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Salesforce Intellij IDE 설치


1.Intellij IDE 다운로드 및 설치

https://www.jetbrains.com/ko-kr/idea/download에서 Community 버전 다운로드 후 설치(Ultimate버전은 30days 사용가능)


3. illuminated Cloid2 Plugin 설치 및 라이센스 등록

- create New Empty Project

- The Integrated plugin repository

  Windows/Linux : Help > Check for Updates

  Mac : InteliJ IDEA/PhpStorm/PyCharm/RubyMine/WebStorm>Check for Updates

- Manual Installation

  install the plugin using

  Files > Settings>Plugins >Search for 'illuminated Cloud2' > Install Plugin from Disk

Salesforce CLI 설치 및 설정

- Salesforce CLI Install : https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx-windows-amd64.exe 

- 설정 : Tools > illuminated Cloud > Configure Application 



- File > New > Project 오른쪽 마우스 클릭 Left Menu Illuminated Cloud > select Connection above Conntecion Name

  > Next and input Project Infomation > Finish

  Metadata 는 전체 체크 후 Next

  Retrieve metadata from Salesforce - unckeck  > Finish

  자동 실행하고 안되면 옵션  Generate Offline Symbol Table 처리




세일즈포스(Salesforce) security token 재 발급 방법:: generate security token

세일즈포스(Salesforce)  security token 재 발급 방법입니다. In the mailbox for the email address associated with the Salesforce account to be used by the Coveo connector, look for the latest email..



