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Salesforce soql Entity list & Salesforce Object Key Prefix List


Entity Query

SELECT KeyPrefix
     , QualifiedApiName, DeveloperName, MasterLabel, Label, PluralLabel, DefaultCompactLayoutId, NamespacePrefix
     , IsCustomizable, IsApexTriggerable, IsWorkflowEnabled, IsProcessEnabled, IsCompactLayoutable
     , InternalSharingModel, ExternalSharingModel, HasSubtypes, IsSubtype, IsAutoActivityCaptureEnabled, IsInterface
     , ImplementsInterfaces, ImplementedBy, ExtendsInterfaces, ExtendedBy, DefaultImplementation
     , LastModifiedDate
FROM EntityDefinition
order by KeyPrefix, QualifiedApiName


Object Key PrefixesSalesforce Object

001 Account
002 Note
003 Contact
005 User
006 Opportunity
500 Case
701 Campaign
007 Activity
00B ListView/View
00D Organization
00E UserRole
00G Group
00I Partner
00O Report
00P Attachment
00Q Lead
00T Task
00U Event
00X EmailTemplate
00Y EmailTemp
00e Profile
00h Layout - Page Layout
00i Pricebook
00j Product
00k OpportunityLineItem
00l Folder
00v CampaignMember
01Z Dashboard
01a DashboardComponent
01s Pricebook2
01t Product2
02c Sharing Rule
03u UserPreference
800 Contract
801 Order
802 OrderItem
806 Approval


When to Use Salesforce Object Key Prefixes

In criteria for validation rules or automation

I find object prefixes extremely useful when it comes to user/queue criteria for objects such as Cases or Leads.


As the User and Queue (Group) are two different objects, it becomes really easy to have a Salesforce Flow execute, for example, when only when a Lead is owned by a user.

Navigate to an object tab

Shortcuts will be useful at times, to pull up an object’s tab directly from another record in Salesforce. Note that this works in Salesforce Classic, and in Lightning for Developer Edition and Trailhead Playgrounds only.

Here at Salesforce Ben, we use a custom object named “Content” with the prefix a00; instead of adding the Record Id in the URL to bring up one single record, adding the prefix brings up the object’s tab with the list views available. From there, you can then further filter down, saving you extra clicks.


Key Prefix Object Type Notes
000 EmptyKey Ref
001 Account  
002 Note Doc
003 Contact  
005 User  
006 Opportunity  
007 Activity  
008 OpportunityHistory  
00B ListView  
00C DeleteEvent /DELETE_EVENT
00D Organization  
00E UserRole  
00G Group  
00I Partner Also OpportunityPartner, which "is automatically created when a Partner object is created for a partner relationship between an account and an opportunity"
00I AccountPartner /Partner
00I OpportunityPartner /Partner
00J OpportunityCompetitor  
00K OpportunityContactRole  
00M MobileSettingsAssignment  
00N CustomFieldDefinition - Setup > Create > Objects > [Your Object] > [Your Field]
00O Report  
00P Attachment  
00Q Lead  
00R MassOperationsSubsetResults  
00S ImportQueue  
00T Task  
00U Event Doc
00X EmailTemplate  
00Y EmailTemp  
00a CaseComment or IdeaComment
    Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix!
00a IdeaComment or CaseComment
    Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix!
00b WebLink - Custom Button or Link - CUSTOM_RESOURCE_LINK
00c Training  
00d AutomatedProcessUserId TBC - In v48, User.UserName field for Automated Process user is autoproc@00d0q0000000okqeaq
00e Profile  
00h Layout - Page Layout
00i Pricebook  
00k OpportunityLineItem  
00l Folder  
00o OpportunityLineItemSchedule Doc
    Represents information about the quantity, revenue distribution, and delivery dates for a particular OpportunityLineItem.
    Products, Price Books, and Schedules Overview
00p UserTeamMember  
00q OpportunityTeamMember Doc - "This object is available only in organizations that have enabled team selling."
00r AccountShare  
00s AccountOwnerSharingRule  
00t OpportunityShare  
00u OpportunityOwnerSharingRule  
00v CampaignMember  
00w MassOperationsNotification / PAYMENT_APPLICATION
10 CaseSolution  
11 GroupMember  
12 RecordType  
13 RecordTypePicklist  
14 ProfileRecordType  
15 Document  
16 BrandTemplate Doc (Letterhead)
17 EntityHistory Prefix for all xxxHistory objects (Standard/custom) except OpportunityHistory which is 008
18 EmailStatus  
19 BusinessProcess  
01A BusinessProcessPicklist  
01B LayoutSection  
01C LayoutItem  
01D UserAccountTeamMember  
01E EntityAttributes  
01G ProfileLayout  
01H MailmergeTemplate  
01I CustomEntityDefinition a.k.a. External Object
01J PicklistMaster Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix!
01J LeadStatus /PicklistMaster
01J OpportunityStage /PicklistMaster
01K ActivityMetricRollupBase  
01L CurrencyType  
01M AccountTeamMember  
01N Scontrol  
01P PermissionSetTabSetting  
01Q WorkflowRule /AssignmentRule Docs
01Q AssignmentRule  
01R RuleFilter  
01S RuleFilterItem  
01T RuleFilterAction  
01U ActionAssignEscalate  
01V ActionTask  
01W ActionEmail  
01X ActionEmailRecipient  
01Y CampaignMemberStatus  
01Z Dashboard Doc
01a DashboardComponent  
01b ListViewCriterion  
01c ListViewDisplayColumn  
01e PicklistSet  
01f Scorecard / WEBEX_MEETING
01g API_QUERY The first part of the QueryLocatory returned for an API SOQL query that needs to be paged.
01h Translation  
01j LocalizedValue  
01k FieldPermissions a.k.a. PROFILE_FLS_ITEM
01l ActionResponse  
01m BusinessHours  
01n CaseShare  
01o LeadShare  
01p ApexClass Doc
01q ApexTrigger  
01r CustomTabDefinition Visualforce Tab
01s Pricebook2  
01t Product2  
01u PricebookEntry  
01v PricebookShare  
01w OpportunityUpdateReminder  
01y CaseOwnerSharingRule  
01z CaseEscalation  
20 ExternalIdMap /EventAttendee
22 FiscalYearSettings  
23 Calendar  
24 CalendarShare  
25 ListLayoutItem  
26 Period  
02A LeadOwnerSharingRule  
02B LabelDefinition  
02C LabelData  
02D CaseHistory2  
02F CustomFieldMap  
02G TenantSecret  
02H EltWorkflowJobDetail /MH_GOLD_PROGRAM
02I InsightsApplication /MH_GOLD_INFORMATION
02J RecommendationAudience  
02M DatasetAccess /MH_GREENSHEET
02N ContentLogMetricsByOrg  
02O DatasetRegister /MH_GREEN_GET_INFO
02P DataflowGroupMember /MH_CONTACT_ROLE
02Q DataflowGroupDependency /MH_INFORMATION
02T CustomPage  
02U CustomPageItem  
02V PageComponent  
02W DataflowGroupTrigger  
02X CustomPageProfile  
02Y UserComponentData  
02Z AccountContactRole  
02a ContractContactRole  
02b ComponentResourceLink  
02c SharingRule  
02c VoiceCallRecordingShare  
02c VoiceCallShare  
02f DelegateGroup  
02g DelegateGroupMember  
02h DelegateGroupGrant  
02i Asset  
02k ListLayout  
02m CustomIndex  
02n CategoryNode  
02o CategoryData  
02p DivTransferEvent  
02q LayoutItemColumn  
02r OpportunityAlert  
02s EmailMessage  
02t EmailRoutingAddress  
02u TabSet AKA. Apps
02v TabSetMember  
02w LoginIpRange  
02x LoginHours  
02y ReportAggregate  
02z ReportColorRange  
30 DataflowRequest /PROFILE_TAB_SET
33 AllPackage Package being built in the developer org
33 MetadataPackage  
34 PackageMember  
35 SelfServiceUser  
36 DataAssessmentConfigItem  
37 ReportColumn  
38 ReportFilterItem  
39 ReportBreak  
03A CalendarView /Calendar2/CustomObjectCalendar
03B CalendarModel  
03C DataflowInstance  
03D ContactOwnerSharingRule  
03E GatherStatsTaskInfo  
03G AccountCriteriaSharingRule  
03H ContactCriteriaSharingRule  
03I CaseCriteriaSharingRule  
03J ChatterMessage  
03K ChatterMessageThread  
03L DataflowNode  
03M ChatterConversation  
03N ChatterConversationMember  
03O CardPaymentMethod  
03P DataAssessmentMetric  
03Q DataAssessmentFieldMetric  
03R DataAssessmentValueMetric  
03S ContentAsset  
03U DataAssessmentBIMetrics  
03V CampaignInfluenceModel  
03Y InteractionScreenRule  
03Z InteractionScreenRuleAction  
03a DependentPicklist  
03b SubscriberPackageVersionInstallRequest  
03c LayoutRightPanel  
03d ValidationFormula Validation Rule
03e CustomSetupDefinition  
03f CustomSetup  
03g QueueSobject  
03h ExternalServiceAction  
03i ConsoleConfig  
03j CaseContactRole  
03k ConsoleConfigItem  
03m ExternalServiceType  
03n ApexClassIdentifier  
03o ExternalActionParameter  
03q ApexClassIdentifierRelationship  
03r AssignedResource  
03s ContactShare  
03u UserPreference  
03v Package2Member  
40 ReportParam  
43 OutboundField  
44 ExternalizedReference  
45 PartnerNetworkSetup  
49 OpportunitySplit  
04B Bookmark  
04E SandOmObserver  
04F LoginGeo  
04G DatacloudIndustryCode  
04H InstanceDirective  
04I EmbeddedServiceConfig  
04P PartnerNetworkConnection Doc
04Q LearningItem /LogAnalysisRun
04R LearningLink /LogAnalysisItem
04V PartnerNetworkRecordConnection Doc
04W RevenueForecastHistory  
04X QuantityForecastHistory  
04Y ActionFieldUpdate Field Update
04Z EntityLock  
04a ProcessDefinition  
04b ProcessNode  
04c ProcessTransition  
04d ProcessTransitionCondition  
04e ProcessActionItem  
04f ProcessWorkitemProperties  
04g ProcessInstance  
04h ProcessInstanceStep  
04i ProcessInstanceWorkitem  
04j ProcessAllowedSubmitter  
04k ActionOutboundMessage Outbound Message Id
04l OutboundMessage Outbound Notification Id
04m AdditionalNumber  
04n SoftphoneLayout  
04o SoftphoneLayoutSection  
04p SoftphoneLayoutItem  
04q SoftphoneLayoutInfoField  
04r SoftphoneLayoutCallType  
04s AsyncRequest AsyncResult, DeployResult
04t AllPackageVersion Install Package - Subscriber Package Version ID
04t MetadataPackageVersion  
04u ActionOverride  
04v CallCenter  
04w DatedConversionRate  
04x PackageExtension  
04y ListColumn  
04z LayoutItemActionRef  
50 PackageLicense  
51 UserPackageLicense  
52 SfdcOutboundMessage  
53 WorkflowTimeTrigger  
54 WorkflowTimeAction  
55 WorkflowTimeQueue  
56 ContentTagName  
57 ContentDocumentSubscription  
58 ContentWorkspace Doc
59 ContentWorkspaceDoc  
05A ContentWorkspaceMember /ContentWorkspaceMembership
05B CampaignCriteriaSharingRule  
05C ContentVersionComment  
05D ContentDistribution  
05E AsyncApiBatchOptions  
05F ApexTestSuite  
05G IpWhitelist  
05H ContentDistributionView  
05I CampaignSharingRuleFilterItem  
05J ContentVersionRating  
05K ContentVersionRenditionContent  
05L DBCThumbnailFilter  
05M Experiment  
05N ContentVersionTagName  
05P ContentWorkspacePermission  
05Q ContentTagSubscription  
05R ContentWorkspaceSubscription  
05S ContentUserSubscription  
05T ContentBody  
05U EntityFeedLayout  
05V ContentNotification  
05W ContentNotificationParam  
05X DocumentAttachmentMap  
05Z ContentWorkspaceRecentEvent  
05a DataStatistics  
05c CopyExportChunk2  
05d CopyImportChunk2  
05e CopyEntityTally2  
05f AcceptedRecommendation  
05g TwoFactorTempCode  
05i Package2Version Package Version ID
05j CommunityTemplateDefinition  
05k ColorDefinition  
05l CommunityThemeDefinition  
05m ApexTestRunResult  
05n ApexTestResultLimits  
05o EclairNgMapGeoJson  
05p EclairNgMap  
05q AssistantRecommendation  
05t CustomEntityTranslation  
05v DataPrepRecipe  
05y DirectMessage  
05z DirectMessageMember  
60 Portal  
61 PortalAccount  
62 PortalStyleConfig  
63 MobileConfig  
64 QuerySet  
65 QuerySetItem  
66 ApexPage  
67 PortalMember  
68 ContentVersion  
69 ContentDocument  
69 ContentNote /ContentDocument
06A ContentDocumentLink  
06B ContentWorkspaceAllowedRecType  
06E DandBCompany  
06F EmailCapture  
06G CustomConsoleComponent  
06M LogoutEvent BigObjectForReporting
06N ApplicationDependency  
06O ServiceDeskAttributes  
06P Application Connected App
06V InsightsExternalData  
06W InsightsExternalDataPart  
06Y FeedActionDefinition  
06a LocalNamespace  
06b FeedActionState  
06c EltWorkflowAudit  
06d GrantedByLicense  
06e DdcProspectorMetrics  
06f EdgeMartDataShard  
06g EdgeMartDataShardFile  
06h FileSearchActivity  
06i FlexQueueItem  
06j ApexEmailNotification  
06k ProfileActionOverride  
06l OverridableEntities  
06m AppDefinition  
06n ServicePresenceStatusInfo  
06o AppTabMember  
06p NotifTypeUserSetting  
06q BackgroundOperationResult  
06r AppNotificationType  
06s SkinnyTable  
06t SkinnyTableField  
06u PresenceUserConfigInfo  
06v AppNotifTypeUserSetting  
06w AppBrand  
06y SubscriberPackageVersionUninstallRequest  
70 CustomReportType  
71 CrtObject  
72 CrtColumn Related to reports in some way.
73 CrtLayoutSection  
74 CorsWhitelistEntry  
75 DuplicateErrorLog  
76 RateLimitingNotification  
77 ApiCapture  
78 ApiUsage  
79 MobileMarkedRecord  
07A MassMail  
07D FeedPostTemplate  
07E Sandbox  
07F FeedFavorite  
07G SummaryRecalcQueue  
07H ContentFolder  
07I ContentFolderMember  
07J ComponentObjectDependency  
07K ComponentFeatureDependency  
07L ApexLog  
07M ApexTestResult Doc
07N ActionLinkTemplateBinding  
07O Canvas  
07P EntitySizeJob  
07R DataCategoryMapping  
07S CleanDataService /CleanDataSource
07T AuthConfig  
07U AuthConfigProviders  
07V ActionSend  
07W CustomBrand  
07X CustomBrandAsset  
07Y CleanRule BatchOrgSizeJob
07Z EntityDataSize  
07a ApexDebuggerSession  
07b ApexDebuggerBreakpoint  
07c ApexDebuggerRequest  
07d ApexDebuggerEvent  
07e FeedPostTemplateItem  
07f BluetailFeedback  
07g ActionLinkGroupTemplate  
07h ConnectedAppOauthPolicy  
07i CleanRule  
07j ContentSyncSetting  
07k AccountContactRelation  
07l ActionLinkTemplate  
07m DatacloudAddress  
07n ApexExecutionOverlayResult  
07o EntityLimit  
07p UserAppMenuItem  
07t ApiEvent  
07u UserEntityAccess  
07v ContentFolderLink  
07w DatacloudIndustryChapter  
07x DatacloudIndustrySubChapter  
07y DatacloudIndustryContent  
07z DatacloudIndustry  
80 PacCrudPermission  
81 StaticResource  
82 UninstallExport Data from Uninstalled Packages? A zip containing CSVs.
83 Vote  
84 VoteConfig  
85 VoteStats  
86 MobileDevice  
87 Idea  
08C DatacloudContact  
08E AddressCountry  
08F AddressState  
08G CleanJobLog  
08H CleanBatchErrorLog  
08I CleanEntityErrorLog  
08J EltWorkflowNode  
08K DuplicateRuleMatchRule  
08M FeedAttachment  
08N ExternalEventMapping  
08O FTestSystemCatalogEntity  
08P BackgroundOperation  
08Q ForecastingOwnerAdjustment  
08R FeedMute  
08U FeedRevision  
08V FTestMetadataCatalogEntity  
08W DashboardGridLayout  
08X DashboardGridComponent  
08a CronJobDetail  
08c Package2VersionCreateRequest Package Version Create Request
08d CampaignOwnerSharingRule  
08e CronTrigger Doc
08g CronFiredTrigger  
08h EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent  
08j Package2OauthConsumer  
08k DimensionCustomAction  
08l AQTWorkloadData  
08n AqtCompoundRecommendedIndex  
08o AqtCreatedIndex  
08p ServiceAppointment  
08q WorkType  
08r AqtLongRunningRequestData  
08s CampaignShare  
08t AqtRIRequestMap  
08u AqtRecommendedIndex  
08v AqtAwrData  
08x InstancePerm  
08y CspTrustedSite  
90 MobileExcludedField  
91 EmailServicesFunction  
92 WeeklyDataExport  
93 EmailServicesAddress  
94 MobileView  
95 MobileViewSortColumn  
96 MobileViewDisplayColumn  
97 MobileViewFilter  
98 GoogleDoc  
99 ApexComponent  
09A FeedPollChoice  
09B FeedPollVote  
09C AsyncApiJobMatchDetail  
09D QuickActionDefinition  
09E AsyncApiBatchMatchDetail  
09F DatacloudPurchaseUsage  
09G EnvironmentHubInvitation  
09H ConnectedApplication2  
09I QuickActionListItem  
09J QuickActionList  
09K DatacloudCompany  
09L ActionFlow  
09M ActionFlowParam  
09N DatacloudDandBCompany  
09O DatacloudOwnedEntity  
09P EmailDomainKey  
09S AsyncRequestFFX  
09T AsyncRequestFFXResult  
09U DomainCookieStore  
09V DashboardStickyFilter  
09W ThirdPartyAccountLinkLocal  
09X DcSocialProfileHandle  
09Y DcSocialProfile  
09Z FeedFilterDefinition  
09a Community  
09d FeedFilterCriterion  
09e InvocableAction  
09f InvocableActionParameter  
09g InvocableActionPicklist  
09h IncrementalCandidate  
09i DataAssessmentRecord  
09j QoptimizerOption IpRange
09k IconDefinition  
09l ApexDebuggerLicense  
09m FeedEntityUnpublished  
09s MassOperationsJobInfo  
09t UiFormulaRule  
09v SecurityCustomBaseline  
09w IQOpportunityEmailAddress  
09x CommunityWorkspacesNode  
09z EmbeddedServiceQuickAction  
0A0 ReportJob  
0A1 ReportJobFieldMap  
0A2 DevelopmentPackageVersion Change Set
0A3 InstalledPackageVersion Installed Package
0A4 ProcessTransitionApprover  
0A5 AllManagedPackageMember  
0A7 CustomShareRowCause  
0A8 ReportJobRun  
0A9 ReportJobRunError  
0AB ProfilePortalDelegate  
0AD PackageEvent  
0AF FolderShare  
0AH CompactLayout  
0AI FirehoseCheckpoint  
0AJ ComponentInstanceProperty  
0AK ComponentInstance  
0AL ExternalSocialAccount  
0AM CompactLayoutItem  
0AN CompactLayoutMapping  
0AO CopyExport  
0AP CopyImport  
0AQ CopyExportChunk  
0AR CopyImportChunk  
0AS CopyEntityTally  
0AT EventLogFile  
0AU AuthSecurityLevel  
0AV CopyExportObserverInfo  
0AW CanvasFeedItem  
0AX ConsolePersonalization  
0AY ExternalEvent  
0AZ ActionApex  
0Aa CollaborationGroupRecord  
0Ab AuraDefinitionBundle  
0Ad AuraDefinition  
0Af DeployRequest  
0Ag ActionLinkGroup  
0Ah ConferenceNumber  
0Ai DeployMessage  
0Aj AsyncApiTransformationSpec  
0Ak AuthSession  
0Al DeployTestResult  
0Am SplitMapping  
0An ActionLink  
0Ao SplitPod  
0Ap Split  
0Aq ActionLinkGroupAssoc  
0Ar SplitAction  
0As SplitActionResult  
0At ActionLinkUserState  
0Au AnalyticNotification  
0Av AnalyticThreshold  
0Aw AnalyticCondition  
0Ax ContentVersioningPolicy  
0Ay AnalyticAction  
0Az AuraResource  
0B0 MobileEntitySetting  
0B1 MessageIdentifier  
0B2 PortalLanguageConfig  
0B3 PortalLanguageTabConfig  
0B9 MobileTab  
0BA CustomDataType  
0BB CustomDataTypeComponent  
0BC CustomFieldDataColumn  
0BE FileFieldData  
0BF ComponentAppVersion  
0BG CampaignInfluenceAdjustment  
0BH AllManagedClassRelationship  
0BI ContentVersionMap  
0BJ ActionAssignTeam  
0BL PackageIdMapping  
0BM Connection Salesforce to Salesforce
0BR LogSearchResult  
0BV OpportunityCriteriaSharingRule  
0BW MobilePushDevice  
0BX HistoricalEntityConfig  
0BY MqSlaRequest  
0BZ EmailBrand  
0Ba LoginBrandAsset  
0Bb LoginBrand  
0Bc MqSlaJob  
0Bd HistoricalFieldConfig  
0Be HistoricalTransactionPrefix  
0Bf HistoricalStaging  
0Bg IdeaTheme  
0Bi HistoricalSelectorValue  
0Bk HistoricalSelector  
0Bl BlacklistedConsumer  
0Bm DuplicateRule  
0Bn ConsoleSidebarContainer  
0Bo SidebarComponentLayout  
0Bp ListPoolUsage  
0Bq EltWorkflowJobTracker  
0Br EltWorkflowJobHistory  
0Bs DatacloudSocialHandle  
0Bt Announcement  
0Bu DunsRightAsyncBatch  
0Bv DunsRightAsyncAccountRecord  
0Bw EltWorkflow  
0Bx DunsRightAsyncChunk  
0By ContentDispositionAssignment  
0Bz AgentWork  
0C0 Holiday  
0C1 CustIdxCandidate  
0C2 MobileSession  
0C3 RequestThrottle  
0C5 Skill  
0C6 LiveChatUserConfig  
0C8 SetupAssistantProgress  
0C9 SkillUser  
0CA SkillProfile  
0CB LiveChatUserConfigUser  
0CC SiteChangelistComponent  
0CD LiveChatUserConfigProfile  
0CE GroupSubscription  
0CF ChatterNowUserFavorites  
0CG MailAppSettings  
0CH ContentHubItem  
0CI EntityImplements  
0CJ FieldImplements  
0CK MailAppExchangeWhitelist  
0CL SiteChangelist  
0CM ChatSessionMembers  
0CO MailAppExchangeUserMap  
0CP CustomPermission  
0CQ OauthToken  
0CS ChatterNowUserSettings  
0CU OrgSizingDataHolder  
0CW OrgSizingInfo  
0CX MobilePushUserUpdate  
0CZ EmailMessageRelation  
0Cd EventBusSubscriber  
0Ce FormulaParticle  
0Cg OrganizationValueInfo  
0Ch LayoutParticle  
0Ci AppManifest  
0Cj OperationLog  
0Cl ForecastingUserPreference  
0Cn NotificationMember  
0Co ProductItem  
0Ct ManagedContentBlock  
0Cu ManagedContentBlockVersion  
0Cv KanbanView  
0Cw PartnerMarketingBudget  
0Cy OwnerChangeOptionInfo  
0Cz Setting  
0D0 CustomIndexUsage  
0D1 DataCategoryGroup  
0D2 OrgWideEmailAddress  
0D3 OrgEmailAddressSecurity  
0D4 LeadCriteriaSharingRule  
0D5 FeedItem Doc or NewsFeed or UserProfileFeed
    Use caution as there are at least three object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix!
0D6 FeedTrackedChange  
0D7 FeedComment  
0D8 AllManagedMemberOption  
0D9 LeadSharingRuleFilterItem  
0DA EntityCategoryGroup  
0DB Network  
0DC ProcessTransitionAction  
0DD SynonymGroup  
0DE Synonym  
0DF VersionSet encodes your package version selections when the enterprise WSDL was generated. See Package Version Settings
0DG NamedFilter  
0DH FieldAttributes  
0DL NetworkMemberGroup  
0DM Site  
0DN SitePageOverride  
0DO NetworkMember  
0DQ IndexKeyDefinitionItem  
0DR AndroidPushApplicationSetup  
0DS AppMenuItem  
0DT IdeaReputationLevel  
0DU LimitUsageHistory  
0DV PushUpgradeRequest  
0DV PackagePushRequest  
0DW IdeaReputation  
0DX PushUpgradeJob  
0DX PackagePushJob  
0DY PushUpgradeJobError  
0DY PackagePushError  
0DZ LiveChatTranscriptEvent  
0Db ForecastingType  
0Dd ListViewChart  
0De ListViewChartInstance  
0Df InstanceSizeJob  
0Dg FeedEntry  
0Dh MaterializedFeedEntry  
0Di FeedClumpMapping  
0Dj FeedClumpInfo  
0Dk ObjectMapping  
0Dl ObjectMappingField  
0Dm NetworkSelfRegistration  
0Dp NetworkPageOverride  
0Dq TwoFactorAuthPairing  
0Dr MailAppOwaWhitelist  
0Ds UserAppInfo  
0Dt OrgSigningKey  
0Du ExchangeUserMapping  
0Dv NotifTypeOrgSetting  
0Dy GlobalVariableType  
0Dz OptimizerMetricsAverage  
0 EmailSyncConfig  
0 EmailSyncEntitySetting  
0 EmailSyncFieldMapping  
0 EmailSyncValueMapping  
0 EmailConfigEntitySetting  
0 EmailUserEntitySetting  
0 EmailSyncAdvancedSetting  
0 EntitlementContact  
0 EntitySubscription Doc
0 ProductEntitlementTemplate  
0EA PackageVersionPatchOrg  
0EB Renderer  
0ED LpuAccessMapping  
0EE DeployDirection  
0EF RequestTrace  
0EG ReportChart  
0EH SummaryLayout  
0EI SummaryLayoutItem  
0EJ SummaryLayoutSliceInfo  
0EM ContentReference Appears next to refid query string parameter when pulling images. See rtaimage servlet parameters…what does the refid refer to?
0EO PicklistItemProperty  
0EP InboundChangeSet  
0EQ CategoryJobTask  
0ER RichTextAreaFieldData  
0EV AllInstalledPackageVersion  
0EW ChangeSetDeployHistory  
0EX ChangeSetDeployMessage  
0EZ S2XExchOAuthCredential  
0Eb ModuleDependency  
0Ee HistoricalDataFilter  
0Ef HistoricalDataFilterItem  
0Eg GlobalDbKey  
0Eh TodayCard  
0El InstalledMobileApp  
0Em TodayCardProperty  
0En ReadOnlyMemcachedServer  
0Ep ReadOnlyUserLogin  
0Eq LeadConvertSettings  
0Er PlatformCachePartition  
0Es TemplateDeployment  
0Et ReadOnlyAuthSession  
0Eu TemplateDeploymentItem  
0Ev PlatformCachePartitionType  
0Ex PlatformCacheTrial  
0Ey ReadOnlyRedisServer  
0Ez ReadOnlyLoginHistory  
0F0 EmailTempAttachmentMap  
0F1 DuplicateRuleFilter  
0F2 HadoopCounter  
0F3 ReportBlock  
0F5 PhotoItem  
0F7 FeedPost  
0F8 SoftphoneScreenPopOption  
0F9 CollaborationGroup  
0FA CsnDomain  
0FB CollaborationGroupMember  
0FG MobilePushServiceDevice  
0FH LinkReference  
0FI DuplicateRuleFilterItem  
0FJ LensFile  
0FK Lens  
0FM FeedMapping  
0FO AssistantProgress OrgSizeJob
0FP ReportRunTracker  
0FQ TrialMaster  
0FR PackageOperationError  
0FT TopicAssignment  
0FX QoptimizerLimitOverride  
0Fa ContextFieldAttributes  
0Fb EdgeMart  
0Fc EdgeMartData  
0Fd EdgeMartDataFile  
0Fe IdentityConnector  
0Ff InboundSocialPost  
0Fg InteractionLoop  
0Fh InteractionActionCall  
0Fi InteractionActionCallParam  
0Fj InteractionMetadataValue  
0Fl ContentRenditionPolicy  
0Fm LensEdgeMart  
0Fn EdgeExternalDataFile  
0Fo FlowInterview  
0Fp HammerResultStatus  
0Fq FeedChannel  
0Fr FeedChannelSubscription  
0Fs OrderOwnerSharingRule  
0Ft OrderCriteriaSharingRule  
0Fu OrderSharingRuleFilterItem  
0Fv InteractionRefOrValue  
0Fy OrderShare  
0Fz IndexKeyDefinition  
0G1 FeedFieldHistory  
0G2 ForecastingCompositeKey  
0G3 ForecastingItem  
0G4 OracleAwrSqlstat  
0G5 OracleAwrSqltext  
0G6 ForecastingFact  
0G7 ForecastingAdjustment  
0G8 ReportBucketField  
0G9 AccountSharingRuleFilterItem  
0GC EmailDisclaimer  
0GD ReportBucketFieldValue  
0GE ReportBucketFieldSourceValue  
0GH SchemaBuilderLayout  
0GI SchemaBuilderLayoutItem  
0GJ ApplePushApplicationSetup  
0GK DuplicateRecordSet  
0GL DuplicateRecordItem  
0GM MetadataIdentifier  
0GN MetadataContent  
0GO LiveChatSensitiveDataRule  
0GP ProspectorRecModel  
0GQ SandboxInfo  
0GR SandboxProcess  
0GS S2XEventMap  
0GT S2XContactMap  
0GU LongRunningRequest  
0GV SiteDetail  
0GW RelatedEntity  
0GY Tombstone  
0Ga AsyncApiChunkResults RecommendedIndex
0Gc BusProcessFeedbackConfig /RecommendedIndexLrrMap
0Gf InterestingSqlFromAwr  
0Gg SourceMetadataMember  
0Gi SecurityHealthCheck  
0Gj TimeSlot  
0Gm S2XEventTxnProps  
0Gn ProductRequired  
0Go AssistantInteraction  
0Gp UiFormulaCriterion  
0Gq IntelligenceField  
0Gq ActivityMetric  
0Gr UserLicenseMetrics UiFormulaRuleAssignment
0Gt Package2VersionCreateRequestError  
0Gu SCSTermsOfService  
0Gv ProductConsumed  
0Gw S2XSandmanError  
0Gx FormulaOperator  
0Gy DataIntegrationRecordPurchasePermission /DiscoveryUserLicense
0Gz DiscoveryOrgLicense  
0H0 SiteRedirectMapping  
0H1 CollaborationInvitation  
0H2 SharingSet /LpuSharingSet
0H4 ConnectedApplication  
0H6 ChangeSetUploadHistory  
0H7 PackageSupportAccess  
0H9 OracleAwrSqlignore  
0HC RecordSalt  
0HD PackageUploadRequest  
0HE SettingsTemplate  
0HF ReadOnlyLoginMessage PublishEvent
0HG EntitySharingModel  
0HI ReportBlockAggregate  
0HJ LiveChatButtonDeployment  
0HK LiveAgentSession  
0HN TwoFactorInfo  
0HO MobilePushSetupRegistry  
0HP UserProvisioningRequest  
0HQ ReadOnlyAppserver  
0HR MetricsTransmissionHistory  
0HS SharingOperation  
0HT ScrutinyRun  
0HU ProfileSessionSetting  
0HV ProfilePasswordPolicy  
0HW ConnectedAppSessionPolicy  
0HX UserProvMockTarget  
0HY UserProvAccountStaging  
0HZ ConnectedAppPlugin  
0Ha SandOmInfo  
0Hb PackageSubscriber  
0Hc ProfileTabSetConfiguration  
0Hd TestSuiteMembership  
0He CaptchaKey  
0Hf PackageInstallRequest  
0Hg SandstormWhitelist  
0Hh ServiceTerritory  
0Hi AppIpRange  
0Hj AppManifestVersion  
0Hk ConnectivityDevConfig  
0Hl ConnectivityAttributes  
0Hn ServiceResource  
0Ho Package2  
0Hp SandOmImportInfoDetail  
0Hq SandOmInfoDetail  
0Hr AssistantRecommendationType  
0Hs UserProvisioningLog  
0Ht SandOmImportInfo  
0Hu ServiceTerritoryMember  
0Hv ServiceResourceSkill  
0Hw ResourceAbsence  
0Hx SkillRequirement  
0Hy ServiceResourceCapacity  
0Hz ExperimentRequest  
0I0 FeedLike  
0I1 DbLockUsage  
0I2 SiteAsset  
0I3 SiteComponent  
0I4 Domain  
0I5 CollaborationGroupMemberRequest  
0I6 OpportunitySharingRuleFilterItem  
0I7 CaseSharingRuleFilterItem  
0I8 ContactSharingRuleFilterItem  
0I9 ReportObjectFilterItem  
0IA KnowledgeLanguageConfig  
0IB DashboardFilter  
0IC DashboardFilterItem  
0ID DashboardFilterRepCol  
0IF PushTopic  
0IG MobileDeviceRegistrar  
0II FeedCrossReference  
0IO BrandingValue  
0IS ApexComponentAttribute  
0IT GridforceJob  
0IU HadoopJob  
0IV LogSearch  
0IW MobileApplicationDetail  
0IX FieldSet  
0IY FieldSetItem  
0IZ JiffyTrace  
0Ia CustomEntityTruncateInfo  
0Ib MatchingInformation  
0Ic LimitSnapshot  
0Id NetworkModeration  
0Ie SupervisorAgentConfigSkill  
0If LiveChatButtonSkill  
0Ig LiveChatTranscriptSkill  
0Ih ServiceDeskComponent  
0Ii PushProfileMapping  
0Ij PushIntent  
0Ik Module  
0Il ScrutinyPkChunkData  
0In PhoenixDataSync  
0Io RawEmail  
0Iq ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRuleItem  
0Ir ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRule  
0It WaveDataConnector  
0Iu WaveBaseDataset  
0Iv WaveBaseField  
0Iw RecommendationMetric  
0Iy SplitFrameworkResult  
0Iz PackageDependency  
0J0 SetupEntityAccess  
0J1 EnvironmentHubMember  
0J2 Personalization  
0J3 EnvironmentHubMemberRel  
0J4 SPSamlAttributes  
0J5 PredictiveModel  
0J6 NetworkActivityAudit  
0J7 EnvironmentHub  
0J8 ServiceDeskHotkey  
0J9 ForecastingQuota  
0JB ObjectTerritory2Association  
0JD MatchingRule  
0JE MatchingRuleItem  
0JF NotifDeliveryUserPref  
0JJ MatchIndexValue  
0JK MatchIndexDefinition  
0JL ServiceDeskCustomStyling  
0JM OauthTokenLocal  
0JO SearchActivity  
0JP RecordOrigin  
0JR PendingServiceRouting  
0JS JigsawSavedSearch  
0JT JobTracker  
0JU UserListViewCriterion  
0JV PlatformAction  
0JW SetupNode  
0JX SurveyDefaultConfig /SetupCustomNode
0JY MacroAction  
0JZ Macro  
0Ja ReadOnlyOauthToken  
0Jb ReadOnlyOauthTokenScope  
0Jc ForecastingShare  
0Jd ForecastingCategoryMapping  
0Je UserProvisioningConfig  
0Jf DomainSite  
0Jg ForecastingTypeToCategory  
0Ji MacroInstruction  
0Jj CopySuspension  
0Jk ReadOnlySecurityToken  
0Jl ReadOnlyLoginIp  
0Jm ReadOnlyLoginIpEmail  
0Jn PlatformActionList  
0Jo PlatformActionListItem  
0Jp ReadOnlyClientBrowser  
0Jq SCSInboundSettings  
0Jr ThirdPartyAccountLink  
0Js SkinnyIndex  
0Jt SkinnyIndexColumn  
0Ju RelationshipInfo  
0Jv RelationshipDomain  
0Jx IdentityVerificationEvent  
0Jy StandardAction  
0Jz TodayGoal  
0K0 ActionKnowledgeSubmit  
0K2 ActionChatterPost  
0K3 ActionChatterPostRecipient  
0K4 SamplingStrategy  
0K6 SampledEntity  
0K7 StorageConfigAuditTrail  
0K9 QueueRoutingConfig  
0KA UserConfigTransferSkill  
0KB UserConfigTransferButton  
0KD TabDefinition  
0KG SqlIdToRequestMap  
0KK CampaignInfluence  
0KM InstalledSubscriberPackageVersion  
0KO SecurityHealthCheckRisks  
0KP PresenceConfigDeclineReason  
0KR PresenceDeclineReason  
0KT EdgeMartMetadata  
0KU Measure  
0KV Dimension  
0KW RecordDisplayLookup  
0KX DimensionMember  
0KY StandardValueSet  
0KZ ReportInstanceQuery  
0Ka SurveyEmailBranding  
0Kb SyncTransactionLog  
0Kc SurveyQuestionChoice  
0Kd Survey  
0Ke SurveyPage  
0Kf WaveFeaturedAsset  
0Kg TwoFactorMethodsInfo  
0Kh FormulaFunctionCategory  
0Ki SurveyInvitation  
0Km CustomAppMetrics  
0Kn FormulaFunction  
0Ko GlobalVariable  
0Kp TwoFactorMethodsInfoLocal  
0Kq LoginFlow  
0Kr SurveyQuestionResponse  
0Ks SurveyVersion  
0Kt AssociatedLocation  
0Ku SurveyQuestion  
0Kv SetupApp  
0Ky CspFrameAncestor  
0Kz ResourcePreference  
0L0 XmdDimRecordDisplayLookup  
0L1 VoiceVendorInfo  
0L2 TenantPlatformLicense  
0L3 TenantUserLicense  
0L4 TenantEditionLicense  
0L5 TenantAddOnLicense  
0LC TenantLicensingRequest  
0LD RecalcCampaignStats  
0LE SamlSsoConfig  
0LG ReportInstance  
0LH SocialKeyJobLog  
0LI SocialKeyEntityErrorLog  
0LJ ModerationRule  
0LM KeywordList  
0LN StorageSizeJob  
0LO SetupAssistantAnswer  
0LP WaveReplicationFilterItem  
0LQ VoiceCall  
0LR WaveTrendedReport  
0LT DimensionSalesforceAction  
0LV UserCriteria  
0LY WaveAnnotationTarget  
0LZ WaveAnnotation  
0La DateMetadata  
0Lb EdgeMartOrganization  
0Lc LicensedCustomPermission  
0Ld LicenseDefinition  
0Le ExternalServiceRegistration  
0Lf UserFeedChannel  
0Lg UserSetupAppInfo  
0Lh ReleasedApexIdentifier  
0Li AssetTokenEvent  
0Lj AnalyticActionConfiguration  
0Ll LoginEventStream  
0Lm NavigationLinkSet  
0Ln ReleasedApexIdentifierOption  
0Lo AutoActivityCaptureMetrics  
0Lq EmbeddedServiceDetail  
0Ls AvroSchema  
0Lu ProductTransfer  
0Lw BrandingSet  
0Lx AIModel  
0Ly BrandingSetProperty  
0Lz LearningLinkProgress  
0M0 FlexiPage  
0M1 SocialUserAuth  
0M2 FlexiPageRegion  
0M3 SocialKeyParentRecord  
0M4 SocialKeyPersonaRecord  
0M5 Territory2Type  
0M6 StreamingChannel  
0M9 SandboxObserver  
0MA Territory2Model  
0MD SearchPromotionRule  
0ME SessionLevelPolicy  
0MF SynonymDictionary  
0MH TransitionMessage  
0MI Territory2  
0MJ SystemStreamingChannel  
0MK XCleanMatchRateMetrics  
0ML CustomNotificationType  
0MM WaveNotificationConfig  
0MN LayoutSectionState  
0MO AppNotifTypeOrgSetting  
0MP WaveTemplateDetails  
0MQ UserCustomBadge  
0MR MetricsDataFile  
0MT ContentOrgMetrics  
0MU ReleasedEntityState  
0MV UserFavorite  
0MW BuffaloOrgEstimate  
0MY ChatterExtension  
0MZ SourceMember  
0Ma SandboxObserver2  
0Mb ChatterExtensionInstance  
0Me OrchestrationContext  
0Mf FieldServiceMobileSettings  
0Mg AppExtension  
0Mh ConsumptionSchedule  
0Mi NavigationMenuItem  
0Mj MessagingChannel  
0Mk WindowsPushApplicationSetup  
0Mm MessagingLink  
0Mn OrchestrationContextEvent  
0Mo ConsumptionRate  
0Mp FeedEntityRead  
0Mq ProductConsumptionSchedule  
0Ms FeedRead  
0Mt BuffaloMigrationEvent  
0Mu BuffaloMigrationManagement  
0Mw MessagingSession  
0My SurveyResponse  
0Mz DomainProvision  
0N0 UserMembershipSharingRule  
0N1 UserCriteriaSharingRule  
0N2 UserShare  
0N3 UserSharingRuleFilterItem  
0N4 RuleTerritory2Association  
0N5 ServicePresenceStatus  
0N9 ServiceChannel  
0NB SecureAgent  
0NC ServiceChannelStatus  
0ND SecureAgentPlugin  
0NE SecureAgentPluginProperty  
0NF ReportCustomDetailField  
0NI TransactionSecurityPolicy  
0NK S2XAdminError  
0NL StandardReportType  
0NM SearchQuerySuggestion  
0NN PostArchivalDeletionRequest  
0NQ TransactionSecurityAction  
0NR TransactionSecurityActionEvent  
0NU ReputationLevel  
0NV ReputationPointsRule  
0NW SOSDeployment  
0NX SOSSession SOS video calls
0NZ SOSSessionActivity  
0Na UserListView  
0Nb LinkState  
0Nc LinkStateData  
0Nd PresenceUserConfig  
0Ne PresenceUserConfigUser  
0Nf PresenceUserConfigProfile  
0Ng CleanInfo  
0Nh CleanActivityLog  
0Ni UserProvAccount  
0Nj CleanEntityError  
0Nk WaveTemplate  
0Nl WaveTemplateExternalData  
0Nm WaveTemplateValues  
0Nn Xmd  
0No LiveChatBlockingRule  
0Np XCleanBulkJob  
0Nq XmdMeasure  
0Nr XmdDimension  
0Ns XmdDimensionMember  
0Nt SharedPicklistDefinition  
0Nu XmdDate  
0Nv EntityParticle  
0Nw UserAppMenuCustomization  
0Nx XmdDimSalesforceAction  
0Ny XmdOrganization  
0O0 XinstanceInfo  
0O1 TwoFactorU2F  
0O4 WaveExternalConnProperty  
0O5 XmdDimensionCustomAction  
0O6 FieldMappingField  
0O7 FieldMappingRow  
0O8 FieldMapping  
0OB Shipment  
0OC TransactionSecurityCondition  
0OD InteractionCountReport  
0OE SubscriberTabSetMember  
0OF FlexipageComponentMetrics BulkDedupeJob
0OG BaseEventInterface DuplicateRuleJob
0OH OperatingHours  
0OI MatchingRuleJob  
0OK ReleasedApexClassRel  
0OL OrgLifecycleNotification  
0OO ProcessInstanceNode  
0OP VisualforceAccessMetrics  
0OV NetworkAffinity  
0OZ WaveCompatibilityCheckItem  
0Oa ComponentResponseCache  
0Ob ChatterExtensionConfig  
0Oe DashboardComponentColumn  
0Of DashboardComponentResult  
0Oi CaseSubjectParticle  
0Ol ReportEventStream TwoFactorU2F
0Om ScorecardMetric  
0Oq PendingChangeContainer  
0Or DatasetExportEvent  
0Ow ContactPointPhone  
0Ox VoiceCallRecording  
0P0 FlowVariableAssignment  
0P1 Certificate  
0P2 CertificateIp  
0P5 AacObjectSetting  
0P9 CalendarSharing  
0PA MessagingEndUser  
0PB DuplicateJob  
0PC DuplicateJobMatchingRule  
0PD CustomPermissionDependency  
0PF ParallelJobItemData  
0PG PermissionSetGroup  
0PH LogoutEventStream  
0PK Individual  
0PL PermissionSetLicense  
0PM PermissionSetGroupComponent  
0PO DuplicateJobDefinition  
0PP DuplicateJobMatchingRuleDefinition  
0PQ ProcessTimeQueue  
0PS PermissionSet Permission set metadata
0PX PushUpgradeExcludedOrg  
0PY EmbeddedServiceFieldService  
0PZ MetadataContainerMember  
0Pa PermissionSetAssignment  
0Pk ChannelProgram  
0Pl ChannelProgramLevel  
0Pm ChannelProgramMember  
0Pp EinsteinApplication  
0Pp AIApplication  
0Pq PredictionConfig  
0Pr PredictionField  
0Ps PushBackDefinition  
0Pt PackageVersionInstallRequestError  
0Pu PackageVersionUninstallRequestError  
0Pv BigObjectsRecordMetrics  
0Px DatasetExport  
0Py DatasetExportPart  
0Pz EventTypeDefinition  
0Q0 Quote Doc
0Q1 OutgoingEmail  
0Q3 OutgoingEmailRelation  
0Q5 UserMetrics  
0Q7 DirectMessageMemberActivity  
0QD QuoteDocument  
0QH Form  
0QI ApiEventStream  
0QJ FeedSignal  
0QK PinnedEntity  
0QL QuoteLineItem  
0QM MutingPermissionSet /EinsteinAppAnalytics
0QO FTestGenInterface  
0QP FTestGenBodyInterface  
0QR QuoteTemplateRichTextData  
0QT MetadataContainerMemberWithSymbolTable  
0QU ShareInterface  
0QV MultiCurrency  
0QY MetadataContainerMemberWithBody  
0QZ Auditable  
0Qb EntityEventInterface  
0Qc ActionQuickCreate  
0Qd DataExportEventInterface  
0Qf FormSection  
0Qg TransactionSecurityEventInterface  
0Qh FormItem  
0Qi SoftDeletable  
0Qj RecordUserAccessInterface  
0Qk UserNavItem  
0Qm AIModelDefinition  
0Qn ScorecardAssociation  
0Qo ExternalCredential  
0Qp SandOmBulkExport  
0Qq AIFilter  
0Qt VerificationHistory  
0Qu ReportEvent  
0Qw AIFilterGroup  
0Qx AIFilterValue  
0Qy SecureAgentsCluster  
0Qz Nameable  
0R0 UserTerritory2Association  
0R1 UserServicePresence  
0R2 UiPlugin  
0R8 PartnerFundAllocation  
0RA ActivityRelation  
0RB PartnerFundClaim  
0RC CollaborationGroupRank  
0RD RecommendationDefinition  
0RE EventRelation  
0RH SandOmExportedBlob  
0RI LearningAssignment  
0RJ PartnerFundRequest  
0RL FlowCategory  
0RM BigObjectCounter  
0RT TaskRelation  
0RX LightningBolt  
0RY CustomSettingNameIndex  
0RZ PlinyPhysicalDeleteJob  
0Rb LightningComponentBundle  
0Rd LightningComponentResource  
0Rf LinkedInLeadGenToken  
0Rg InteractionLCMetrics  
0Rh TopicDataCategoryRule  
0Ri LinkedInLeadGenConfig  
0Rl FlowCategoryItem  
0Rm WaveAssetVersion  
0Rn EnhancedLetterhead  
0Rp LinkedInLeadGenAdAccount  
0Rr LightningBoltItem  
0Rs VisibilityChangeNotification  
0Rs VisibilityUpdateEvent  
0Rt FolderClosure  
0Ru LightningBoltImage  
0Rv LightningBoltFeature  
0Rw RecordAction  
0Rx PersonalizedUnswdQuestion  
0S1 LightningExperienceTheme  
0S2 S2XPushSubscription  
0S5 OrchestrationEvent  
0S6 OrchestrationEventField  
0SE ProfileSkillEndorsement  
0SK PurchaserPlanAssn  
0SL ServiceReportLayout  
0SM ProfileSkillUser  
0SO AuthProvider  
0SP SocialPersona  
0SR SignupRequest  
0ST SocialPost  
0SU AqtIncidentDetection  
0SV ReportInstanceCsvResult  
0SX RemoteTenantSecretSetting  
0Sa MetadataContainerMemberWithBinaryBody  
0Sb PurchaserPlan  
0Se AdminSetupEvent  
0Sf CoverageBenefitItem  
0Sg PlanBenefitItem  
0Si AIPredictionTarget  
0Sj AIManagedField  
0Sk ProfileSkill  
0Sl ProcessTypeDefinition  
0Sn ReturnOrderLineItem  
0So C2CPermissionBinding  
0Sq MemberPlan  
0Sr PersonEducation  
0Ss IdentityDocument  
0Su QmosEntityDefinition  
0Sy ActionOverrideMetrics  
0Sz QmosQueryStatus  
0T0 SetupFlowProgress  
0T1 ManagedContentType  
0T2 AIInsightReason  
0T5 IndividualShare  
0T6 EmailDomainFilter  
0T7 ManagedContentTypeVersion  
0T9 OrchestrationContextDeploy  
0TA IndividualSharingRuleFilterItem  
0TB IndividualOwnerSharingRule  
0TC IndividualCriteriaSharingRule  
0TD MessagingTemplate  
0TG ManagedContentSpaceLink  
0TH ProdDbHammerRequest  
0TI TopicIndex  
0TJ EventTypeFieldDefinition  
0TK ManagedContentNodeType  
0TL CoverageBenefit  
0TM PlanBenefit  
0TN WaveAssetEvent  
0TO Topic  
0TR ProductItemTransaction /CloudConfiguration
0TS ProductRequest  
0TT TrialforceTemplate  
0TU AccountBrand  
0TW IsvHammerRequestId  
0TY TopicOntology  
0TZ OrchestrationContextDataset  
0Tc QmosQuery1  
0Td CarePreauth  
0Te QmosQueryCol1  
0Tg CarePreauthItem  
0Ti QmosMatCol1  
0Tj MetadataComponentDependency  
0Tp PermissionSetProfileMetrics  
0Ts ValidationRuleInfo  
0Tt TopicTerm  
0Tv BaseSessionInterface  
0Tw ProductRequestLineItem  
0Tz ContactRequest  
0U5 LightningUsageByPageMetrics  
0U6 QmosSelCol1  
0UG OnboardingMetrics  
0UJ FieldServiceOrgSettings  
0UM SsoUserMapping  
0UN EmbeddedServiceLayout  
0UO EmbeddedServiceLayoutRule  
0UR EmbeddedServiceCustomComponent  
0US BotSessionsMetrics  
0UT TenantUsageEntitlement  
0UV UserEmailPreferredPerson  
0UW UserVerificationMessageUse  
0UX ForgottenToken  
0UZ WaveAutoInstallRequest  
0Ua LbpmMetrics  
0Ub RecordActionHistory  
0Uc FlowExtensionParam /FlowLightningComponentParam
0Ud ContentFolderDistribution  
0Ue VerificationMessageCreditMetrics  
0Uh MessagingConfiguration  
0Ui AIModelMetric  
0Uj NLPhrase  
0Uk AIModelFactor  
0Ul AIFactorComponent  
0Um CareRequest  
0Un NLQueryFragment  
0Uq FlowExtension /FlowLightningComponent
0Us CareRequestConfiguration  
0Uu EmbeddedServiceLabel  
0Uv PardotTenant  
0Uw UriEvent  
0Ux UriEventStream  
0Uy BaseEventPackageInterface  
0Uz EngagementEvent  
0V2 PlatformStatusAlertEvent  
0V8 MessagingMetrics  
0V9 LightningExitByPageMetrics  
0VA RemoteKeyCalloutEvent  
0VB UserActivityTimelineFilter  
0VC CareDiagnosis  
0VD CareRequestDrug  
0VF OrchestrationContextRuntimeEvent  
0VG LimitUsageTracker  
0VI BuffaloStep  
0VK CareRequestItem  
0VL ContactPointEntityAssocSnapshotLocator  
0VM EntityAssociationDefinitionVersion  
0VP WorkCapacityUsage  
0VQ WorkCapacityLimit  
0VR ServiceAppointmentCapacityUsage  
0VS WorkTypeGroup  
0VX LoginAsEvent  
0VY LoginAsEventStream  
0VZ InteractionUsageMetrics  
0Vi ContentDocumentListViewMapping  
0Vk SurveySubject  
0Vl Accreditation  
0Vo CareBarrier  
0Vp PlatformEventConduitMetrics  
0Vs CareBarrierType  
0Vv AIModelGraph  
0Vy MessagingAggregatedMetrics  
0Vz PlatformActionMetrics  
0W0 WorkThanks  
0W1 WorkBadgeDefinition  
0W2 WorkBadge  
0W3 WorkReward  
0W4 WorkRewardFund  
0W5 WorkAccess  
0W7 WorkPerformanceCycle  
0W8 WorkFeedbackQuestionSet  
0WA WorkFeedbackQuestion  
0WB WorkFeedback  
0WC WorkFeedbackRequest  
0WD WorkCoaching  
0WE WorkGoal  
0WF WorkGoalCollaborator  
0WG WorkGoalLink  
0WH WorkRewardFundType  
0WI Goal  
0WJ Metric  
0WK GoalLink  
0WL WorkFeedbackTemplate  
0WM MetricDataLink  
0WO WorkOrder  
0WQ NetworkLEAPlusDailyLoginMetrics  
0WR NetworkLEADailyLoginMetrics  
0Wa QmosMatEntityMeta  
0Wb QmosInColMap1  
0Wg RecordActionDeployment  
0Wh RecordActionSelectableItem  
0Wi RecordActionDefaultItem  
0Wv ManagedContentSpaceMember  
0Ww CareProgramEnrollee  
0Wx RecordActionDeploymentChannel  
0Wy B2BCommercePkgProductMetrics  
0Wz WorkTypeGroupMember  
0X0 SalesforceIqSyncFailure  
0X1 StreamEmail  
0X2 StreamEvent  
0X5 IntegrationAuditingEvent  
0X7 FormsMetrics  
0X8 ListViewEvent  
0XA NamedCredential  
0XB ListEmail  
0XC ExternalDataSource Data Source for External Objects. A.K.A.
0XC ContentHubRepository /ExternalDataSource
0XD ListEmailRecipientSource  
0XE ListEmailSentResult  
0XF ListEmailIndividualRecipient  
0XG ListViewEventStream  
0XH CustomHttpHeader  
0XI AppAnalyticsQueryRequest  
0XK HealthCareProcedure  
0XN HealthCareDiagnosis  
0XR SalesforceIqUser  
0XS SalesforceIqDataSource  
0XT StreamActivityAccess  
0XU ExternalDataUserAuth  
0XY SiqUserBlacklist  
0Xc PaymentAuthorization  
0Xe B2BCommercePackageMetrics  
0Xj AddressableEventInterface  
0Xk ContentExternalStorage  
0Xl CommSubscription  
0Xs SiteIframeWhiteListUrl  
0Xt PaymentGatewayLog  
0Xv SourceChangeNotification  
0Xw AsyncOperationEvent  
0Xy AEJobTracker  
0Y7 ReportFormattingRule  
0Y8 ReportFormattingRuleValue  
0YD AsyncOperationStatus  
0YI ActivityEngagementRollup  
0YL PlatformEventChannel  
0YM CareInterventionType  
0YN NextBestActionUsageMetrics  
0YO CareDeterminantType  
0YS BoardCertification  
0YT InsurancePolicy  
0YW InsurancePolicyAsset  
0YY ExecutionPlanTask  
0YZ PrivacyConsentRow  
0Ya LoginHistory  
0Ym SetupAuditTrail  
0Yq RateLimitIntBuckets  
0Yr PersonLifeEvent  
0Ys ParallelJobStatus  
0Yu IdpEventLog  
0Yv ReportAnomalyEvent  
0Yw UserLogin  
0Yx Producer  
0Yy InsuranceProfile  
0Z2 ASEMobileConfigUser  
0Z7 ReportAnomalyEventStore  
0ZA FileInspectionResult  
0ZB SharingUserCoverage  
0ZD SharingCoverageJob  
0ZQ SendEmailActionDefinition  
0ZT DataUseLegalBasis  
0ZU DoradoRequestEvent  
0ZW DataUsePurpose  
0ZX ContactPointConsent  
0ZY ContactPointTypeConsent  
0ZZ InvalidRecordEvent  
0Zb CareBarrierDeterminant  
0Zd DatasetFetch  
0Ze CareProgram  
0Zf OrchestrationRuntimeEventHv  
0Zg SurveyQuestionScore  
0Zh SessionHijackingEvent  
0Zj SessionHijackingEventStore  
0Zk Claim  
0Zm ConditionalFormattingPropertyPredicate  
0Zn ConditionalFormattingPropertyBin  
0Zo ConditionalFormattingProperty  
0Zq AnalyticNotificationTracker  
0Zr CareProgramTeamMember  
0Zs CareProgramCampaign  
0Zt DatasetDarkLaunch  
0Zu ManagedContentSpace  
0Zx ForecastingDisplayedFamily  
0Zy ConversationEntry  
0a0 Shift  
0a2 FlexipagePageTypeMetrics  
0a5 TimeSheetTemplateAssignment  
0aB EventDestination  
0aC OrchestrationContextEventField  
0aD AuraDefinitionChange  
0aJ ManagedContentSpaceRole  
0aQ Payment  
0aS ClaimParticipant  
0aa PaymentMethod  
0ab AuraDefinitionBundleInfo  
0ad AuraDefinitionInfo  
0ae AIPredictionEvent  
0af AutoCreationRun  
0al CommSubscriptionTiming  
0am AudienceMembership  
0ao InsurancePolicyParticipant  
0ap ManagedContentChannel  
0aq ManagedContentSpaceItem  
0b0 PaymentGateway  
0b1 ComponentInstancePropertyListItem /ComponentInstancePropListItem
0b3 DialerBasicFeatureMetrics  
0b8 CustomerProperty  
0bF LearningAssignmentProgress  
0bJ ManagedContentTypeInfo  
0bK CareTaxonomy  
0bN HealthcareProviderNpi  
0bO HealthcareProviderSpecialty  
0bP HealthcareProviderTaxonomy  
0bQ RecordActionRecommendation  
0bR RecordActionDeploymentContext  
0bS HealthcarePractitionerFacility  
0bT DashboardComponentSort  
0bW InteractionVisibilityRule  
0bX CareProviderFacilitySpecialty  
0bY HealthcareFacilityNetwork  
0bZ LightningSchedulerUsageMetrics  
0bc CareSpecialty  
0bd CareProgramProduct  
0be CareProgramEnrolleeProduct  
0bf HealthcarePayerNetwork  
0bg CareProgramEnrollmentCard  
0bh LightningUriEvent  
0bi LightningUriEventStream  
0bk CareProgramEligibilityRule  
0bm EnrollmentEligibilityCriteria  
0bn CareProgramGoal  
0bo CareProgramProvider  
0br CareRequestExtension  
0bs Prompt  
0bt PromptVersion  
0bu PromptAction  
0bv AdminSetupEventStream  
0by FlexipageFieldInstance  
0bz DialerBasicAudioRecMetrics  
0c0 CustomIndexDefinition  
0c1 CustomIndexFieldDefinition  
0c6 NetworkUserHistoryRecent  
0cC LoanApplicationFinancial  
0cE BusinessLicense  
0cF Award  
0cH CommerceIntegrationEvent  
0cI AuthorizationForm  
0cJ PaymentGatewayProvider  
0cK AuthorizationFormConsent  
0cM AuthorizationFormDataUse  
0cN AuthorizationFormText  
0cP LoanApplicationProperty  
0cQ CaseGatewayRequest  
0cS SurveyResponseUsageMetrics  
0cT LoanApplicationTitleHolder  
0cU LoanApplicant  
0cV LoanApplicantDeclaration  
0cW PortalDelegablePermissionSet /PermissionSetPortalDelegate
0cY InsurancePolicyCoverage  
0ca ChatterActivity  
0cb Refund  
0cd ResidentialLoanApplication  
0ce CommerceIntegrationResponse  
0cf CareSystemFieldMapping  
0cg LoanApplicationAsset  
0ch LoanApplicationLiability  
0ci LoanApplicantIncome  
0cj LoanApplicantAddress  
0ck LoanApplicantEmployment  
0cl ProcessCartPricingEvent  
0cm HealthcareProvider  
0cn CartPricingResponseEvent  
0cs OauthConsumerScope  
0cu ManagedContentSpaceLanguage  
0cv FlowExecutionEventMetric  
0cw ManagedContentVersionLanguage  
0cx StrategyContext  
0d0 CareProviderSearchableField  
0d4 SharingOrgDefaultMetrics  
0d8 B2BCommercePkgOrdersUE  
0dN CallDisposition  
0dO CallDispositionCategory  
0dR RefundLinePayment  
0dU LensDeveloper  
0dY CommSubscriptionConsent  
0dd DocumentChecklistItem  
0dh WorkerCompCoverageClass  
0dk AIPredictionExpression  
0dn RecordMergeHistory  
0do BusinessMilestone  
0dq ClaimItem  
0dr OrgDeleteRequest  
0du DelegatedAccount  
0dz PlatformEventEnrichmentField  
0 ConsentEvent  
0 ProfileClientSettings  
0 LoanApplicantAsset  
0 FlowExtensionGenericType  
0 SharingOrgStandardMetrics  
0 OutboundNetworkConnection  
0 OutboundNetworkConnProperty  
0eA FlowExtensionProcessType  
0eB CommSubscriptionChannelType  
0eC FlowExecutionErrorEvent  
0eF EngagementChannelType  
0eH EnhancedEmailTemplate  
0eK LoanApplicantLiability  
0eN DataflowNotification  
0eO AppleDomainVerification  
0eP ExecutionPlan  
0eQ BusinessProfile  
0eS InvoicePostedEvent  
0eT MobileEvent  
0eU AutoTriageMetrics  
0eX SecuritiesHolding  
0eb EntityBlacklist  
0el DocumentChecklistMetrics  
0en Endorsement  
0eo CommChannelLayout  
0ep CommChannelLayoutItem  
0eq CommChannelLayoutMapping  
0er SdbStmtIdToSqlIdMap  
0et CareProviderAdverseAction  
0ex CareProviderSearchConfig  
0f6 FlowInterviewLogEntry  
0fE FormulaFunctionAllowedType  
0fL DataPrepServiceLocator  
0fP SourceObjectAttributes  
0fR FormulaVariable  
0fi CredentialStuffingEvent  
0fj CredentialStuffingEventStore  
0fr FeedRecommendationInfo  
0fu FlowTriggerTypeDefinition  
0fw LegalEntity  
0fy FlexipageInfo  
0g0 InvocableActionGenericType  
0g2 UserSetupEntityAccess  
0g3 PageContentAssignment  
0g4 MobileSecurityUserMetric  
0g8 PartyConsent  
0gP AssetDowntimePeriod  
0gR RecoveryCopyJob  
0gS RecoveryFlashback  
0gU ManagedContentImportExportJob  
0ga MLDataDefinition  
0gi InboundNetworkConnection  
0gl ManagedContentRecordShare  
0gp InboundNetworkConnProperty  
0gv CaseArticle  
0hJ BulkApiResultEventStore  
0hK RecordsetFilterCriteriaRule  
0hY ThreatDetectionFeedback  
0hc HashtagCount  
0hd HashtagDefinition  
0hn CallCoachingMediaProvider  
0hr RecordsetFilterCriteria  
0ht Hashtag  
0hx BulkApiResultEvent  
0hy CallCoachConfigModifyEvent  
0iA SurveyVersionAddlInfo  
0iJ ShiftTemplate  
0iK SurveyEngagementContext  
0iR ProductServiceCampaign  
0in KnowledgeableUser  
0j5 ApiAnomalyEvent  
0j6 ApiAnomalyEventStore  
0j7 AppUsageType  
0j8 AppUsageAssignment  
0jd ManagedContentSpaceResource  
0jk ManagedContentDeployment  
0jl ManagedContentDeploymentItem  
0jp JobProfile  
0jv CdnDomain  
0jx InteractionScheduledPath  
0k8 IdentityProviderEventStore  
0ka UserListPreference  
0kb ManagedContentExportJobItem  
0kt ApexTypeImplementor  
0mV SalesWorkQueueSettings  
0mt ManagedTopicLocation  
0n3 FinanceTransaction  
0nU InteractionStageStepAssignee  
0ns ProcessNodeSecurity  
0ob ShipmentItem  
0pr Recommendation  
0ps RecommendationReaction  
0rB ReportResultBlob  
0ri InteractionStageItemParam  
0rp RemoteProxy Remote Site Setting to allow access to an external URL.
0rs ChatterAnswersReputationLevel  
0sa ChatterAnswersActivity  
0sg RecommendationStrategy  
0sn RecommendationStrategyNode  
0sp ServiceProvider  
0sr ScheduledRecommendation  
0t0 TagDefinition  
0tG TaskGroup  
0tR TopicRecordSetting  
0tS TopicSuggestionSetting  
0ta TopicComputeStatus  
0te TopicUserEvent  
0tg TopicGroupActivity  
0tn TopicNameChange  
0tr TrendingTopic  
0ts ProcessTransitionSecurity  
0tu TopicUserActivity  
0up UserPermissionAccess  
0ur UserRecSummary  
0v8 PlatformEventChannelMember ChangeDataCaptureEntity
0wt ManagedContentSpacePermission  
0xt StrategyContextArgument  
0yp LearningContentItemProgress  
0zF DashboardSnapshotItem  
0zf DashboardSnapshotResults  
100 UserLicense  
101 ExternalString Custom Label
102 FeatureLicense  
10y TaskRecurrenceException  
10z EventRecurrenceException  
110 ObjectPermissions Doc
111 EventComments  
112 ProposedEventTime  
113 ProposedEventResponse  
11a DBCThumbnail  
128 LightningMessageField  
129 LightningMessageChannel  
130 Address  
131 Location  
149 OpportunitySplitType  
19i EmbeddedServiceBranding  
1AB CleanAccountBackup  
1AR AssetRelationship  
1CA AccountCleanInfo  
1CB CleanContactBackup  
1CC ContactCleanInfo  
1CF PathAssistantStepInfo  
1CL LeadCleanInfo  
1CP PathAssistant  
1CS PathAssistantStepItem  
1DS DigitalSignature  
1DW DigitalWallet  
1ED EncryptionStatistics  
1EF DataDotComFieldSetting  
1EH EncryptionFieldHistoryStatistics  
1EM EntityMilestone  
1EP EncryptableDataProblem  
1ES DataDotComEntitySetting  
1ET EncryptionFeedTrackingStatistics  
1EV EventType  
1Ep EventTypeParameter  
1FS CleanFieldSettingOld  
1GS ExpressionFilter  
1HA FieldHistoryArchive  
1HB LoginEvent  
1HC PlatformEventMetric  
1JS CleanJobSetting  
1L7 ComparisonSummary  
1L8 ComparisonResult  
1LB CleanLeadBackup  
1LT LimitsTracker  
1MA MaintenanceAsset  
1MC MetaMindConnection  
1MP MaintenancePlan  
1Mc PersonAccountMetrics  
1NR NamespaceRegistry  
1OO OutOfOffice  
1OZ CaseExternalDocument  
1PI PaymentIdempotent  
1PL PaymentLineInvoice  
1QQ BatchApexErrorEvent  
1QR ConcurLongRunApexErrEvent  
1RL ReleaseUpdateStepLog  
1RS ReleaseUpdateStep  
1RU ReleaseUpdate  
1S1 MenuItem  
1SA StampAssignment  
1SR ServiceReport  
1ST Stamp  
1Sl ServiceTerritoryLocation  
1U7 AppCapabilityConfig  
1U9 LearningUserSummary  
1V4 Expense  
1WK LinkedArticle  
1WL WorkOrderLineItem  
1XO ExternalServiceOperation  
1XP ExternalServiceParameter  
1Xl ExternalServiceListType  
1Xm ExternalServiceMapType  
1Xo ExternalServiceObjectType  
1Xp ExternalServiceProperty  
1Xt ExternalServiceDataType  
1Xx ExternalServiceSimpleType  
1YZ PrivacyConsent  
1ZE ComputedComponentMetadata  
1bm BranchMerge  
1br Branch  
1cN MessagingChannelSkill  
1cb ChangeListBranch  
1ci Integration  
1cl ChangeList  
1cm ServiceCrewMember  
1cr ServiceCrew  
1dc MetadataContainer from the Tooling API
1de IDEWorkspace  
1do ApexExecutionOverlayAction  
1dp IDEPerspective  
1dr ContainerAsyncRequest from the Tooling API
1gh GitHubRepositoryLink  
1gp GtwyProvPaymentMethodType /GitHubPushOperation
1mr MetadataRevisionTemplate  
1o1 LightningToggleMetrics  
1pm PartitionLevelMember  
1ps PartitionLevelScheme  
1rX BriefcaseRule  
1rY BriefcaseDefinition  
1rZ BriefcaseRuleFilter  
1rp Repository  
1rr ResetAsyncRequest  
1s2 InteractionCollectionProc  
1sa StagingArea  
1te TimeSheetEntry  
1ts TimeSheet  
1vc VersionedContentEntity  
1w1 ShiftPattern  
1w2 ShiftPatternEntry  
1w5 AppleEcKey  
1w6 LearningContentItem  
200 ChunkableTask  
201 ChunkableEntityTally  
202 ChunkableEntityChunk  
203 ChunkableEntityTally2  
204 SfdcPartner  
205 ChunkableEntityChunk2  
20A DashboardCompColResult  
20X LocationTrustMeasure  
20Y ManagedContent  
20Z ManagedContentResource  
21Z LearningEarnedAward  
23N ProductServiceCampaignItem  
26Z EmailRelay  
2AS ActiveScratchOrg  
2BM DataflowTriggerSource  
2CE ChunkableTask2  
2Ca CustomHelpMenuItem  
2Cx CustomHelpMenuSection  
2ED EncryptionStatisticsChunk  
2EH EncryptionFieldHistoryStatisticsChunk  
2EP EncryptableDataProblemChunk  
2ET EncryptionFeedTrackingStatisticsChunk  
2FE CleanFactEntityClaim  
2FF CleanFactFieldClaim  
2LA PermissionSetLicenseAssign  
2Pd PermissionDependency  
2Pe ProcessException  
2SB ApiTaskResult  
2SR ScratchOrgInfo  
2ZC WaveSyncOut  
2ai AIMetric  
2hf PersonalizationResource  
2kA FinanceBalanceSnapshot  
2mn AIError  
2mp AIState  
2oN ReturnOrder  
2pc PackageConversion  
2wz TimeSheetTemplate  
300 FlowDefinition InteractionDefinition - Visual Workflow or Flow
301 InteractionDefinitionVersion  
302 FlowTestCoverage  
303 FlowElementTestCoverage  
307 InteractionScreenFieldParam  
308 InteractionCondition  
309 InteractionOperand  
30A InteractionAllocator  
30C InteractionChoice  
30D InteractionDecision  
30F InteractionForm  
30L InteractionConnector  
30Q InteractionQuestion  
30R InteractionReference  
30S InteractionStatement  
30T InteractionDynTypeMapping  
30V InteractionVariable  
30W InteractionWait  
30X ProcessPlugin  
30a InteractionAllocation  
30c InteractionConstant  
30d InteractionDataColumn  
30e InteractionWaitEvent  
30f InteractionFormula  
30g InteractionLayoutGroup  
30m InteractionApexCall  
30p InteractionWaitEventParam  
30r InteractionResource  
30t InteractionTodo  
30v InteractionValueList  
310 InteractionLayoutDetail  
31A Subinteraction  
31C SubinteractionVariableAssignment  
31S InteractionSwitch  
31V InteractionFieldValue  
31c InteractionChoiceLookup  
31d InteractionDataSource  
31i InteractionDataInput  
31o InteractionDataOutput  
31v InteractionValueListEntry  
31w InteractionFieldMetaData  
31x InteractionStage  
31y FlowStageRelation  
31z FlowRecordRelation  
32A InteractionStart  
34L ManagedContentNode  
365 FlowElementSubtype  
39d InvoiceUsageMetrics  
3AM EmbeddedServiceAppointmentSettings  
3CL EmbeddedServiceCustomLabel  
3Ca ChannelAccountMetrics  
3DP EventDeliveryData  
3DS EventDelivery  
3Db EventDelivery  
3Df FlexipageFieldInstanceProperty  
3Dp EventDeliveryParam  
3Er EmbeddedServiceResource  
3FC EmbeddedServiceFlowConfig  
3FL EmbeddedServiceFlow  
3HP EventSubscriptionHandleData  
3J5 ProfileIpRestrictionMetrics  
3JK PlatformEventSubscriberConfig  
3M0 DataDotComCleanMetrics  
3M1 OrgObjectsMetrics  
3M2 OrgStandardObjectsMetrics  
3M3 ChatterMetrics  
3M4 ChatterOrgWideMetrics  
3M5 NetworkCustomerLoginMetrics  
3M6 NetworkPartnerLoginMetrics  
3MA PermissionSetMetricsByOrg  
3MB DataDotComSocialMetrics  
3MC OpportunityMetrics  
3MD ContentMetrics  
3ME CustomObjectUsageMetrics  
3MF SharingRowCauseMetrics  
3MG SharingMetrics  
3MH IdeaMetrics  
3MI UserDimMetrics  
3MJ PermissionSetLicenseMetrics  
3MK OpptyAndPricingMetrics  
3MM ChatterGroupConMetrics  
3MN ChatterUserNetworkMetrics  
3MO QuickActionMetrics  
3MP ForecastingTypeMetrics  
3MQ VisualforceMetrics  
3MR EventLogFileMetrics  
3MS DataDotComListPoolMetrics  
3MT ProcessMetrics  
3MU DeclarativePlatformMetrics  
3MV SharingUserMetrics  
3MW PlatformOrgObjectMetrics  
3Mi SharingPortalMetrics  
3Ml InteractionLanguageMetrics  
3Ms EmbeddedServiceMenuSettings  
3Mt InteractionTranslMetrics  
3N1 ExtIdentityLoginMetrics  
3NA CustomObjectUserLicenseMetrics  
3NB LayoutDefinition  
3NC DialerMinutesMetrics  
3NO OpportunitySplitMetrics  
3NS SandboxOrgDimensionMetrics  
3NT SandboxDimensionMetrics  
3NU DataDotComCleanPrefMetrics  
3NV TwoFactorMetrics  
3NW NetworkPowerCustomerLoginMetrics  
3NX LightningComponentMetrics  
3NY ChatterUniqueContributorDailyMetrics  
3NZ ChatterActivityDailyMetrics  
3PP EventParameterData  
3PS EventParameter  
3PX ProcessPluginParameter  
3Pb EventPublication  
3Ph EventPublicationHandle  
3Pp EventPublicationParam  
3Ri LearningContentProgress  
3SP EventSubscriptionData  
3SR ShapeRepresentation  
3SS EventSubscription  
3U2 ActionOverrideInfo  
3Ys SetupAssistantStep  
3ad FlowVariableView  
3cd FlowApexClassDescriptor  
3dd FlowDefinitionView  
3ec EmbeddedServiceCustomization  
3la AnalyticsLicensedAsset  
3mK LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics  
3mi EmbeddedServiceMenuItem  
3pc Product2CriteriaSharingRule  
3pd FlowApexClassPropertyDesc  
3pf Product2SharingRuleFilterItem  
3qb DmUser  
3qc DmPermissionSetAssignmentMetrics  
3qd DmPermissionSetMetrics  
3qe DmProfileMetric  
3qf DmUserCustomizationMetrics  
3qg DmUserLicenseMetrics  
3qh DmUserLoginMetrics  
3qi DmUserRoleMetrics  
3tt Invoice  
3uC ManagedContentNodeRendition  
3v1 OrgMetric  
3vd FlowVersionView  
3zl ExpenseReportEntry  
400 ApexClassMember  
401 ApexTriggerMember  
402 ApexPageMember  
403 ApexComponentMember  
404 WorkflowRuleMember  
405 ValidationRuleMember  
406 WorkflowFieldUpdateMember  
407 WorkflowTaskMember  
408 WorkflowAlertMember  
410 WorkflowOutboundMessageMember  
412 CustomFieldMember  
413 ContentLogMetricsByFileType  
42C FlowSaveTrigger  
48D LearningAward  
4A0 PendingChange  
4Dr PromptError  
4F0 ApexClassVersion  
4F1 ApexTriggerVersion  
4F2 ApexPageVersion  
4F3 ApexComponentVersion  
4F4 CustomFieldVersion  
4F5 EntityDefinitionVersion  
4M5 NetworkCustomerDailyLoginMetrics  
4M6 NetworkPartnerDailyLoginMetrics  
4NA CooperSettingsMetrics  
4NB SupportOrgWideMetrics  
4NC LightningServiceMetrics  
4ND UtilityBarMetrics  
4NW NetworkPCustDailyLoginMetrics  
4V3 WarrantyTerm  
4Wz Package2UpgradeExport  
4XF BatchApexErrorEventBatchJobId TBC - The unique ID of the batch job that fired the event from BatchApexErrorEvent.RequestID
4YL Image  
4Zu AnimationRule  
4ci CompactLayoutItemInfo  
4cl CompactLayoutInfo  
4co SearchLayout  
4dt DataType  
4fe FieldDefinition  
4fp UserFieldAccess  
4ft ServiceFieldDataType  
4hy MyDomainDiscoverableLogin  
4ie EntityDefinition  
4nK AssetStatePeriod  
4nL AssetAction  
4nM AssetActionSource  
4pb Publisher  
4pv PicklistValueInfo  
4sr Service  
4st ServiceDataType  
4sv ServiceVersion  
4v2 ProcessExceptionEvent  
4ve ApexPageInfo  
4ws WebServiceDefinition  
4wt WsdlDataType  
4xo AssetWarranty  
4xs XmlSchema  
500 Case  
501 Solution  
50g CreditMemo  
50r ApiTask  
550 Entitlement  
551 EntitlementTemplate  
552 SlaProcess  
553 Milestone  
554 SlaProcessFilter  
555 CaseMilestone  
556 SlaProcessFilterItem  
557 MilestoneType  
558 MilestoneCondition  
559 MilestoneTimeTrigger  
560 MilestoneTimeAction  
561 MilestoneSuccessAction  
562 TimeStop  
563 SlaProcessPushRule  
570 LiveChatTranscript  
571 LiveChatVisitor  
572 LiveChatDeployment  
573 LiveChatButton  
574 QuickText  
577 ConversationContextEntry  
5CS ChatSession  
5H0 ActiveProfileMetric  
5H1 ActivePermSetLicenseMetric  
5H2 ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric  
5LH BriefcaseAssignment  
5ML MacroUsage  
5OU ManagedContentVersion  
5Pa SessionPermSetActivation  
5QL QuickTextUsage  
5Sp SegmentSpace  
5TV InvoiceLine  
5Uj ProductWarrantyTerm  
604 PLAN  
608 ForecastShare  
625 ProcessPalette  
62C LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics  
6AA AssociationQueueItem  
6AB EventAssociationItem  
6AC MailAssociationItem  
6AD TaskAssociationItem  
6At PersonalizationTargetInfo  
6Au Audience  
6BX AIDataDefinition  
6EB EngagementHistoryRollup  
6S9 AIApplicationConfig  
6SS SegmentSpaceChunk  
6TS IframeWhiteListUrl  
6ZC DashboardComponentReference  
600000000 MLField  
6f3 InteractionSteppedStageItem  
6g5 ExpenseReport  
6gt MLPredictionDefinition  
6mX OrgMetricScanSummary  
6pS PartitionStatus  
700 MetadataChangeTemplate  
701 Campaign  
707 AsyncApexJob Doc
708 BatchApexRelationship  
709 ApexTestQueueItem Doc
70a AssetShare  
70b AssetOwnerSharingRule  
70c AssetCriteriaSharingRule  
70d AssetSharingRuleFilterItem  
710 LoginIp  
711 ApiLoginKey  
712 LoginIpEmail  
713 ClientBrowser  
714 ApexCodeCoverage  
715 ApexCodeCoverageAggregate  
716 ApexOrgWideCoverage  
729 Photo  
737 FieldHistory  
750 AsyncApiJob Bulk Query Job
751 AsyncApiBatch Bulk Query Batch
752 AsyncApiQueryResult Bulk Query Result
753 TempStore  
754 AsyncApiJobOptions  
766 UiStyleDefinition  
777 UiStyle  
7Ce DataflowTrigger  
7EL SoftLimitsApiUsageMetrics  
7Eh LinkedInLeadGen  
7Eq LeadConvertMapping  
7Er LightningComponentTarget  
7FG ManagedContentTypeSearchBlackList  
7MM LightningOnboardingConfig /LightningOnboarding
7dR LearningContent  
7dl DebugLevel  
7fc MaintenanceWorkRule  
7iv SoftwareProduct  
7ov NetworkDiscoverableLogin  
7pV LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics  
7tf TraceFlag  
7tg S2XGoogleServiceAccount  
7ud OauthCustomScope  
7ue OauthCustomScopeApp  
800 Contract  
801 Order  
802 OrderItem  
806 Approval  
80D OrganizationValue  
810 ServiceContract  
811 ContractLineItem  
817 S2XTransaction  
820 S2XRecordMap  
822 S2XUserMap  
823 S2XServiceAccount  
824 S2XTransactionLock  
825 S2XEventRecordMap  
828 ActivityRecurrence2  
829 ActivityExtension  
82B ActivityRecurrence2Exception  
873 MLModel  
874 MLModelMetric  
876 MLModelFactor  
877 MLModelFactorComponent  
886 OauthClientRegistration  
888 OauthConsumer Remote Access
889 OauthConsumerAsset  
8BM ExpressionFilterCriteria  
8D3 RevenueElement  
8GR CareDeterminant  
8Kk PlatformEventUsageMetric  
8Z7 AlternativePaymentMethod  
8dy MetricsInMQMetrics  
8gZ FlowInterviewLog  
8gt MLFilter  
8lW ContactPointAddress  
8wk DashboardSavedView  
8yy ApexTestRunResultMetrics  
906 Question  
907 Reply  
910 QuestionSubscription  
911 QuestionReportAbuse  
912 ReplyReportAbuse  
918 ChatterServiceSiteSetting  
99Q LearningRank  
9BV PackageBooleanValue  
9D9 CustomObjTeamMemberMetric  
9DV PackageDateValue  
9EW IotActivityLog  
9EZ IoTActivityLogEvent  
9NV PackageIntegerValue  
9Pt ManagedContentNodeRefTree  
9Pu ManagedContentSpaceFolder  
9Px ManagedContentSpaceFolderMember  
9Py ManagedContentFolderLink  
9UX OrgDomainLog  
9V6 RedirectWhitelistUrl  
9Vl ContactPointEmail  
9XN GenericContentFolderMember  
9XP GenericContentFolder  
9aM OrgMetricScanResult  
9bq AIInsightFeedback  
9gd ServiceSetupProvisioning  
9jr StrategyMonthlyStats  
9qb AIRecordInsight  
9qc AIInsightValue  
9qd AIInsightAction  
9s4 IPAddressRange  
9s9 InteractionCollSortOption  
9ss InteractionSteppedStage  
9tv PaymentAuthAdjustment  
9xb GenericContentFolderItem  
9xc AIInsightSource  
9yZ LicenseManagementOrgCertificate  
9yx CreditMemoLine  
9zO MLMigration  
9zx PaymentGroup  
9zz SqlInfoPfes  
a00 CustomObjects Starts incrementing from a00
e00 PlatformEvents Starts incrementing from e00
h00 HistoricalTrending Starts incrementing from h00
kA# KnowledgeArticle  
ka# KnowledgeArticleVersion  
ka0 Article Knowledge Article
m00 CustomMetadata Starts incrementing from m00
z00 BigObjects Starts incrementing from z00
X00 PermissionSet Name Found in the PermissionSet Name column where the ProfileId is also defined. It matches the ProfileId with the exception of the key prefix.
CF00N Custom Field Id used in the query string. Note the keyprefix isn't actually CF0. In this case "CF" has been appended to the "00N" of the Custom Field Definition.

