기존 데이터를 이관 할 때 Salesforce 세팅을 하면 최초 등록 할 떄 생성일자를 이관일자가 아닌 실제 기존 생성일자로 등록 할 수 있지만 모든 객체가 지원하는 것 은 아니네요.
그냥 좀. 해주지.
Considerations and activation of 'Create Audit Fields'
Salesforce has the ability to set system fields through the API. When migrating data from an external system, the API lets you set a number of fields on objects that were previously read-only. By setting these fields, records will appear to have been created at the time they were originally created on your old system.
Since these fields are intended to be audit fields, they can only be set on create, not update. If the records already exist in Salesforce, they will need to be exported to a .csv file, deleted in Salesforce, and then imported with the updated information as new records.
In general, Salesforce recommends that this feature only be enabled while doing data migration. In certain cases such as routinely copying new data from an external system to Salesforce, this can be enabled permanently. This feature must be enabled by a System administrator in the organization.
- The 'create audit fields' feature is generally available, as of the Salesforce Winter '16 release.
- This does not permit the values to be updated, only inserted.
- The 'LastModifiedDate' and the 'LastModifiedBy' fields will not reflect the inserted value if the Task is associated to a Contact or Lead (WhoID); or other records such as Account, Opportunity, Campaign, and so on (WhatID); during Task Insert.
- Permission required to set 'audit' fields: Modify All Data.
- When “Enhanced Email” is enabled and EmailMessages are inserted, the associated Task records that get auto-created will not use the CreatedDate of the EmailMessage, but instead will have a CreatedDate of the date of insertion.
These fields are permitted additional access through the activation of this feature
- CreatedByID
- CreatedDate
- LastModifiedbyID
- LastModifiedDate
Additionally, these are the fields from the Lead object related to conversion that can also be defined on Insert
- IsConverted
- ConvertedDate
- ConvertedAccountId
- ConvertedContactId
- ConvertedOpportunityId
These are the objects that you can set these fields on
- Account
- CampaignMember
- Case
- CaseComment
- Contact
- ContentNote
- ContentVersion
- Contracts
- EmailMessage
- FeedComment
- FeedItem
- Idea
- IdeaComment
- Lead
- Opportunity
- Quote
- Vote
- Work Order
- Task
- Event
- Attachment
- All custom objects
See also
Enable 'Create Audit Fields'
Cannot update 'Closed Date' on closed Case
Set audit field values for imported records
Inserted values not populated in 'Last Modified Date' and 'Last Modified By' fields
Update the 'Last Modified By' field on a Lead record
Enable the permission 'Create Audit Fields' for standard profiles