a single menu item in a NavigationLinkSet. Use this object to create, delete, or update menu items in your Experience Cloud site’s navigation menu. This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - NavigationMenuItemLocalization
Represents the translated value of a navigation menu item in an Experience Cloud site. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - Network
Represents an Experience Cloud site. Salesforce Experience Cloud lets you create branded spaces for your employees, customers, and partners. You can customize and create experiences, whether they’re communities, sites, or portals, to meet your business needs, then transition seamlessly between them. Experience Cloud sites let you share information, records, and files with coworkers and stakeholders all in one place. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - NetworkActivityAudit
Represents an audit trail of moderation actions in Experience Cloud sites. This object is available in API version 30.0 and later. - NetworkAffinity
Represents a junction object that associates a user profile with a Network object, that is, with an Experience Cloud site. Use NetworkAffinity to assign a default Experience Cloud site to a user profile. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - NetworkDiscoverableLogin
Represents the Login Discoverable page from where customers and partners log in to an Experience Cloud site. Customers and partners are users with an External Identity license or any communities license for Experience Cloud.This object is available in API version 44.0 and later - NetworkFeedResponseMetric
Represents an object that stores the date and time values of question posts. It captures information for question creation, answer creation, and when an answer is marked as best answer This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - NetworkMember
Represents a member of an Experience Cloud site. Members can be either users in your company or external users with portal profiles. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - NetworkMemberGroup
Represents a group of members in an Experience Cloud site. Members can be either users in your internal org or external users assigned portal profiles. An administrator adds members to an Experience Cloud site by adding a profile or a permission set, and any user with the profile or permission set becomes a member of the site. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - NetworkModeration
Represents a flag on an item in a community. This object is available in API version 30.0 and later. - NetworkPageOverride
Represents information about custom pages used to override the default pages in Experience Cloud sites. You can create Experience Builder or Visualforce pages and override the default pages in a site. Using custom pages allows you to create a more personalized experience for your users. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - NetworkSelfRegistration
Represents the account that self-registering Experience Cloud users are associated with by default. Self-registering users in an Experience Cloud site are required to be associated with an account, which the administrator must specify while setting up self-registration for the site. If an account isn’t specified, Salesforce creates person accounts (when enabled) for self-registering users. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - NetworkUserHistoryRecent
Represents an Experience Cloud site user’s history of accessed records. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - Note
Represents a note, which is text associated with a custom object or a standard object, such as a Contact, Contract, or Opportunity. - NoteAndAttachment
This read-only object contains all notes and attachments associated with an object. - NoteTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Note. - OauthCustomScope
Represents a permission defining the protected data that a connected app can access from an external entity when Salesforce is the OAuth authorization provider. - OauthCustomScopeApp
Represents the name of the connected app to which the custom scope is assigned. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - OauthToken
Represents an OAuth access token for connected app authentication. Use this object to create a user interface for token management. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ObjectPermissions
Represents the enabled object permissions for the parent PermissionSet. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRule
Represents a territory assignment rule that’s associated with an object, such as Account. ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRuleItem can only be created or deleted if the BooleanFilter field on its corresponding ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRule is null. Available only if Enterprise Territory Management has been enabled for your organization. - ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRuleItem
A single row of selection criteria for an ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRule object. ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRuleItem can only be created or deleted if the BooleanFilter field on its corresponding ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRule object is a null value. Available only if Enterprise Territory Management has been enabled for your organization. - ObjectTerritory2Association
Represents an association (by assignment) between a territory and an object record, such as an account. - OmniDataPack
For internal use only. - OmniDataTransform
For internal use only. - OmniDataTransformItem
For internal use only. - OmniESignature
For internal use only. - OmniInteractionConfig
For internal use only. - OmniInteractionAccessConfig
For internal use only. - OmniProcess
For internal use only. - OmniProcessCompilation
For internal use only. - OmniProcessElement
For internal use only. - OmniProcessTransientData
For internal use only. - OmniScriptSavedSession
For internal use only. - OmniSupervisorConfig
Represents the Omni-Channel supervisor configuration for an assigned group of supervisors. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - OmniSupervisorConfigGroup
Represents the group of agents who are visible to the supervisors of an Omni-Channel supervisor configuration. The group, if visible, appears in the Agents tab of Omni Supervisor. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - OmniSupervisorConfigProfile
Represents the supervisor profiles to which an Omni-Channel supervisor configuration applies. User-level configurations override profile-level configurations. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - OmniSupervisorConfigQueue
Represents the queues that are visible to the supervisors of an Omni-Channel supervisor configuration. The queue, if visible, appears in the Queues Backlog and Assigned Work tabs of Omni Supervisor. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - OmniSupervisorConfigSkill
Represents the skills that are visible to the supervisors of an Omni-Channel supervisor configuration. These skills, if visible, appear in the Skills Backlog tab of Omni Supervisor. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - OmniSupervisorConfigUser
Represents the users to which an Omni-Channel supervisor configuration applies. User-level configurations override profile-level configurations. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - OmniUiCard
For internal use only. - OpenActivity
This read-only object is displayed in a related list of open activities—future events and open tasks—related to an object. It includes activities for all contacts related to the object. OpenActivity fields for phone calls are only available if your organization uses Salesforce CRM Call Center. - OperatingHours
Represents the hours in which a service territory, service resource, or account is available for field service work in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - OperatingHoursHistory
Represents the history of changes made to tracked fields on an operating hours record. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - OperatingHoursHoliday
Represents the day or hours for which a service territory and service resources exclusive to the service territory are unavailable in Salesforce Scheduler. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - Opportunity
Represents an opportunity, which is a sale or pending deal. - OpportunityCompetitor
Represents a competitor on an Opportunity. - OpportunityContactRole
Represents the role that a Contact plays on an Opportunity. - OpportunityContactRoleSuggestionInsight
Represents a suggestion for a new opportunity contact role. Available in API versions 45.0 and later. - OpportunityFieldHistory
Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of an opportunity. This object is available in versions 13.0 and later. - OpportunityHistory
Represents the stage history of an Opportunity. - OpportunityInsight
Represents an individual insight (deal prediction, follow-up reminder, or key moment) related to an opportunity record. - OpportunityLineItem
Represents an opportunity line item, which is a member of the list of Product2 products associated with an Opportunity. - OpportunityLineItemSchedule
Represents information about the quantity, revenue distribution, and delivery dates for a particular OpportunityLineItem. - OpportunityOwnerSharingRule
Represents a rule for sharing an opportunity with users other than the owner. - OpportunityPartner
This object represents a partner relationship between an Account and an Opportunity. An OpportunityPartner record is created automatically when a Partner record is created for a partner relationship between an account and an opportunity. - OpportunityShare
Represents a sharing entry on an Opportunity. - OpportunitySplit
OpportunitySplit credits one or more opportunity team members with a portion of the opportunity amount. This object is available in API version 16.0 and later for pilot customers, and version 28.0 and later for others. - OpportunitySplitType
OpportunitySplitType provides unique labels and behavior for each split type. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. - OpportunityStage
Represents the stage of an Opportunity in the sales pipeline, such as New Lead, Negotiating, Pending, Closed, and so on. - OpportunityTag
Associates a word or short phrase with an Opportunity. - OpportunityTeamMember
Represents a User on the opportunity team of an Opportunity. - Order
Represents an order associated with a contract or an account. - OrderAdjustmentGroup
Group containing a set of adjustments applied to an order. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderAdjustmentGroupSummary
Represents the current properties and state of a group of related price adjustments. Associated with a set of OrderItemAdjustmentLineSummaries that apply to OrderItemSummaries belonging to one OrderSummary. Corresponds to one or more order adjustment group objects, consisting of an original object and any change objects applicable to it. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderDeliveryGroup
A group of order items that share a delivery method and address. The delivery method and address are used during the fulfillment process, such as shipping as a gift, downloading, picking up in store, or shipping to a standard address This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderDeliveryGroupSummary
Represents the current properties and state of a group of OrderItemSummaries, belonging to one OrderSummary, to be fulfilled using the same delivery method and delivered to the same address. A single shipment can include them all, but that isn’t guaranteed. Corresponds to one or more order delivery group objects, consisting of an original object and any change objects applicable to it. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderDeliveryMethod
Shows the customizations and options that a buyer selected for their delivery method. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderHistory
Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated order, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled. - OrderItem
Represents an order product that your organization sells. - OrderItemAdjustmentLineItem
An adjustment that has been made to an order item. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderItemAdjustmentLineSummary
Represents the current properties and state of price adjustments on an OrderItemSummary. Corresponds to one or more order item adjustment line item objects, consisting of an original object and any change objects applicable to it. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderItemSummary
Represents the current properties and state of a product or charge on an OrderSummary. Corresponds to one or more order item objects, consisting of an original object and any change objects applicable to it. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderItemSummaryChange
Represents a change to an OrderItemSummary, usually a reduction in quantity due to a cancel or return. Corresponds to a change order item. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderItemTaxLineItem
The tax amount that has been applied to an order item. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderItemTaxLineItemSummary
Represents the current tax on an OrderItemSummary or OrderItemAdjustmentLineSummary. Corresponds to one or more order item tax line items, consisting of an original object and any change objects applicable to it. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderItemType
Shows whether the order product is a product line or charge line. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderOwnerSharingRule
Represents a rule which determines order sharing access for the order’s owners. - OrderPaymentSummary
Represents the current properties and state of payments using a single payment method that are applied to one OrderSummary. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderShare
Represents a sharing entry on an Order. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderStatus
Represents the status of the order entity. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderSummary
Represents the current properties and state of an order. Corresponds to one or more order objects, consisting of an original object and any change objects applicable to it. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - OrderSummaryRoutingSchedule
Represents an attempt to route an order summary to one or more inventory locations for fulfillment. You can use it to schedule future attempts and to record completed attempts. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - Organization
Represents key configuration information for an organization. - OrgDeleteRequest
Represents a request to delete a developer edition (DE) org. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. It is available only in Developer and editions. - OrgWideEmailAddress
Represents an organization-wide email address for user profiles. - OutOfOffice
Represents a user-set value on a profile that shows when the user intends to be out of the office. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - OutgoingEmail
For internal use only. - OutgoingEmailRelation
For internal use only. - OwnedContentDocument
Represents a file owned by a user. This object is available in version 30.0 and later. - OwnerChangeOptionInfo
Represents default and optional actions that can be performed when a record’s owner is changed. Available in API version 35.0 and later, but to query for change owner metadata, use the OwnerChangeOptionInfo object in Tooling API instead. For more information, see OwnerChangeOptionInfo in the Tooling API. - PackageLicense
Represents a license for an installed managed package. This object is available in API version 31.0 and later. - PackagePushError
Represents an error encountered during a push request. The number of PackagePushError records created depends on the number of push jobs in the request that result in an error. - PackagePushJob
Represents an individual push job for upgrading a package in an org from one version to another version. There can be multiple push jobs created for one push request. For example, if you want to upgrade five orgs as part of one push, you have one PackagePushRequest record and five PackagePushJob records. - PackagePushRequest
Represents the push request for upgrading a package in one or many orgs from one version to another version. - PackageSubscriber
Represents an installation of a package in an org. This object contains installation information for managed or unlocked packages developed in the org you’re logged in to. - Partner
Represents a partner relationship between two Account records or between an Opportunity record and an Account record. - PartnerFundAllocation
Represents allocated funds from a partner marketing budget for channel partners. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - PartnerFundClaim
Represents a claim of funds from the partner marketing budget by a channel partner. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - PartnerFundRequest
Represents a request for funds from the partner marketing budget by a channel partner. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - PartnerMarketingBudget
Represents a budget that provides funds to channel partners for selling and marketing products and services. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - PartnerNetworkConnection
Represents a Salesforce to Salesforce connection between Salesforce organizations. - PartnerNetworkRecordConnection
Represents a record shared between Salesforce organizations using Salesforce to Salesforce. - PartnerNetworkSyncLog
Represents the Org Sync Log tab in Salesforce, where Salesforce administrators can track the replication of record inserts and updates being performed in Organization Sync. The Connection Detail page for the replication connection also displays the Org Sync Log’s twenty most recent entries, and provides a link to the log. - PartnerRole
Represents a role for an account Partner, such as consultant, supplier, and so on. - PartyConsent
Represents consent preferences for an individual. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - Payment
Represents a single event where the customer creates a payment. For credit cards, this is a payment capture or payment sale, which won’t show up in the end user’s credit card statement. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - PaymentAuthAdjustment
Shows information about an adjustment made to an authorized transaction. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - PaymentAuthorization
Represents a single payment authorization event where users can capture or reverse a payment against a reserve of funds. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - PaymentGateway
Platform entity that represents the connection to the external payment gateway. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - PaymentGatewayLog
Stores information exchanged between the Salesforce payments platform and external payment gateways. Gateway logs can also record payloads from external payment entities. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - PaymentGatewayProvider
Setup entity for payment gateways. Defines the connection to a payment gateway Apex adapter. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - PaymentGroup
Top-level object that groups of all the payment transactions that have been processed an order or contract. PaymentGroup is a standalone object, so it isn’t required for users to execute payment transactions (authorizations, captures, refunds, and sales). This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - PaymentLineInvoice
Represents a payment allocated to or unallocated from an invoice. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - PaymentMethod
The method that a buyer uses to compensate the seller of a good or service. Common payment methods include cash, checks, credit or debit cards, money orders, bank transfers, and online payment services. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - PaymentRequest
Represents a financial compensation request for goods or services provided by a third party. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - PaymentRequestLine
Represents the line item details of the financial compensation request. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - PendingServiceRouting
Represents a work assignment that’s waiting to be routed. This object is available in API version 40.0 and later. - PendingServiceRoutingInteractionInfo
Represents PendingServiceRouting interaction information that’s used when work is routed to an agent. For a screen pop, it specifies which records to open when work is routed to an agent from a specific channel. PendingServiceRoutingInteractionInfo is read-only. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - Period
Represents a fiscal period defined in FiscalYearSettings. - PermissionSet
Represents a set of permissions that’s used to grant more access to one or more users without changing their profile or reassigning profiles. This object is available in API version 22.0 and later. - PermissionSetAssignment
Represents the association between a User and a PermissionSet. This object is available in API version 22.0 and later. - PermissionSetGroup
Represents a group of permission sets and the permissions within them. Use permission set groups to organize permissions based on job functions or tasks. Then, you can package the groups as needed. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - PermissionSetGroupComponent
A junction object that relates the PermissionSetGroup and PermissionSet objects via their respective IDs; enables permission set group recalculation to determine the aggregated permissions for the group. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - PermissionSetLicense
Represents a license that’s used to enable one or more users to receive a specified permission without changing their profile or reassigning profiles. You can use permission set licenses to grant access, but not to deny access. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - PermissionSetLicenseAssign
Represents the association between a User and a PermissionSetLicense. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - PermissionSetTabSetting
Represents a permission set tab setting. Requires the View Setup permission. Use this object to query all tab settings of the permission set. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - PersonalizationTargetInfo
Represents a target for an audience. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - PersonTraining
Represents an assignment of a learning module in Workforce Engagement. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - PicklistValueInfo
Represents the active picklist values for a given picklist field. This object is available in API version 40.0 and later. - PipelineInspectionListView
Represents a pipeline view or saved filter. A pipeline view specifies a set of opportunity records, based on specific criteria. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - PlatformAction
PlatformAction is a virtual read-only object. It enables you to query for actions displayed in the UI, given a user, a context, device format, and a record ID. Examples include standard and custom buttons, quick actions, and productivity actions. - PlatformEventUsageMetric
Contains usage data for event publishing and CometD-client delivery. Usage data is available for the last 24 hours, ending at the last hour, and for historical daily usage. PlatformEventUsageMetric contains separate usage metrics for platform events and change data capture events. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - PlatformStatusAlertEvent
The documentation has moved to PlatformStatusAlertEvent in the Platform Events Developer Guide. - PortalDelegablePermissionSet
PortalDelegablePermissionSet is a base platform object used to store permission sets that can be assigned by a delegated portal/external user admin (DPUA) to portal users. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - PresenceConfigDeclineReason
Represents the settings for a decline reason that a presence user provides when declining work. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - PresenceDeclineReason
Represents an Omni-Channel decline reason that agents can select when declining work requests. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - PresenceUserConfig
Represents a configuration that determines a presence user’s settings. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - PresenceUserConfigProfile
Represents a configuration that determines the settings that are assigned to presence users who are assigned to a specific profile. User-level configurations override profile-level configurations. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - PresenceUserConfigUser
Represents a configuration that determines the settings that are assigned to a presence user. These user-level configurations override profile-level configurations. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - PriceAdjustmentSchedule
Represents a series of tiered discounts based on the number of items purchased. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - PriceAdjustmentTier
Represents a discount tier in a price adjustment schedule. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - Pricebook2
Represents a price book that contains the list of products that your org sells. - Pricebook2History
Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated Pricebook2, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - PricebookEntry
Represents a product entry (an association between a Pricebook2 and Product2) in a price book. - PricebookEntryAdjustment
Read-only junction object created when you associate a price adjustment schedule with a price book entry. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - PrivacyRequest
See details and monitor the status of Data Subject Access Requests made in Privacy Center. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - Problem
Problems represent the root cause data of one or more incidents. This object contains all the details of a problem, documenting the history of the problem from detection to closure. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - ProcessDefinition
Represents the definition of a single approval process. - ProcessException
Represents a processing failure on an order summary. A separate process is required to resolve the failure that caused the process exception before order summary processing can continue. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ProcessInstance
Represents an instance of a single, end-to-end approval process. Use this and the node, step, and workitem process instance objects to create approval history reports. - ProcessInstanceHistory
This read-only object shows all steps and pending approval requests associated with an approval process (ProcessInstance). - ProcessInstanceStep
Represents one work item in an approval process (ProcessInstance). - ProcessInstanceNode
Represents a step in an instance of an approval process. Compare to ProcessNode, which describes the step in a process definition. Use this object to retrieve approval history. - ProcessInstanceWorkitem
Represents a user’s pending approval request. - ProcessNode
Describes a step in a process definition. Compare to ProcessInstanceNode, which describes the step in a running process. - ProducerCommission
Represents a producer's commission for an insurance policy. The commission can be calculated from the commissionable transactions or can be populated from an external system. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - Product2
Represents a product that your org sells. - Product2DataTranslation
Represents the translated values of the data stored within a Product2 record’s fields. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - ProductAttribute
Represents the attributes that can be associated with a product. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ProductAttributeSet
Represents a group of attributes that can be associated with a product. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ProductAttributeSetItem
Represents a set of attributes that can be associated with a product. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ProductAttributeSetProduct
Represents the product associated with a set of attributes. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ProductCategory
Represents the category that products are organized in.This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - ProductCategoryDataTranslation
Represents the translated values for the data stored within a ProductCategory record’s fields. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later. - ProductConsumed
Represents an item from your inventory that was used to complete a work order or work order line item in field service. - ProductEntitlementTemplate
Represents predefined terms of customer support (Entitlement) that users can add to products (Product2). - ProductItem
Represents the stock of a particular product at a particular location in field service, such as all bolts stored in your main warehouse. - ProductItemTransaction
Represents an action taken on a product item in field service. Product item transactions are auto-generated records that help you track when a product item is replenished, consumed, or adjusted. - ProductMedia
Represents the rich media, including images and attachments, that can be added to products.This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - ProductRequest
Represents an order for a part or parts in field service. - ProductRequestLineItem
Represents a request for a part in field service. Product request line items are components of product requests. - ProductRequired
Represents a product that is needed to complete a work order or work order line item in field service. - ProductServiceCampaign
Represents a set of activities to be performed on a product service campaign asset, such as a product recall for safety issues or product defects. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - ProductServiceCampaignItem
Represents a product service campaign's asset. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - ProductServiceCampaignItemStatus
Represents a status for a product service campaign item in field service. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - ProductServiceCampaignStatus
Represents a status for a product service campaign in field service. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - ProductTransfer
Represents the transfer of inventory between locations in field service. - ProductWarrantyTerm
Defines the relationship between a product or product family and warranty term. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - Profile
Represents a profile, which defines a set of permissions to perform different operations. Operations can include creating a custom profile or querying, adding, updating, or deleting information. - ProfileSkill
Represents a profile skill, which describes a user’s professional knowledge. This is a global record for the organization, and users are associated through the ProfileSkillUser object. - ProfileSkillEndorsement
Represents a detail relationship of ProfileSkillUser. An endorsement of a profile skill shows approval and support of another user’s publicly declared skill. - ProfileSkillShare
Represents a sharing entry on a ProfileSkill. - ProfileSkillUser
Represents a detail relationship of User. The object connects profile skills with users. - Promotion
Represents a promotion for B2B stores. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - PromotionMarketSegment
Represents a market segment within B2B Commerce that promotions can be assigned to. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - PromotionQualifier
Represents the product, product category, or order that you want to target with your promotion qualifier in B2B Commerce. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - PromotionSegment
Represents a promotion segment, which you can assign to different stores or buyer groups, allowing them to access the promotion. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - PromotionSegmentBuyerGroup
Represents a promotion segment, associated with a buyer group, and used for B2B Commerce. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - PromotionSegmentSalesStore
Represents a promotion segment, associated with a store, and used for B2B Commerce. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - PromotionTarget
Represents the product, product category, or order that you want to target with your promotion in B2B Commerce. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - Prompt
Represents record details about an in-app guidance prompt or walkthrough. Available in API version 46.0 and later. - PromptAction
Represents how the user interacted with the in-app guidance prompt or walkthrough. Available in API version 46.0 and later. - PromptError
Represents the error or warning associated with the PromptAction. Available in API version 52.0 and later. - PromptActionOwnerSharingRule
Represents a rule which determines PromptAction sharing access for the owners. Available in API version 46.0 and later. - PromptActionShare
Represents a sharing entry on a prompt action record. Available in API version 46.0 and later. - PromptLocalization
Represents the translated value of a label for record details about in-app guidance when the Translation Workbench is enabled for your org. Available in API version 48.0 and later. - PromptVersion
Represents an in-app guidance prompt or walkthrough. Available in API version 46.0 and later. - PromptVersionLocalization
Represents the translated value of a label for-app guidance when the Translation Workbench is enabled for your org. Available in API version 48.0 and later. - PushTopic
Represents a query that is the basis for notifying Streaming API clients of changes to records in an org. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later. - QueueRoutingConfig
Represents the settings that determine how work items are routed to agents. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - Question
Represents a question in a zone that users can view and reply to. - QuestionDataCategorySelection
A data category selection represents a data category that classifies a question. - QuestionReportAbuse
Represents a user-reported abuse on a Question in a Chatter Answers zone. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - QuestionSubscription
Represents a subscription for a user following a Question. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - QueueSobject
Represents the mapping between a queue Group and the sObject types associated with the queue, including custom objects. - QuickText
This object stores a snippet of text that allows users to send a quick response to a customer. Use quick text to create greetings, answers to common questions, short notes, and more. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - QuickTextUsage
Represents the usage of quick text on a record, including which quick text was used, who used it, and how they used it. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - Quote
The Quote object represents a quote, which is a record showing proposed prices for products and services. Available in API version 18.0 and later. - QuoteDocument
Represents a quote in document format. Available in API version 18.0 and later. - QuoteLineItem
The QuoteLineItem object represents a quote line item, which is a member of the list of Product2 products associated with a Quote, along with other information about those line items on that quote. Available in API version 18.0 and later. - RecentFieldChange
Use this virtual object to see how an opportunity has changed in the past seven days. Learn the previous value of a field, who made the change, and when the change was made. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - RecentlyViewed
Represents records or list views that the current user has recently viewed or referenced (by viewing a related record). List views are available in API version 29.0 and later. - Recommendation
Represents the recommendations surfaced as offers and actions for Einstein Next Best Action. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - RecordAction
Represents a relationship between a record and an action, such as a flow. Create a RecordAction for every action that you want to associate with a particular record. Available in API version 42.0 and later. - RecordActionHistory
Represents the lifecycle of a RecordAction as it goes through different states. Available in API version 44.0 and later. - RecordsetFilterCriteria
Represents a set of filters that can be used to match service appointments or assets based on your criteria fields. For example, you can create recordset filter criteria so that only service appointments that satisfy the filter criteria are matched to the filtered shifts, and likewise only maintenance work rules that satisfy your criteria are matched to assets. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. Assets and maintenance work rules are available in API version 52.0 and later. - RecordsetFilterCriteriaRule
Represents a rule using fields from the designated source object to create filters on the filtered, or target, object. RecordsetFilterCriteriaRule is associated with the RecordsetFilterCriteria object. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - RecordType
Represents a record type. - RecordTypeLocalization
Represents the translated value of a label for a record type when the Translation Workbench is enabled for your organization. - RecordVisibility (Pilot)
Represents the visibility attributes that determine a record’s read access. This object is read only and is available in API version 46.0 and later. - RedirectWhitelistUrl
Represents a trusted URL that users can navigate to without being shown a warning message. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - Refund
Represents a refund made against a payment. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - RefundLinePayment
A refund line that has been applied to a payment. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - RegisteredExternalService
Represents a registered external service used for checkout integrations by data integrators. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - RemoteKeyCalloutEvent
The documentation has moved to RemoteKeyCalloutEvent in the Platform Events Developer Guide. - Reply
Represents a reply that a user has submitted to a question in an answers zone. - ReplyReportAbuse
Represents a user-reported abuse on a Reply in a Chatter Answers zone. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - ReplyText
A text reply generated by Einstein Reply Recommendations that is based on closed chat transcripts. Admins review replies and publish them to quick text, editing them as needed. Einstein recommends relevant published replies to support agents in the Lightning Service Console, and agents can insert replies into chats or messaging sessions. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - Report
Represents a report, a set of data that meets certain criteria, displayed in an organized way. Access is read-only. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later. - ReportTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Report. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later. - ReputationLevel
Represents a reputation level defined for an Experience Cloud site. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ReputationLevelLocalization
Represents the translated value of a reputation level. Reputation level localization only applies for reputation levels in Experience Cloud sites. This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - ReputationPointsRule
Represents the reputation point rules for an Experience Cloud site. Each rule specifies an action that members can earn points from and the points associated with those actions in a particular site. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ResourceAbsence
Represents a time period in which a service resource is unavailable to work in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ResourcePreference
Represents an account’s preference for a specified service resource on field service work. - ReturnOrder
Represents the return or repair of inventory or products in Field Service, or the return of order products in Order Management. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - ReturnOrderItemAdjustment
Represents a price adjustment on a return order line item. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ReturnOrderItemTax
Represents the tax on a return order line item or return order item adjustment. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - ReturnOrderLineItem
Represents a specific product that is returned or repaired as part of a return order in Field service, or a specific order item that is returned as part of a return order in Order Management. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - ReturnOrderOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a return order with user records other than the owner or anyone above the owner in the role hierarchy. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - RuleTerritory2Association
Represents a record-assignment rule and its association to an object, such as Account. Available only if Enterprise Territory Management has been enabled for your organization. - SalesAIScoreCycle
Represents the cycle type and ID used to score records. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - SalesAIScoreModelFactor
Represents the factors that Sales Cloud Einstein uses to build a scoring model. Scoring models are used by features, such as Opportunity Scoring, to score individual records. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - SalesChannel
Represents the origin of an order. For example, a web storefront, physical store, marketplace, or mobile app. If you integrate Salesforce Order Management with Salesforce B2C Commerce, set up a SalesChannel corresponding to each Site in your B2C Commerce implementation. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - SalesStoreCatalog
Represents the catalog associated with a store. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - SalesWorkQueueSettings
Represents settings used to customize work queue options for third-party scoring. Third-party scoring enables custom number fields on person accounts, contacts, and leads. You must be a High Velocity Sales customer to update this object. Previously, you could only use the Einstein Intelligence Score for third-party scoring. Available starting in Version 47.0. - SamlSsoConfig
Represents a SAML Single Sign-On configuration. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - SchedulingAdherenceDetail
Represents the breakdown of daily shift adherence data by agent status. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - SchedulingAdherenceSummary
Represents daily shift adherence data for a service resource in a service territory and job profile on a specific date. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - SchedulingConstraint
Represents the scheduling constraints of each service resource. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - SchedulingRule
Represents scheduling rules that are hard constraints in the scheduling logic engine. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - SchedulingRuleParameter
Represents scheduling rule parameters associated with a scheduling rule. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - Scontrol
A custom s-control, which is custom content that is hosted by the system but executed by the client application. - ScontrolLocalization
The translated value of the field label for an s-control. - Scorecard
Use scorecards to measure partner performance and establish benchmarks for channel programs within Experience Cloud. Display any report summary results that your channel account manager or executive team wants to see. This object is available in API version 40.0 and later. - ScorecardAssociation
Represents a connection between a specific scorecard and the associated account, channel program, or channel program level. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - ScorecardMetric
Stores information about a Salesforce report that is run and summarized to get a single value. The stored value is added as a metric to the related Scorecard object. This object is available in API version 40.0 and later. - ScratchOrgInfo
Represents a scratch org and its audit log. Use this object to create a scratch org and keep a log of its creation and deletion. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - SearchPromotionRule
Represents a promoted search term, which is one or more keywords that you associate with a Salesforce Knowledge article. When a user’s search query includes these keywords, the associated article is returned first in search results. This object is available in API version 31.0 and later. - SecurityCustomBaseline
Provides the ability to read, create, and delete user-defined custom security baselines, which define an org’s security standards. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - SelfServiceUser
Represents a Contact who has been enabled to use your organization’s Self-Service portal, where he or she can obtain online support. - Seller
Represents the seller role of an individual with respect to a particular company or organization. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - ServiceAppointment
Represents an appointment to complete work for a customer in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ServiceAppointmentStatus
Represents a possible status of a service appointment in field service. - ServiceChannel
Represents a channel of work items that are received from your organization—for example, cases, chats, or leads. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ServiceChannelFieldPriority
Represents a secondary routing priority field-value mapping. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - ServiceChannelStatus
Represents the status that’s associated with a specific service channel. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ServiceChannelStatusField
Represents the values that you use to indicate completed and in-progress work item status for the status field in the Status-Based Capacity routing model. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - ServiceContract
Represents a customer support contract (business agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - ServiceContractOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a ServiceContract (customer service agreement) with users other than the owner. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. - ServiceCrew
Represents a group of service resources who can be assigned to service appointments as a unit. - ServiceCrewMember
Represents a technician service resource that belongs to a service crew. - ServiceCrewOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a service crew with user records other than the owner or anyone above the owner in the role hierarchy. - ServicePresenceStatus
Represents a presence status that can be assigned to a service channel. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ServiceReport
Represents a report that summarizes a work order, work order line item, or service appointment. - ServiceReportLayout
Represents a service report template in field service. - ServiceResource
Represents a service technician or service crew in field service in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ServiceResourceCapacity
Represents the maximum number of scheduled hours or number of service appointments that a capacity-based service resource can complete within a specific time period. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ServiceResourceCapacityHistory
Represents the history of changes made to tracked fields on a service resource capacity record. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ServiceResourceOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a service resource with user records other than the owner or anyone above the owner in the role hierarchy. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ServiceResourcePreference
Represents the service resource scheduling preferences that are considered as a business objective in the scheduling logic engine. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ServiceResourceSkill
Represents a skill that a service resource possesses in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ServiceSetupProvisioning
Represents a task completed by the Service Setup Assistant. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - ServiceTerritory
Represents a geographic or functional region in which field service work can be performed in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ServiceTerritoryLocation
Represents a location associated with a particular service territory in field service. - ServiceTerritoryMember
Represents a service resource who can be assigned to service appointments in a service territory in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - ServiceTerritoryWorkType
Represents the relationship between a ServiceTerritory object and a WorkType object for Salesforce Scheduler appointments. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - SessionPermSetActivation
The SessionPermSetActivation object represents a permission set assignment activated during an individual user session. When a SessionPermSetActivation object is inserted into a permission set, an activation event fires, allowing the permission settings to apply to the user’s specific session. This object is available in API versions 37.0 and later. - SetupAuditTrail
Represents changes you or other admins made in your org’s Setup area for at least the last 180 days. This object is available in API version 15.0 and later. - SetupEntityAccess
Represents the enabled setup entity access settings (such as for Apex classes) for the parent PermissionSet. This object is available in API version 25.0 and later. - ShapeRepresentation
Contains information about the shape of an org. The shape of an org includes features, settings, licenses, and limits information. You can easily create scratch orgs based on a source org’s shape. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - SharingRecordCollection
Represents a collection of records. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - SharingRecordCollectionItem
Represents a single record in a collection of records. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - SharingRecordCollectionMember
Represents a user with access to a collection of records. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - Shift
Represents a shift for service resource scheduling. Available in API versions 46.0 and later. - ShiftHistory
Represents the history of changes made to tracked fields on a time sheet. Available in API versions 46.0 and later. - ShiftOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing a shift with user records other than the owner or anyone above the owner in the role hierarchy. Available in API versions 46.0 and later. - ShiftPattern
Represents a pattern of templates for creating shifts. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - ShiftPatternEntry
ShiftPatternEntry links a shift template to a shift pattern. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - ShiftShare
Represents a sharing entry on a field service shift. Available in API versions 46.0 and later. - ShiftStatus
Represents a shift, such as Tentative, Published, or Confirmed. Available in API versions 46.0 and later. - ShiftTemplate
Represents a template for creating shifts. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - Shipment
Represents the transport of inventory in field service or a shipment of order items in Order Management. - ShipmentItem
Represents an order item included in a shipment. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - SignupRequest
Represents a request for a new sign-up. This object is available in API version 27.0 and later. - Site
Represents a public website that is integrated with an org. This object is available in API version 16.0 and later. - SiteDetail
Represents the details of a Salesforce site or Experience Cloud site. Available in API Version 38.0 and later. - SiteDomain
SiteDomain is a read-only object, and a one-to-many replacement for the Site.TopLevelDomain field. This object is available in API version 21.0, and has been deprecated as of API version 26.0. In API version 26.0 and later, use the Domain and DomainSite objects instead. - SiteHistory
Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of a site. This object is generally available in API version 18.0 and later. - SiteIframeWhitelistUrl
Represents a list of external domains that you allow to frame your Salesforce site or Experience Cloud site pages. This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - Skill
Represents a category or group that Chat users or field service resources can be assigned to. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - SkillLevelDefinition
Represents a skill which can be acquired by taking myTrailhead learning modules. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - SkillLevelProgress
Represents training progress for a given user. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - SkillProfile
Represents a join between Skill and Profile. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - SkillRequirement
Represents a skill that is required to complete a particular task in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. Skill requirements can be added to work types, work orders, and work order line items in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. You also can add skill requirements to work items in Omni-Channel skills-based routing using API version 42.0 and later. - SkillUser
Represents a join between Skill and User. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - SlaProcess
Represents an entitlement process associated with an Entitlement. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later. - Snippet
Represents a snippet, which is a container for rich text that can be reused across Pardot emails and email templates. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - SnippetAssignment
Represents a relationship between a snippet and a campaign. Assignments are required to use snippet content in Pardot emails and email templates. A snippet can be assigned to more than one campaign. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - SocialPersona
Represents a snapshot of a contact's profile on a social network such as Facebook or Twitter. This object is available in API version 22.0 and later. - SocialPost
Represents a snapshot of a post on a social network such as a Facebook or Twitter. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later. - Solution
Represents a detailed description of a customer issue and the resolution of that issue. - SolutionStatus
Represents the status of a Solution, such as Draft, Reviewed, and so on. - SolutionTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Solution. - SOSDeployment
Represents the general settings for deploying SOS video call capability in a native mobile application. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - SOSSession
This object is automatically created for each SOS session and stores information about the session. This object is available in API versions 34.0 and later. - SOSSessionActivity
Captures information about specific events that occur during an SOS video call, such as when an SOS call begins or ends. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - Stamp
Represents a User Specialty. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - StampAssignment
Represents assignment of a User Specialty to a user. This object is available in API version 39.0 and later. - StaticResource
Represents a static resource that can be used in Visualforce markup. - StoreIntegratedService
Represents an association between an integration and a store. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - StreamingChannel
Represents a channel that is the basis for notifying listeners of generic Streaming API events. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - Salesforce Surveys Object Model
Learn about how Salesforce Surveys objects relate to one another in Salesforce. - Survey
Represents a survey. - SurveyEmailBranding
Represents the configuration settings for invitation emails sent to survey participants for a particular survey. - SurveyEngagementContext
Represents the context based on which a survey invitation was sent or a survey response was received. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - SurveyInvitation
Represents the invitation sent to a participant to complete the survey. - SurveyPage
Represents a page, such as the title page or a question page, in a survey. - SurveyQuestion
Represents a question in a survey. - SurveyQuestionChoice
Represents an answer choice that a participant can select for a survey question. - SurveyQuestionResponse
Represents a participant’s answer to a specific question. - SurveyQuestionScore
Represents the aggregate of responses for the following question types: date, multiple choice, picklist, radio, ranking, rating, scoring, slider, and Net Promoter Score® (NPS®). - SurveyResponse
Represents information about a participant’s response to a survey, such as the status of the response, the participant’s location, and when the survey was completed. - SurveySubject
Represents a relationship between a survey and another object, such as an account or a case. - SurveyVersion
Represents a version of a survey. - SurveyVersionAddlInfo
Represents additional information about a survey version. This information defines the default settings of a survey version. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - TabDefinition
Represents a custom tab. Returns only the tabs that the current user has access to. This object is available in API version 43.0 and later. - TagDefinition
Defines the attributes of child Tag objects. - Task
Represents a business activity such as making a phone call or other to-do items. In the user interface, Task and Event records are collectively referred to as activities. - TaskPriority
Represents the importance or urgency of a Task, such as High, Normal, or Low. - TaskRelation
Represents the relationship between a task and a lead, contacts, and other objects related to the task. If Shared Activities is enabled, this object doesn’t support triggers, workflow, or data validation rules. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. - TaskStatus
Represents the status of a Task, such as Not Started, Completed, or Closed. - TaskTag
Associates a word or short phrase with a Task. - TaskWhoRelation
Represents the relationship between a task and a lead or contacts. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - TenantSecret
This object stores an encrypted organization-specific key fragment that is used with the master secret to produce organization-specific data encryption keys. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - TenantSecurityApiAnomaly
Tracks anomalies in how users make API calls. This object stores information about Threat Detection events within connected tenants in Security Center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityConnectedApp
Stores the details for a connected app that was added to or removed from a Security Center tenant. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityCredentialStuffing
Tracks when a user successfully logs into Salesforce during an identified credential stuffing attack. Credential stuffing refers to large-scale automated login requests using stolen user credentials. This object stores information about Threat Detection events within connected tenants in Security Center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityHealthCheckBaselineTrend
Stores metric details related to Security Health Check baseline standard security settings. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - TenantSecurityHealthCheckDetail
Stores the details of Security Health Check scores for a connected tenant within Security Center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityHealthCheckTrend
Represents the history of Security Health Check scores for a connected tenant within Security Center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityLogin
Stores the login details of a single user to a tenant in Security Center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityMobilePolicyTrend
Stores metrics related to changes in mobile security policies across all tenants in Security Center. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - TenantSecurityMonitorMetric
Represents the count and count change details for a metric that is monitored by Security Health Check within a Security Center tenant. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityNotification
Represents all Security Center notifications that were triggered This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - TenantSecurityNotificationRule
Represents an alert configured in Security Center to notify recipients of changes made to security settings. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityPackage
Stores details about managed and unmanaged packages that are added to or removed from a tenant in Security Center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityPolicy
Represents Security Center policies. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - TenantSecurityPolicyDeployment
Represents the status of deployments of a Security Center policy on a tenant. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - TenantSecurityPolicySelectedTenant
Tracks the list of tenants selected for a particular Security Center policy. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - TenantSecurityReportAnomaly
Tracks anomalies in how users run or export reports, including unsaved reports. This object stores information about Threat Detection events within connected tenants in Security Center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecuritySessionHijacking
Tracks when unauthorized users gain ownership of a Salesforce user’s session with a stolen session identifier. To detect such an event, Salesforce evaluates how significantly a user’s current browser fingerprint diverges from the previously known fingerprint using a probabilistically inferred significance of change. This object stores information about Threat Detection events within connected tenants in Security Center. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityUserActivity
Stores details about a user’s activity in Security Center tenants. The activity that’s monitored is whether the user has never logged in, hasn’t been active for 90 days, has a frozen account, or isn’t using multi-factor authentication (MFA). This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - TenantSecurityUserPerm
Stores information on permissions assigned to a particular user. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - Territory
Represents a flexible collection of accounts and users where the users have at least read access to the accounts, regardless of who owns the accounts. Only available if territory management has been enabled for your organization. - Territory2
Represents a sales territory. Available only if Enterprise Territory Management has been enabled for your organization. - Territory2AlignmentLog
Represents the start and end status of a territory assignment rule run job. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - Territory2Model
Represents a territory model. Available only if Enterprise Territory Management has been enabled for your organization. - Territory2ModelHistory
Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields on a territory model. Available only if Enterprise Territory Management has been enabled for your organization. - Territory2ObjectExclusion
Represents the objects that aren’t included in territory assignment rule runs, even when they meet assignment rule criteria. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - Territory2Type
Represents a category for territories (Territory2). Every Territory2 must have a Territory2Type. Available only if Enterprise Territory Management has been enabled for your organization. - TestSuiteMembership
Associates an Apex class with an ApexTestSuite. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - ThirdPartyAccountLink
Represents the list of external users who authenticated using an authentication provider. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - ThreatDetectionFeedback
Represents feedback provided by a user about a Threat Detection event that occurred in your org. The feedback specifies whether the event was malicious, suspicious, not a threat, or unknown. Each ThreatDetectionFeedback object is associated with one of these Threat Detection storage events: ApiAnomalyEventStore, CredentialStuffingEventStore, ReportAnomalyEventStore, or SessionHijackingEventStore. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - TimeSheet
Represents a schedule of a service resource’s time in field service. This object is available in API v47.0 and later. - TimeSheetEntry
Represents a span of time that a service resource spends on a field service task. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - TimeSlot
Represents a period of time on a specified day of the week during which field service work can be performed in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. Operating hours consist of one or more time slots. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - TimeSlotHistory
Represents the history of changes made to tracked fields on a time slot. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - Topic
Represents a topic on a Chatter post or record. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. - TopicAssignment
Represents the assignment of a topic to a specific feed item, record, or file. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. - TopicLocalization
Represents the translated version of a topic name. Topic localization applies only to navigational and featured topics in Experience Cloud sites. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - TopicUserEvent
Represents an action (such as comment, post, like, or share) made by a user on a topic. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later. - TransactionSecurityPolicy
Represents a transaction security policy definition. - Translation
The Translation object represents the languages enabled for translation in your Salesforce org. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - TwoFactorInfo
Stores a user’s secret for multi-factor operations. Use this object when customizing multi-factor authentication in your organization. (Note that multi-factor authentication was formerly called two-factor authentication.) This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - TwoFactorMethodsInfo
Stores information about which identity verification methods a user has registered. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - TwoFactorTempCode
Stores information about a user’s temporary verification code for confirming their identity when logging in. This object is available in API version 37.0 and later. - UiFormulaCriterion
Represents a filter that helps define component visibility on a Lightning page. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - UiFormulaRule
Represents a set of one or more filters that define the conditions under which a component displays on a Lightning page. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later. - UndecidedEventRelation
Represents event participants (invitees or attendees) with the status Not Responded for a given event. This object is available in API versions 29.0 and later. - User
Represents a user in your organization. - UserAccountTeamMember
Represents a User on the default account team of another User. - UserAppInfo
Stores the last Lightning app logged in to. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - UserAppMenuCustomization
Represents an individual user’s settings for items in the app menu or App Launcher. This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - UserAppMenuItem
Represents the organization-wide settings for items in the app menu or App Launcher that the requesting user has access to in Setup. This object is available in API version 35.0 and later. - UserAuthCertificate
Represents a user authentication certificate in your org. A user certificate is a unique PEM-encoded X.509 digital certificate to authenticate individual users to your org. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - UserConfigTransferButton
Represents the association between a Chat configuration and a live chat button. This association allows users associated with a specific configuration to transfer chats to a button queue. - UserConfigTransferSkill
Represents the association between a Chat configuration and a skill. This association allows users associated with a specific configuration to transfer chats to agents who have that skill. - UserCustomBadge
Represents a custom badge for a user. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - UserCustomBadgeLocalization
Represents the translated version of a custom badge for a user. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - UserDailyMetric
Represents the daily engagement metrics for a user. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - UserDailyMetricOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing the user daily metric with users other than the owner. - UserDevice
Represents information unique to a device. Available in API version 43.0 and later. - UserDeviceApplication
Represents information on applications installed on a device that is accessing Salesforce. Available in API version 43.0 and later. - UserDeviceHistory
Represents tracking information on the UserDevice sObject. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - UserEmailCalendarSync
Represents the user assignments of an Einstein Activity Capture configuration. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - UserEmailPreferredPerson
Represents a mapping for a user’s preferred record for an email address when multiple records match an email field.This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - UserEmailPreferredPersonShare
Represents a sharing entry on a UserEmailPreferredPerson object. Sharing is not customizable for UserEmailPreferredPerson records.This object is available in API version 44.0 and later. - UserLicense
Represents a user license in your organization. A user license entitles a user to specific functionality and determines the profiles and permission sets available to the user. - UserListView
Represents the customizations a user made to a list view. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - UserListViewCriterion
Represents the criterion for a user’s customized list view. The criterion consists of the filters or sort order a user added to a list view for the Salesforce Mobile app. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - UserLogin
Represents the settings that affect a user’s ability to log into an organization. To access this object, you need the UserPermissions.ManageUsers permission. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later. - UserMembershipSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing user records from a source group to a target group. A user record contains details about a user. Users who are members of the source group can be shared with members of the target group. The source and target groups can be based on roles, portal roles, public groups, or territories. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - UserMonthlyMetric
Represents the monthly engagement metrics for a user. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - UserMonthlyMetricOwnerSharingRule
Represents the rules for sharing the user monthly metric with users other than the owner. - UserPackageLicense
Represents a license for an installed managed package, assigned to a specific user. This object is available in API version 31.0 and later. - UserPermissionAccess
Represents the permissions accessibility for a current user. Available in API version 41.0 and later. - UserPrioritizedRecord
Represents records that Pipeline Inspection users flag as important for tracking in pipeline views and filters. This object is available in API version 53.0 and later. - UserPreference
Represents a functional preference for a specific user in your organization. - UserProfile
Represents a Chatter user profile. - UserProvAccount
Represents information that links a Salesforce user account with an account in a third-party (target) system, such as Google, for users of connected apps with Salesforce user provisioning enabled. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - UserProvAccountStaging
Temporarily stores user account information while a user completes the User Provisioning Wizard. This information that is stored in the UserProvAccount object when you click the button to collect and analyze accounts on the target system. - UserProvMockTarget
Represents an entity for testing user data before committing the data to a third-party system for user provisioning. - UserProvisioningConfig
Represents information for a flow to use during a user provisioning request process, such as the attributes for an update. This object is available in API version 34.0 and later. - UserProvisioningLog
Represents messages generated during the process of provisioning users for third-party applications. This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - UserProvisioningRequest
Represents an individual provisioning request to create, update, or delete a single user account in a third-party service system (or another Salesforce organization). This object is available in API version 33.0 and later. - UserRecordAccess
Represents a user’s access to a set of records. This object is read only and is available in API version 24.0 and later. - UserRole
Represents a user role in your organization. - UserServicePresence
Represents a presence user’s real-time presence status. This object is available in API version 32.0 and later. - UserShare
Represents a sharing entry on a user record. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later. - UserTeamMember
Represents a single User on the default opportunity team of another User. - UserTerritory
Represents a User who has been assigned to a Territory. - UserTerritory2Association
Represents an association (by assignment) between a territory and a user record. Available only if Enterprise Territory Management has been enabled for your organization. - UserWorkList
Represents a list of work items in the My Feed tab for High Velocity Sales users. - UserWorkListItem
Represents an individual work item in the My Feed tab for High Velocity Sales users. - VendorCallCenterStatusMap
Stores a mapping between a call center vendor agent status and a Salesforce presence status for an associated call center. This object is available in API version 54.0 and later. - VerificationHistory
Represents the past six months of your org users’ attempts to verify their identity. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - VisualforceAccessMetrics
Represents summary statistics for Visualforce pages. - VideoCall
Represents a video call. - VideoCallParticipant
Represents a participant in a video call. - VideoCallRecording
Represents a recording from a video call, such as a video recording, a voice recording, or a transcript. - VoiceCall
Represents a call in Service Cloud Voice and Sales Dialer. - VoiceCallList
Represents a prioritized list of numbers to call. - VoiceCallListItem
Represents a single phone number in a prioritized call list. - VoiceCallQualityFeedback
Represents feedback given by a Sales Dialer user about the quality of a VoiceCall. - VoiceCallRecording
Represents a call recording in Service Cloud Voice and Sales Dialer. Call recordings for Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect and for Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony from Amazon Connect are stored in S3 buckets on your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account and can be accessed via AWS. Call recordings for Sales Dialer are saved as files in Salesforce. - VoiceCoaching
Represents a call that is using call monitoring. - VoiceLocalPresenceNumber
Represents a phone number with the same area code as the person who’s being called. - VoiceMailContent
Represents a voicemail message left by a caller to the context user. - VoiceMailGreeting
Represents a custom greeting message that plays upon reaching a user’s voicemail. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - VoiceMailMessage
Represents a prerecorded voicemail message. - VoiceUserLine
Represents a user’s forwarding phone number. - VoiceUserPreferences
Represents the number the user displays when making outbound calls. This object is available in API version 41.0 and later. - VoiceVendorInfo
Represents information about the Service Cloud Voice or Sales Dialer provider’s vendor. - VoiceVendorLine
Represents a user’s phone number reserved with the vendor. - Vote
Represents a vote that a user has made on an Idea or a Reply. - WarrantyTerm
Represents warranty terms defining the labor, parts, and expenses covered, along with any exchange options, provided to rectify issues with products. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later. - WaveAutoInstallRequest
Provides access the concrete object that represents a Tableau CRM auto install request. The auto install request tracks the progress of Tableau CRM applications created from Tableau CRM templates by the automated process user. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - WebCart
Represents an online shopping cart in a store built with B2B Commerce on Lightning, with total amounts for products, shipping and handling, and taxes. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - WebCartAdjustmentGroup
Group of price adjustments for a cart. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - WebCartHistory
WebCartHistory represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of the WebCart object. - WebLink
Represents a custom link to a URL or Scontrol. - WebLinkLocalization
Represents the translated value of the field label for a custom link to a URL or s-control when the Translation Workbench is enabled for your organization. - WebStore
Represents a B2B Commerce store. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - WebStoreCatalog
Represents the collection of products associated with a store. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - WebStorePricebook
Represents a store price book used in Lightning B2B Commerce. This object is available in API version 48.0 and later. - Wishlist
Represents a buyer-created list of WishlistItems in a store that’s built with B2B Commerce on Lightning. Available in API version 49.0 and later. - WishlistItem
Represents an item on a Wishlist in a store built with B2B Commerce for Lightning. Available in API version 49.0 and later. - WorkAccess
Used to grant or restrict user access to give badge definitions. Each badge definition record must have one WorkAccess record. - WorkAccessShare
Used to control Givers of WorkBadgeDefinition records. - WorkBadge
Represents information about who the badge was given to and which badge was given. A WorkBadge record is created for each recipient of a WorkBadgeDefinition. - WorkBadgeDefinition
Represents the attributes of a badge including the badge name, description, and image. Each WorkBadge record must have a lookup to a WorkBadgeDefinition since badge attributes (like badge name) are derived from the WorkBadgeDefinition object. - WorkCoaching
Represents a single coaching relationship between two users. One of the users is defined as the coach and the other is defined as a coachee. WorkCoaching is feed-enabled so there is a private feed available to the coach and coachee. - WorkDemographic
Represents the field values used to specify slices in the workload forecasting and capacity planning. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - WorkFeedback
Represents the answer to a question that a person was asked via a feedback request. Also used to store offered feedback without linking it to a particular question. - WorkFeedbackQuestion
Represents a free-form text type or multiple choice question within a set of questions. - WorkFeedbackQuestionSet
Represents a set of questions being asked. The question set is used to link all the individual requests where different recipients were asked the same set of questions on the same subject. - WorkFeedbackRequest
Represents a single feedback request on a subject or topic (question) to a single recipient in the feedback application. In the case of offered feedback, WorkFeedbackRequest represents feedback that is offered about a subject. In the performance application, WorkFeedbackRequest represents a request for feedback on a set of questions from a question set, on a subject—for the recipient to complete and submit. - WorkforceCapacity
Represents the time series for actual or forecasted workforce allocation. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - WorkforceCapacityUnit
Represents the number of resources allocated or needed for a specific set of work items at a timestamp within a specific duration. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later. - WorkGoal
Represents the components of a goal, such as its description and associated metrics. This object has been deprecated as of API version 35.0. Use the Goal object to query information about WDC goals. - WorkGoalCollaborator
Represents collaborators on a WorkGoal object. This doesn’t include WorkGoal followers, which is handled by Chatter Feed Follow functionality. This object has been deprecated as of API version 35.0. Use the Goal object to query information about WDC goals. - WorkGoalCollaboratorHistory
Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields in a WorkGoalCollaborator object. Access is read-only. - WorkGoalHistory
Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of a WorkGoal. Access is read-only. This object has been deprecated as of API version 35.0. Use the GoalHistory object to query historical information for WDC goals. - WorkGoalLink
Represents the relationship between two goals (many to many relationship). This object has been deprecated as of API version 35.0. Use the GoalLink object to query information about the relationship between two WDC goals. - WorkGoalShare
Represents a sharing entry on a WorkGoal object. This object has been deprecated as of API version 35.0. Use the GoalShare object to query information about sharing for WDC goals. - Workload
Represents the time series for work item volume and average handling time from aggregation and forecasting processes. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - WorkloadUnit
Represents the number of work items and average handle time in a specific time interval. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later. - WorkOrder
Represents field service work to be performed for a customer. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - WorkOrderHistory
Represents the history of changes made to tracked fields on a work order. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - WorkOrderLineItem
Represents a subtask on a work order in field service. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - WorkOrderLineItemHistory
Represents the history of changes made to tracked fields on a work order line item. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - WorkOrderLineItemStatus
Represents a possible status of a work order line item in field service. - WorkOrderShare
Represents a sharing entry on a work order. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later. - WorkOrderStatus
Represents a possible status of a work order in field service. - WorkPerformanceCycle
Represents feedback that is gathered to assess the performance of a specific set of employees. - WorkPlan
Represents a work plan for a work order or work order line item. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - WorkPlanSelectionRule
Represents a rule that selects a work plan for a work order or work order line item. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - WorkPlanTemplate
Represents a template for a work plan. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - WorkPlanTemplateEntry
Represents an object that associates a work step template with a work plan template. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - WorkReward
Used to store reward codes tied to a Reward Fund. Reward Funds must have at least one WorkReward record. - WorkRewardFund
Represents a Reward Fund and describes the Reward Fund attributes. - WorkRewardFundType
Represents the type of WorkRewardFund object. - WorkStep
Represents a work step in a work plan. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - WorkStepStatus
Represents a picklist for a status category on a work step. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - WorkStepTemplate
Represents a template for a work step. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later. - WorkThanks
Represents the source and message of a thanks post. - WorkType
Represents a type of work to be performed in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. Work types are templates that can be applied to work order or work order line items. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later. - WorkTypeGroup
Represents a grouping of work types used to categorize types of appointments available in Lightning Scheduler, or to define scheduling limits in Field Service. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later. - WorkTypeGroupMember
Represents the relationship between a work type and the work type group it belongs to. This object is available in API version 45.0 and later.
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